After an unthinkable tragedy, a man's reality is shattered by a seemingly haunted flaslight.
The wicked Badiyanu has come to capture all Earth's children to gain enough power to absorb the planet in her Black Dream Hole. The Black Dream Hole is in Badiyanu's castle and absorbs the dream energy from children. The more children Badiyanu kidnaps, the larger the dream hole gets. The Sailor Team must save Earth's children and prevent the Black Dream Hole from enveloping the entire planet!
Since some bird chicks hatched in the neighborhood, the bat hasn't got any sleep.
When Josh gets the opportunity of a lifetime to audition for Rainbow Puppy’s Broadway musical, Josh and Blue skidoo to NYC for the very first time where they meet new friends and discover the magic of music, dance, and following one’s dreams.
The Straw Hats visit a recreational island, run by Baron Omatsuri, who asks them to complete a series of ordeals if they wish to stay on the island. Luffy accepts and the Straw Hats work together to complete them, but as the island's mysteries unfold, their lives and friendships are put to the test. It's up to Luffy to stop the Baron's plot and keep his crew together.
Desperate for cash, the Straw Hat Pirates enter a secret race between pirate crews known as the Dead End Competition. There, they must battle against powerful people, including the bounty hunter who wants to kill Gasparde and a climatic battle with Marine-turned-pirate Captain Gasparde.
The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.
Relaxing on a cozy beach, the Straw Hat Pirates are taking a rest from their quest. Right until Luffy noticed the Going Merry has been hijacked and sailed off from the beach. This leads them to search the ship and find the thief who took it from them. They ran into a duo named the Theif Brothers, who informed them that their ship was stolen by a group of pirates called the Trump Kyoudai. When they encountered the Trump Pirates, Nami ended up getting kidnapped as well as Luffy's hat. They tracked down the pirates to their base on Clockwork Island. Now Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the Theif Brothers must reclaim the Going Merry, Save Nami, and get back Shank's straw hat.
Bobbyho Maxwella prepustili pre veľkú brutalitu z armády. Založí teroristickú skupinu a vnikne do skladu munície, kde ukradne veľa zbraní. Pri tom tažko zraní policajta, ktorý chcel krádeži zabrániť. Do nemocnice za zraneným policajtom príde i Harry Callahan. Práve bol preložený z oddelenia vrážd na osobné oddelenie. Umierajúci je jeho priateľ, takže prípad berie Harry osobne. Najviac je prekvapený, že dostává nového parťáka, novopečenú inšpektorku Kate Moorovou. Harry je presvedčený, že u policie nemajú ženy čo robiť, a dá to inšpektorke jasne najavo. Teroristická skupina Bobbyho Maxwella o sebe dáva opät vedieť. Na polícii vybuchne bomba a Bobby hrozí dalšími, pokiaľ nedostane peniaze. Harry a Kate Moorová sa ho snažia zlikvidovať a dostanú sa tak až do pevnosti Alcatraz, kde začíná boj na život a na smrť...
Ting-yin je spisovatelka pisuca o vztahoch a laske. Jej citatelia ju miluju a vzdy netrpezlivo ocakavaju dalsiu knihu. Po rokoch pisania a medzinarodnych uspechoch oznami na tlacovej konferencii zmenu. Jej najblizsi roman bude o krajine mrtvych. Na konferencii dostane otazku, ci bude pisat na zaklade svojich skusenosti. Odpovie ano. Do tejto chvile vsak netusi, ze vyvolavanie duchov, ktore zazila pocas skolskych rokov alebo par nevysvetlitelnych situacii, ktore zazila, su len uspavankou pre male deti. Po prichode domov sa hned pusti do pisania. Onedlho sa v jej byte zacnu diat tajomne, nevysvetlitelne a hlavne desive veci. Spociatku si mysli, ze ide o halucinacie. Neskor zisti, ze vsetka hroza, o ktorej pise, sa prenasa do jej vlastneho zivota. Prestava rozoznavat fikciu od reality. Ked o svojich zazitkoch rozprava priatelke, citi sa ako blazon. Ma len dve moznosti. Bud prestat okamzite pisat, alebo pokracovat a dokoncit svoju knihu aj za cenu, ze sa stane jednou z postav.
Peter Parker sa púšťa do boja nielen s nebezpečnými zločincami, ale aj so svojim temným a agresívnym „druhým ja“. Jeho láska síce získala angažmán na Broadwayi v muzikálu Spomienky na Manhattan, ale kritika jej výkon zhodila. Peter však nemá čas utešovať ju. Musí do akcie a vďaka rôznym nedorozumeniam sa mu jeho dievča začne vzďaľovať. Niekdajší priateľ Harry, ktorý Petra neprávom viní zo smrti svojho otca, ho napadne, ale skončí v nemocnici s ťažkým zranením. Peter sa tiež dozvedá pravdu o vrahovi svojho strýka a začína ho stále viac ovládať temná sila, meniaca jeho červenomodrý kostým na čierny. Dokáže sa jej ubrániť a získať späť tú, ktorú tak veľmi miluje?
Almost 20 years after the start of the original "Brady Bunch" the kids are grown up and have kids of their own. Everyone is having a wonderful time back at the family house for Christmas, until Mike learns of a structural problem in one of the buildings he designed. As he is inspecting the problem, the building collapses, trapping him inside. As the whole family waits by the pile of rubble, they fear the worst. Will Dad be all right?
Mater finds a small UFO called Mator and they have a night out. Later, when Mator is captured by military forces, Mater sneaks up and saves him with the help of Lightning McQueen and the UFO's mother.
Vďaka záhadnej tekutine je možné vytvoriť nové zmutované tvory. Zlý Shredder ich chce použiť proti korytnačkám. Mladý chlapec Keno rozváža pizzu. Pri jednej rozvážke pristihne bandu lupičov, ktorí kradnú tovaru. Keďže dobre ovláda bojové umenia, postaví sa neohrozene proti nim, a než sa spamätá, má po boku tri korytnačky, s ktorých pomocou lupiča porazí. V tej istej dobe sa prebúdza k životu Shredder, ktorý ninjom prisahá pomstu. Medzitým urýchlene pokračuje likvidácia odpadu na skládke podniku TGRI; práve tekutina, ktorá odtiaľ kedysi unikla, spôsobila mutáciu korytnačiek a potkanov a ešte stále ohrozuje všetko živé. Profesor Jordan Perry už zlikvidoval prakticky všetky fľaše, zostáva len jedna. Lenže tá sa dostane do rúk Shredderovi a jeho pešiakov.
Shattered illusions are hard to repair -- especially for a good-hearted zebra named Stripes who's spent his life on a Kentucky farm amidst the sorely mistaken notion that he's a debonair thoroughbred. Once he faces the fact that his stark stripes mark him as different, he decides he'll race anyway. And with help from the young girl who raised him, he just might end up in the winner's circle.
Legend holds that 30 years ago, a suburban town was terrorized by the spirit of a woman whose horrid face had been grotesquely disfigured. Roaming the streets wearing a long coat and carrying large scissors, the spirit would approach her young victims and, while removing the mask, ask if she was pretty. The victim’s response would almost always lead to their violent death.
Jesse moves into an old family property where his parents were mysterious murdered years before. He soon finds himself with unexpected guests in the form of his mummified great-great grandfather, a mystical crystal skull, and a zombie cowboy.
When cop David is injured in a drug bust gone wrong, his partner Cal chases the two criminals who shot him. They all land at a remote farm owned by troubled vet Eric, and as Cal and Eric plot their defense, more of the gang arrives - along with a wounded David. Outnumbered, the three heroes must use stealth, smarts, and good shooting to take down the drug-dealing mob.
Mahoney síce starú partiu z akadémie opustil, no háklivý černoch Hightower, uletený imitátor Jones, drobná Hooksová, fanatický pištoľník Tackleberry, energická Callahanová, veliteľ Lassard a ambiciózny kapitán Harris so svojím poskokom Proctorom zostali. Všetci sa tentoraz vydajú na prázdniny do Miami Beach, kde sa koná kongres policajných náčelníkov. Lassard má byť pred svojím odchodom do dôchodku vyhlásený za policajta storočia. Harris sa chce postarať o to, aby bol namiesto neho zvolený za veliteľa policajnej akadémie práve on.