Three simultaneous stories of social inclusion, led by a single mother of two autistic teenagers, a marriage trying unsuccessfully to have a child, and the father of a Special Olympics athlete.
Ostwind and Mika have found a real home at the farm Kaltenbach with Mika's grandmother. In the hustle of running therapy center and due to Mika's fame as a horse-whisperer, she feels that she doesn't have enough freedom and time to ride. After a serious disagreement with her grandmother, Mika secretly sets off for the night in eastern Andalusia, Spain, where she suspects Ostwind's roots are.
At Léon Blum High School in Créteil, France, a history teacher decides to have her weakest 10th grade class participate in a national history competition.
Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?
Ketvirtoji populiaraus filmo jaunimui dalis. Viesulą ir Miką sieja stiprus ryšys, nors juos skiria vandenynai. Naujojoje istorijoje šis magiškas ryšis tampa ir palaima, ir prakeiksmu. Viskas pasikeičia, kai jų gyvenime pasirodo ypatinga mergaitė. Impulsyvioji Ari ateina į jojimo treniruotę, kur užgimsta ypatingas jos ryšys su neprilygstamuoju Viesulu. Ten pat susipažįsta ir su Mika. Tarp mergaičių užsimezga stipri draugystė. Mika ir Ari bando išgelbėti sodybą ir apsaugoti mylimą žirgą nuo nevėkšlos žirgų trenerio Torduremo.
A group of Central-American teen-agers depart from the slums of Guatemala City escaping poverty and violence, towards the promised land of California.
Jaudinantis šeimos filmas apie berniuką, kuris turi įveikti milžiniškai didelę konkurenciją ir savo pramuštgalviškumą, kad pasiektų savo svajonę laimėti Nacionalinį kartingų čempionatą.
Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley have finally caught all of Jumba's genetic experiments and found the one true place where each of them belongs. Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley are offered positions in the Galactic Alliance, turning them down so they can stay on Earth with Lilo, but Lilo realizes her alien friends have places where they belong – and it's finally time to say "aloha".
25 years of coma lie behind the hard-hitting policeman Mick Brisgau, as he awakens in a world unknown to him.
Airis sporto žurnalistas įsitikinęs, kad Lance’ui Armstrongui skinti pergales „Tour de France“ lenktynėse padeda uždrausti preparatai. Vedamas savo įsitikinimų jis pradeda įrodymų paieškas. Jo tikslas – atskleisti Armstrongo apgaulę.
This movie stars Barbie as a teenage girl, trying to deal with crushes, rivals and friendship as she tries to achieve her dream of working as a news anchor for her school's TV station. She doesn't always make the right decisions, but she's a nice enough character and considerably less "perfect" than she is portrayed in her other films.
At summer camp, young Bibi and her friends are pitted against the boys in a treasure hunt. But what's a witch to do when she loses her powers?
German students compete to enter one of the country's elite schools.
Filmų Divergentė ir Dėl mūsų likimo ir žvaigždės kaltos žvaigždė Shailene Woodley į plačiuosius ekranus grįžta su Grego Arakio draminiu trileriu White Bird in a Blizzard (Baltas paukštis pūgoje), kuris pastatytas pagal to paties pavadinimo Laura Kasischke romaną. Tai drama apie paauglės gyvenimą, kuris, dingus motinai (Eva Green), apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis. Likusi gyventi tik su tėvu, Ket pradeda sapnuoji košmarus, kuriuose jos motina šaukiasi pagalbos. Tai priverčia merginą ieškoti tiesos, privedančios paauglę iki šiurpaus atradimo.
A woman goes on the run with her 2 children to escape an abusive husband, who is a very powerful and influential District Attorney.
Kūčių išvakarėse žiburiuose paskendusiame Manhetene keli niujorkiečiai svajoja sulaukti savojo stebuklo, nė neįtardami, kad netikėtumai ir ilgai lauktos permainos jau stovi ant slenksčio. Ketvirtą dešimtį perkopusi vieniša leidyklos redaktorė Roza Harison neapkenčia Kalėdų. Ir ne tik todėl, kad vienišiams ypač sunku iškęsti šventes – prieš daugelį metų būtent per Kalėdas mirė vos gimusi jos dukrelė Olivija Mei. Vyras jau seniai ją paliko, ir dabar ligoninėje gulinti ir Alzhaimerio liga serganti motina - vienintelis Rozai artimas žmogus. Tačiau mama visiškai nereaguoja į aplinką – dukters žodžiai ir pastangos įveikti tylos sieną, prakalbinti , motinos veide išvysti kokią nors išraišką yra bergždžios. Susitikimas su buvusiu kunigu Čarliu Boidu atveria Rozai naujas gyvenimo perspektyvas.
A street Gang that is also a rap group tries to get a record contract.
During their search for a habitable planet the last living humans crash-land on a barren world, inhabited by bloodthirsty aliens and mysterious post-apocalyptic warriors.
Julia's life is wonderful. She lives in the United States, goes to a great school, sings, and runs a popular online channel. Just an "American dream". One day, when her parents decide to return to Poland, everything will change. Julia will have to find herself in a new school - Millennium High School, ruled by "teams": athletes, nerds, vloggers, musicians, fans of a beautiful look, and VIPs, led by the self-righteous Victoria. Together with Magenta, the school's outsider, and Kuba, the unfulfilled musician, they will create a group of the excluded. An annual music competition will be held at school soon, in which the winners will be a scholarship and a trip to the United States. Julia cannot miss this opportunity.