تدور أحداث الفيلم حول عائلة عاطلة عن العمل، تُقيم داخل شقة فقيرة، تتغير حياتهم كُليًا عندما يلتحق الابن بوظيفة مدرس لابنة عائلة ثرية، وسرعان ما يصير جميع أفراد اﻷسرة الفقيرة عاملين لدى اﻷسرة الثرية إلى أن يتورطوا في حادث غير متوقع.

As a memorial to George Harrison on the first anniversary of his passing, The Concert for George was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London on 29 November 2002 . Organized by Harrison's widow, Olivia, and son, Dhani, and arranged under the musical direction of Eric Clapton and Jeff Lynne. A benefit for Harrison's Material World Charitable Foundation, the all-star concert took place on the day of the first anniversary of his death. Proceeds from the film also went to the Material World Charitable Foundation. The film was shot using discreet cameras from over twelve locations.

عندما يتم العثور على جثة الكاتب الروائي هارلان ثرومبي، يتولى المحقق بلانك على عاتقه مهمة التحقيق في الجريمة، ليجد نفسه متورطًا في العديد من الأحداث في سبيل البحث عن الحقيقة.

فياجو وديسون وفالديستلاف ثلاثة جيران من مصاصي الدماء، يحاولون معًا التغلب على عقبات الحياة من خلال التغذي على دماء البشر وتجنب أشعة الشمس، ولكن مع مرور مئات السنوات وبقائهم على قيد الحياة، يواجهون عقبات أخرى في العالم الحديث مثل دفع إيجار الشقة والعمل لكسب المال.

يذهب رجلين للعمل كحراس لمنارة في وسط المحيط، وعندما لا يأتي أحد لاستبدالهم في الميعاد المحدد، يدخل الثنائي في رحلة من الجنون والرعب.

في المستقبل القريب ، تسيطر التكنولوجيا على جميع جوانب الحياة تقريبًا. لكن عندما أصبح جراي ، وهو تقني معروف ، قد انقلب عالمه رأسا على عقب ، فإن أمله الوحيد في الانتقام هو زرع شريحة كمبيوتر تجريبية تسمى Stem.

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

روحان ضائعتان تزوران طوكيو - الزوجة الشابة المهملة لمصور فوتوغرافي ونجم سينمائي مغسول يصوران إعلانًا تلفزيونيًا - يجدان عزاءًا غريبًا وحرية متأنية ليكونا حقيقيين في شركة بعضهما البعض ، بعيدًا عن حياتهم في أمريكا.

قبل أن تصير المرأة الأعجوبة، تدربت (الأميرة ديانا)، أميرة الأمازون لتكون محاربة لا تُقهَر في جزيرة بارادايس واحتمت فيها إلى أن يهبط طيار أمريكي على الجزيرة؛ فتقرر ديانا الرحيل عن موطنها معه لتتعرف على حضارات وأماكن مختلفة ومحاربين، وتشارك في وقف الحروب المُدارة مختبرة قدراتها الحقيقية خلالها.

Brigsby Bear Adventures is a children's TV show produced for an audience of one: James. When the show abruptly ends, James's life changes forever, and he sets out to finish the story himself.

When dictator Joseph Stalin dies, his parasitic cronies square off in a frantic power struggle to become the next Soviet leader. As they bumble, brawl and back-stab their way to the top, the question remains — just who is running the government?

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

Berlin in June of 1940. While Nazi propaganda celebrates the regime’s victory over France, a kitchen-cum-living room in Prenzlauer Berg is filled with grief. Anna and Otto Quangel’s son has been killed at the front. This working class couple had long believed in the ‘Führer’ and followed him willingly, but now they realise that his promises are nothing but lies and deceit. They begin writing postcards as a form of resistance and in a bid to raise awareness: Stop the war machine! Kill Hitler! Putting their lives at risk, they distribute these cards in the entrances of tenement buildings and in stairwells. But the SS and the Gestapo are soon onto them, and even their neighbours pose a threat.

After a failed assassination attempt, a soldier finds himself stranded in the desert. Exposed to the elements, he must survive the dangers of the desert and battle the psychological and physical toll of the treacherous conditions.

A high school student becomes convinced that the world is lost to evil and begins to challenge the morals and beliefs of the adults surrounding him.

A comedy that follows a group of friends as they navigate their way through the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood.

A simple yet proud rancher conspires to murder his wife for financial gain, convincing his teenage son to participate.

Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner, begin an expedition to track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, they begin to discover more than they bargained for.

A series of down-on-their-luck individuals enter the decrepit and spine-chilling Rialto theater, only to have their deepest and darkest fears brought to life on the silver screen by The Projectionist – a mysterious, ghostly figure who holds the nightmarish futures of all who attend his screenings.

As two teen prodigies try to master the art of time travel, a tragic police shooting sends them on a series of dangerous trips to the past.