After the death of his father and brother Danish, Faizal Khan vows to take revenge by destroying Ramadhir Singh's gang.

French top secret agent, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, is sent to Rio to buy microfilms from a running nazi. To do so, he has to team up with Mossad secret services.

A lonely, down-on-her-luck waitress meets a handsome, quirky jewelry store clerk and thinks that maybe, finally, she's met Mr. Right. The more Molly gets to know Gus, the more she's intrigued by him. But she's also mystified. Gus is absent-minded, preoccupied. Is he hiding something? The short answer is: yes. He's reluctant to share with her that since suffering a brain aneurysm, he's totally lost his short-term memory. Every day is a brand new day, his life starts anew. Every day he sees Molly he struggles to remember who she is and what she represents. Every day, he has to fall in love with her all over again.

Follow the story of how the Old West was won—and lost—through the blood, sweat and tears of many. Spanning 15 years before, during and following the Civil War from 1859 to 1874, embark on an emotional journey across a country at war with itself, experienced through the lens of families, friends and foes all attempting to discover what it truly means to be the United States of America.

Dom og Letty har giftet seg, og Brian og Mia har trukket seg tilbake. Gjengen lever altså et tilsynelatende normalt liv. Men når en mystisk kvinne lokker Dom over på de kriminelle side, venter det prøvelser de aldri har opplevd maken til. Gjengen må kjempe over hele verden for å hindre en anarkist i å skape fullstendig kaos … og hente hjem mannen som gjorde dem til en familie.

Vincent, a young man who suffers from Tourette's syndrome, has just lost his mother. His father, a successful politician, does not want to take care of him and therefore places him into a mental institution. He is put into a room with Alexander, a guy with a compulsive disorder, and is shown around by Marie, an anorectic girl.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

The main character of the film is an outstanding physicist who was invited to Armenia from Russia to head a lab. He comes across many troubles in his homeland, but nevertheless finds his true love there.

F/X man Rollie Tyler is now a toymaker. Mike, the ex-husband of his girlfriend Kim, is a cop. He asks Rollie to help catch a killer. The operation goes well until some unknown man kills both the killer and Mike. Mike's boss, Silak says it was the killer who killed Mike but Rollie knows it wasn't. Obviously, Silak is involved with Mike's death, so he calls on Leo McCarthy, the cop from the last movie, who is now a P.I., for help and they discover it's not just Silak they have to worry about.

Gjennom to spennende filmatiseringer har spekkhoggeren Willy og hans gode kamerat Jesse blitt et av verdens mest populære filmpar. Nå kommer et nytt og spennende eventyr med våre gamle venner. Denne gangen møter vi en 10 år gammel gutt som oppdager at faren driver med illegal hvalfangst. Gutten vet ikke hva han skal gjøre og han kommer i et skikkelig dilemma når det viser seg at Willy og hans familie blir truet på livet. Til slutt møter han Jesse. Jesse er blitt 17 år gammel og jobber ombord i et havforskningsskip som oppsporer hvaler. De to slår seg sammen og setter ut på et risikofylt eventyr for å redde Willy og hans familie.

Tien is captured and almost beaten to death before he is saved and brought back to the Kana Khone villagers. There he is taught meditation and how to deal with his Karma, but very soon his arch rival returns challenging Tien for a final duel.

Tempted away from Newcastle United to join Real Madrid, rising star Santiago Munez finds this latest change of fortune the greatest challenge yet - personally as well as professionally. He is reunited with Gavin Harris, though they must compete to be on the team, and estranged from fiancee Roz, whose nursing career keeps her back home.

Soldatene på to stjerneskip har slått sine krefter sammen for å stanse et massivt insektsangrep på en av føderasjonens utposter. Før oppdraget er blitt avsluttet og de overlevende evakuert, reiser et av skipene plutselig og forblir uforklarlig stumt. De gjenværende, kampherdede soldatene kjemper for å redde flest mulig, bare for å oppdage at trusselen fra insektene er i ferd med å ta overhånd.

Ángela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the firemen, manages to make it out alive. But what the soldiers don't know is that she carries the seed of the strange infection. She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days. An old oil tanker, miles off shore and surrounded by water on all sides, has been especially equipped for the quarantine.

Heidi, a radio DJ, is sent a box containing a record - a "gift from the Lords". The sounds within the grooves trigger flashbacks of her town's violent past. Is Heidi going mad, or are the Lords back to take revenge on Salem, Massachusetts?

Et lykkelig ektepar, Dan og Jody, henter hjem Dans nieser som har levd alene i villmarken i tre år. Like etter familieforøkelsen opplever de overnaturlige hendelser i hjemmet på natten. Jody får endelig en rolle i en oppsetning av Svanesjøen, men en konkurrent skaper uhyggelig stemning. Dan har en blomstrende karriere med sin forskning på sjimpanser, men disse blir snart i smarteste laget. Og nå begynner paret å mistenke at de blir forfulgt av det skumle spøkelset av barnas “Mama”. Sammen med råd fra sertifiserte eksperter og ved hjelp av en rekke kameraer, forsøker de å beskytte sin nye familie.

When a nun broke her covenant with God to save the life of her unborn son, Aman, he was cursed for life. As an adult, Aman has killed those who have crossed him. But his curse brings his victims back to life and they pursue him for revenge, so Aman enlists a young gunman to fight by his side against his undead victims.

What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.

Recep er utrøstelig etter oldemorens dødsfall, helt til en fjern kvinnelig slektning på utkikk etter et hjem flytter inn hos ham og endrer livet hans.