Widower Rai Bahadur Pratap Singh is disappointed when he wants to marry someone poor. Pratap instructs him to forget about his love-life, his son refuses, and as a result Pratap asks him to leave the house. Years later, Pratap receives a letter in the mail, informing him that his son is dead, and that his widowed daughter-in-law and her son, Guddu, are on their way to live with him. He is delighted, and sends Prem, his nephew to receive, however, both mother and son do not arrive and are believed to be missing. Rai Bahadur subsequently finds out that his daughter-in-law is dead, and Guddu is living in a slum with a thief and drunk, Shankar. With the help of the courts and the police, Pratap manages to bring Guddu to his home. This is where Pratap will find out that money and power will not buy him his grandson's love, he will also find out that his daughter-in-law did not die a normal death, but was killed.

In 3025 ODDITYs plague the earth and it is Wayne's job to keep them in check. but when the Wayne's ODDITY is stolen he starts questioning the system he works for.

A group of animal friends inhabits the last forest in the barren land of Bluffoonia, but now Clandestino, Bluffoonia's tyrant obsessed with machinery and industry, plans to exploit their home as well.

Louie the Parrot finds a written will stating that his master bequeathes the family fortune not to him, but to his fellow household pet, a lunkheaded cat named Heathcliff, with the proviso that Louie is next in line to inherit the wealth if Heathcliff dies. So, Louie plots the untimely demise of Heathcliff.

Yosemite Sam leads his Indians against Fort Lariat while Bugs is in charge.

Во время учебы в Эдинбургском университете Конан Дойл познакомился с профессором Джозефом Беллом, славившимся своей способностью восстанавливать облик и манеры человека по незначительным признакам. Впоследствии на этом свойстве был построен характер Шерлока Холмса. В фильме это обстоятельство находит свое отражение, но авторы не стремятся точно следовать биографии писателя. Их больше интересует занимательность, которой они в итоге и добиваются. Здесь молодой врач, пробующий себя в литературе, переживает смерть отца, хотя в действительности тот был помещен в клинику для душевнобольных. После этого Кона Дойл-персонаж вынужден взять на себя заботу о своей мачехе, но внезапно влюбляется в нее. Тут-то, по мысли авторов, все и начинается по-настоящему...

Jerry Blake (aka Federal Operator 99) teams-up with Joyce Kingston to thwart the plans of escaped crime boss Jim Belmont.

Documentary about building the large hotel Viru as Soviet Union / Finland cooperation.

One night, on a bridge in Paris, a young man is saved from suicide by a young woman as lost as him.

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

В основе сюжета фильма — реальные события, происходившие в восемнадцатом веке среди гор Тянь-Шаня. Люди в этих местах тогда жили согласно непоколебимым законам жизни, установленным предками в стародавние времена. Бай Базарбай выдает старшую дочь замуж за богатого жениха. У Базарбая есть и младшая дочь, Бегимай, которая дружит с Эсеном, младшим сыном вдовы Дарийки. Но после того, как Базарбай приказывает срубить священное дерево, наступает период раздоров и хаоса. После убийства старшего сына Дарийки, Асана, Эсен вынужден покинуть родину. Случайная встреча с одиноким охотником становится для него поворотной.

One day, Saturday October 5th, in a man's life.

While away in Mexico, Karine and Estelle witness the preparation and rejoicing of the “Day of the Dead”. Inspired by the beauty of the ritual and the fine spiritual humor of their hosts, they will soon learn to see their sister’s recent tragic death in a more light-hearted manner.

A high school student falls in love with the provocative substitute, but she prefers the gym teacher.

It is the evocation of a life as brief as it is dense. An encounter with a dazzling thought, that of Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist of West Indian origin, who will reflect on the alienation of black people. It is the evocation of a man of reflection who refuses to close his eyes, of the man of action who devoted himself body and soul to the liberation struggle of the Algerian people and who will become, through his political commitment, his fight, and his writings, one of the figures of the anti-colonialist struggle. Before being killed at the age of 36 by leukemia, on December 6, 1961. His body was buried by Chadli Bendjedid, who later became Algerian president, in Algeria, at the Chouhadas cemetery (cemetery of war martyrs ). With him, three of his works are buried: “Black Skin, White Masks”, “L’An V De La Révolution Algérien” and “The Wretched of the Earth”.