The true events of Lieutenant Commander Arman Anwar of PASKAL, an elite unit in the Royal Malaysian Navy, and his team's mission to rescue the MV Bunga Laurel, a tanker which was hijacked by Somalian Pirates in 2011.

A teacher discovers his calling. Marco relocates to Palermo from Milan and takes a job teaching in a reform school while he waits for a high school position. He tries to understand and motivate his handful of students, reading them colloquial poetry, encouraging them to stand up for their rights, finding out about their histories. Natale, in for murder, enamoured of the Mafia, the King Rat within the group; Mery, a drag queen, arrested for assault when defending himself, in love with Mario and, in daylight, rejected by all; Pietro, illiterate, muscular, believing his destiny is set; the callow Claudio, vulnerable, learning to harden himself. What can Mario learn and do in such a short time?

At a downtown café, three business colleagues are discussing a future investment opportunity when a seagull hits the cafe’s window right in front of them. Anna, one of the colleagues, tries to ignore the event but is unable to shake off the incidents.

As Australian cinema broke through to international audiences in the 1970s through respected art house films like Peter Weir's "Picnic At Hanging Rock," a new underground of low-budget exploitation filmmakers were turning out considerably less highbrow fare. Documentary filmmaker Mark Hartley explores this unbridled era of sex and violence, complete with clips from some of the scene's most outrageous flicks and interviews with the renegade filmmakers themselves.

Lo Tung and his friend Malted Candy, pedicab drivers working the streets of Macao, have both fallen in love. The problem is that both their objects of affection - one a baker, the other a prostitute - are working under cruel and lecherous bosses. Somehow, the pair must find a way to win the ladies' hearts and free them from their unpleasant jobs.

An uplifting story of the passion and drive it takes to succeed and the power of family to help realize your dreams.

A nuclear warhead launched by Soviet insurgents protesting the waning Cold War destroys the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The destruction sets off a race between American and Soviet politicians to prevent a nuclear holocaust. While the U.S. president feverishly works to keep the military and political machine from going into overdrive, various subordinates panic. When the president is believed to be killed in a helicopter crash, zealous advisers take over.

Andy is a new teacher at an inner city high school that is unlike any he has seen before. There are metal detectors at the front door and the place is basically run by a tough kid named Peter Stegman. Soon, Andy and Stegman become enemies and Stegman will stop at nothing to protect his turf and drug dealing business.

After deciding he needs to do something meaningful with his life, high school wrestler Louden Swain sets out on a mission to drop weight and challenge the area's undefeated champion, which creates problems with his teammates and health. Matters are complicated further when Louden's father takes in an attractive female drifter who's on her way to San Francisco.

An occult criminologist investigates a businessman who dabbles in the black arts while trying to survive against a powerful demon and an evil cult.

Janey is new in town, and soon meets Lynne, who shares her passion for dancing in general, and "Dance TV" in particular. When a competition is announced to find a new Dance TV regular couple, Janey and Lynne are determined to audition. The only problem is that Janey's father doesn't approve of that kind of thing.

Honest and straightforward small-town Shirlee Kenyon chucks her boyfriend and heads for Chicago. Accidentally having to host a radio problem phone-in show, it is clear she is a natural and is hired on the spot. But the station insists she call herself Doctor, and as her popularity grows a local reporter starts digging for the truth. Problem is, the more he is around her the more he fancies her.

Two years after the Westworld tragedy in the Delos amusement park, the corporate owners have reopened the park following over $1 billion in safety and other improvements. For publicity purposes, reporters Chuck Browning and Tracy Ballard are invited to review the park. Just prior to arriving at the park, however, Browning is given a clue by a dying man that something is amiss.

Pinocchio 964 é um escravo sexual com a memória apagada que é jogado fora por seus proprietários por não manter uma ereção. Não está claro de que forma ele foi modificado além de não ter nenhuma memória e ser incapaz de se comunicar. Ele é descoberto por Himiko enquanto estava vagando sem rumo pela cidade. Himiko também teve sua memória apagada, possivelmente pela mesma empresa que produziu Pinocchio, mas ela é totalmente funcional. Himiko passa os dias desenhando mapas da cidade, para ajudar outras pessoas com a memória apagada. Himiko leva Pinóquio para casa e tenta ensiná-lo a falar. Depois de muito esforço ele tem um grande avanço e, finalmente, torna-se consciente de sua situação. Neste ponto, seu corpo entra em erupção em uma metamorfose inexplicável e torna-se claro que as suas modificações eram muito mais profundas do que a simples perda de memória. Himiko também começa a transformar, embora de uma forma muito mais sutil.

Camilla parecia ser a escolha correta para o emprego de baby-sitter. Bonita e saudável, ela inspirava confiança a Phil e Kate, que deixaram seu filho recém-nascido aos seu cuidado. Só que por trás daquele rosto bonito, se escondia um druida, uma sacerdotiza diabólica incumbida de raptar bebês e oferecê-los em sacrifício ao espírito negro da floresta, representada por uma árvore enorme e sombria. William Friedkin, o mesmo diretor de "O Exorcista", volta ao gênero do terror para motrar com muitos sustos e cenas arrepiantes, o diabólico plano de assassinar crianças para dar vida a uma entidade do mal, que governa a floresta. Acompanhe esta fantástica viagem ao mundo do terror dominado por uma sensual e mortífera druida, em ua missão de oferecer carne e sangue ao espírito que governa o terror das matas...

A bright high-school senior has her impending status as valedictorian jeopardized when her bitter history teacher, Mrs. Tingle, gives her a poor grade on a project. When an attempt to get ahead in Mrs. Tingle's class goes awry, mayhem ensues and friendships, loyalties and trust are tested by the teacher's intricate mind-games.

"Stepfather" Jerry Blake escapes an insane asylum and winds up in another town, this time impersonating a marriage counselor. With a future wife and new stepson who love him, Blake eliminates anyone who stands in his way to building the perfect family.

In the future, as a result of devastating wars, all suitable for cultivation of land turned into one big lifeless desert. In the search of fertile lands around the world were traveling group of nomadic farmers. But one of the distant city genesis in these lands came cyborgs. For the operation they need human resources, or more simply - blood. To combat this army of Vampire creator has been sent cyborg Gabriel (Kristofferson). In this he will help the girl Nea (Long), whose parents as a child killed the main villain - Job (Henriksen).

In the original movie, the cyborg-teachers were all destroyed. Well that's what we thought, but there's one more rogue military robot out there determined to clean up the education system.

Unicom is a powerful organization overseeing most of the world after its economic collapse. They have banned computers and robots in an attempt to insure "life, liberty, and the pursuit of economic stability". When a Unicom Synth robot infiltrates a southwest TV station and kills the manager, a revolutionary against the gestapo-like corporation, a lowly Unicom delivery man must help the rest of the station survive through the incoming "thermal storm".