Indų romantinis filmas, paremtas meilės istorija tarp legendinio karvedžio Badžirao ir jo antrosios žmonos – Mastani. Siužetas žiūrovus nukelia į XVIII a. Indiją, kurioje Maratų karalystės karys Badžirao siekia užkariauti visą šalį. Jis puikus karvedys ir didis vadas. Savo drąsa ir žiaurumu paeiliui laimėjęs daugybę mūšių ir nepatyręs nė vieno pralaimėjimo. Kiek netikėtai Badžirao įsimyli gražuolę princesę Mastani ir kova iš mūšio lauko persikelia į namus. Tada ir paaiškėja, kad pasitikėti negalima net ir artimiausiais žmonėmis. Tai filmas apie pasiaukojimą, apie amžiną ir nenugalimą meilės jėgą.
College student Janardhan is a simpleton who desperately seeks inspiration for the musician inside him. Although heartbreak helps him reach his goal, it also leads him to self-destruction.
A shopkeeper takes God to court when his shop is destroyed by an earthquake.
On a trekking trip, an introverted Naina falls for a charming ex-classmate, whose thirst for adventure drives them apart. Years later, their paths cross again.
Four runaway cons take shelter in a bungalow owned by an old blind couple.
A man and a woman come from two very different cultural backgrounds, and decide that they won't get married until they convince their parents. As feared, differences between the families pose a hurdle.
Eela, an aspiring playback singer, and single mother has given up all her dreams to raise her only son, who backlashes her for invading his privacy.
Sivakumar is a timid young man, with a loving family in Madurai. His brother, a government official, earns the wrath of Simmakkal Ravi, the all-powerful gangster in the city. When he is murdered, Sivakumar and his father Kalayanasundaram plan to take revenge, in their own separate ways.
When two cash-strapped UK-based Indians become male escorts amid an economic downturn, money flows right in but everything else in their lives starts falling apart.
Two straight guys pretend to be a gay couple to secure a posh Miami apartment, but fall for their gorgeous roommate. Hilarity ensues as they strive to convince everyone of the ruse while secretly trying to win her heart.
When his love interest doesn't show up for a meeting, a man and his friends go to Goa in order to find her, where they discover she loves someone else.
Gym-freak brat Rocky falls in love with Rani, who comes from a well-educated Bengali family. Being from polar opposite worlds, the two decide to switch their families to adjust to each other's cultures and backgrounds and to know if their marriage will survive. Rocky and Rani are trapped in a world where they are united by love but divided by families and the ultimate question is will they fit in?
A shy simple traditional girl leaves her family in India for her new husband in London, where she meets a shameless flirt and a complicated party girl.
A gifted but insecure woman is in for a transformative experience when she enlists the help of an enigmatic con artist to recover her stolen car
Rajni's daughter Neelam continues the curse that turns her into a serpent.
Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.
Raj is a heartbreaker. His love stories with Mahi, Radhika and Gayatri finally teach him about love and life in their own sweet, sexy and sassy way.
Trys koledžo studentai ruošia projektą apie paskalas ir kaip greitai jos sklinda, bet projektas greitai tampa nebekontroliuojamas.
A journey of three restless young people who junk the society's syllabus for finding love and decide to follow their heart.
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