Following the incident in the Southeast Asia Union in 2116, Shinya Kogami resumes his vagrant journey. In a small South Asian nation, Kogami rescues a bus of refugees under attack by armed guerrilla forces. Among the refugees is a young lady by the name of Tenzin, who begs Kogami to teach her how to retaliate against the enemy. Just what does the girl who wishes for revenge and the man who has exacted revenge see as they gaze upon the edge of a world from which there is no escape?

In 1967, an old prisoner in southern Iran is being evacuated because of the proximity to the city's new airport. The head of the prison, Major Nemat Jahed, and his agents are busy transferring prisoners to the new prison, until ...

Intimate portrait of the social outcast Ricardo Lopez, chronicling the last days of his life in 1996 as he creates and sends a letter bomb rigged with sulfuric acid to Icelandic singer Björk and heads home to record his own suicide on video.

In 1862, amidst the rule of the late Joseon dynasty in Korea, a band of fighters named Kundo rise against the unjust authorities.

A series of events unfold like a chain reaction, all stemming from a minor event that brings the film's five characters together. Set in Paris, France, Anne is an actress whose boyfriend Georges photographs the war in Kosovo. Georges' brother, Jean, is looking for the entry code to Georges' apartment. These characters' lives interconnect with a Romanian immigrant and a deaf teacher.

Daniel, bivši dostavljač pizza postao je taksist i lud je za vožnjom. Njegov taksi je moćni bolid jer on uspijeva razbuditi tigrove ispod poklopca motora i izbjeći radare. Kad se Danielov taksi nađe na putu Emiliena, policajca koji mu po osmi put uzima vozačku dozvolu, prisiljen je želi li zadržati volan u rukama, prihvatiti Emilienovu nagodbu i pomoći mu raskrinkati njemačku bandu pljačkaša banaka koji teroriziraju grad svojim moćnim vozilima.

Clips from Da Ali G Show with unaired sketches from the show.

Tatie Danielle is a black comedy about a widow who is intent on ruining the lives of her great-nephew and his wife. Tsilla Chelton plays the title character, who mourns the death of her husband by tormenting everyone she meets. Eventually, she moves in with her nephew and his vain wife. Soon, her family is at war with Tatie, and takes off for Greece, leaving her in the care of Sandrine (Isabelle Nanty), an au pair who is as equally bitter as Tatie herself. At first the two don't get along, yet the two eventually become friends. However, Sandrine is invited to accompany an American student for an overnight stay at the beach, which would leave Tatie alone for a night. Angered, Tatie fires Sandrine, and while she is alone, she goes into deep depression, eventually setting the family's apartment on fire. The fire becomes a national story, with Tatie cast as a poor old lady and the family labeled as cruel and heartless villains.

A crooked cop, a mob boss and the young girl they abuse are the denizens of a city's criminal underworld. It's a world that ordinary Arthur Poppington doesn't understand and doesn't belong in, but is committed to fighting when he changes into a vigilante super-hero of his own making, Defendor. With no power other than courage Defendor takes to the streets to protect the city's innocents.

This is the story of a small Marseilles football club on the verge of extinction that ends up in an amateur tournament organised during the World Cup (inevitably referred to as "La Mondialette"). It's their opportunity to save the club. The team, made up of temperamental hotheads, will have to dodge all kinds of low blows.

August 1914. While the German army is gaining ground in the North of France, four boys aged 10 to 15, LUcien, LUcas, LUigi and LUdwig are left behind during the evacuation of their orphanage. Without the protection of Abbé Turpin and the schoolteacher Leutellier, the Lulus are now stranded on their own behind the enemy front line. Soon joined by LUce, a pretty young girl separated from her parents, they decide to reach the neutral country of Switzerland by all means possible... they embark on an adventure for which nothing and no one has prepared them!

With his tribe's move to follow the migrating bison, Yakari, the little Sioux boy, sets out on his own to follow the trail of Little Thunder, a wild mustang said to be untameable. Travelling far from home and deep into the territory of the terrible cougarskins, Yakari and Little Thunder undertake a great adventure and find their way back home.

Yamakasi - Les samouraïs des temps modernes is a 2001 French movie written by Luc Besson. It demonstrates the skills of the Yamakasi, a group of traceurs who battle against injustice in the Paris ghetto. They use parkour to steal from the rich in order to pay off medical bills for a kid injured copying their techniques.

An anonymous hacker has hacked all of Paris' cameras and observes the city unbeknownst to its inhabitants. Petty crimes and moments of stolen intimacy, he sees everything. Until the day that an explosion lays waste to the Gare d'Austerlitz. The police starts tracking down an Al Queda satellite group. The hacker succeeds in finding images of the explosion and discovers that it was a young couple who planted the bomb. Using the city's cameras, he decides to hunt down the criminals.

Najbrži taksist u Marseillesu i dugogodišnji suradnik tamošnje policije Daniel Morales upravo je u svom bijelom Peugeotu izveo novi vozački podvig spasivši u posljednji trenutak bjegunca pred motociklističkom bandom. U Danielovu je romantičnom životu sve više problema jer njegova djevojka Lilly želi da je on puno više uz nju, a puno manje na cesti. Istodobno Danielov najbolji prijatelj i policijski detektiv Émilien Coutant-Kerbalec uživa u zajedničkom životu s kolegicom Petrom koju čeka porod. Njega muči situacija na poslu jer policija mjesecima ne uspijeva ući u trag bandi pljačkaša čiji se članovi kriju u odjelima Djeda Mraza. I dok Émilien s Danielom čini sve kako bi stao na put drskim razbojnicima, njegov šef Gilbert uživa u pozornosti atraktivne novinarke Qiu koja s posebnim zanimanjem prati marseillesku policiju.

Policijski komesar Gilebert poznat je po tome da radi blesave greške, kao, recimo, da zamijeni nogometnu zvijezdu Djibrila Cissea za ilegalnog useljenika ili hotelsku sobaricu za teroristkinju. Druga važna osoba u policiji je Emilien, radišan i vrijedan, možda preinteligentan za policijskog službenika. Emilien je najbolji prijatelj s mladim taksistom Danielom. Policija planira izručiti belgijskog kriminalca La Belgea jednoj afričkoj državi na suđenje. No, u tranziciji, kada se nađe u Marselliesu, La Belge uspije zavarati francusku policiju i pobjeći. U međuvremenu, Emillienova lijepa supruga nalazi se na tajnom zadatku čiji je cilj ubaciti se u redove La Belgeove bande.

The members of the Lambda Lambda Lambda fraternity travel to Fort Lauderdale for a fraternity conference. They'll have to beat off the attacks of their rival frat, the Alphas, if they want to maintain their self-respect -- and, of course, if they want to get anywhere with the pretty girls!

Policijski policajac, koji je prebačen u policijsku postaju Marseillea, dobio je zadatak uhvatiti grupu talijanskih pljačkaša koji nakon pljačke bježe u moćnim Ferrarijima.

In the comedy ' undercover ' is to be Denmark's worst police officer Muhammed on his first undercover mission. The only problem is that it is small and Rikke love the Thursday before Christmas. But instead of Christmas tree and gifts to Rikke transport Crown witness Mick to Funen persecuted to a notorious gangster boss, which will have a hold of Mick and the 900,000 crowns, he is over with. Linda p. gives the gas as a Danish response to Melissa McCarthy in the grove Christmas comedy, which is written by Casper Christensen and directed by former East Coast Hustler, Nikolaj Peyk.

Lucie, who works as a white-hot fashion model, exhibits a dominant, often controlling, "Type A" personality, whereas identical twin Marie consistently projects a backward, reserved, laconic and unassuming attitude. When Lucie receives a covetable French recording contract, a significant problem stands in her way: the inability to sing. Marie possesses the voice of an angel, however, and quickly jets off to Paris to stand in for her sister, unannounced - little realizing the dangerous and even violent string of consequences that she is igniting.