The celebrations for the title of the Argentine National Team in the World Cup in Qatar 2022, through videos of Argentines around the world and unpublished material of the party in the streets.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Enzo Jannacci navigated between several genres because he was a "genre" in his own.

The Futurians, time-travelers from the 23rd century, arrive in Japan to warn them of the nation's destruction under Godzilla. They offer to help erase Godzilla from history by preventing his creation. With Godzilla seemingly gone, a new monster emerges as the Futurians' true intentions are revealed.

Toni has spent her entire life putting other people’s needs before her own. When she was 20 years old, she was pushed by her mother to join a TV singing competition, becoming a national star. Twenty years and five children later, she is a full-time mom who spends all her time and effort on raising her teenage kids. As she helps her children plan their future after graduation, she begins to imagine what her life could be if - for once - she did what she really wanted. Will she be able to turn her life around and dare to be something other than a mother and a daughter?

Having lost his job and the company he built, a 36-year-old man at rock bottom goes on a wistful solo trip to Japan in search of the love he left behind.

Set in 1820, a Texan fur trapper journeys into the mysterious Buckskin woods in the hopes of saving a lost boy. Once there, Wesley Porter must confront the demons of his past and navigate the savage Native's traps in order to bring himself and the young man home alive.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

Pátá a závěrečná část filmové série opět rozpracovává drobnou část knihy „Nezkrotná Angelika“. Angelika byla unesena pirátem d'Escrainvillem, který ji vzápětí prodal překupníkovi otrokyň pro harém marockého sultána. Tak se hraběnka de Peyrac setkává s Osmanem Ferrajim, moudrým eunuchem, který má v plánu stvořit z ní třetí ženu sultána Mulaye Ismaila, a tedy vládkyni Maroka. Joffrey de Peyrac předstírá, že je jedním z galejníků, aby se tak dostal do marockého Meknesu, spojil se s vlivnými přáteli a pokusil se svoji ženu zachránit. Mezi tím Angelika odolává požadavkům Osmana Ferrajiho a mocného sultána. Touto vytrvalostí si získá sympatie Normanďana Colina Paturela, který je již patnáct let králem otroků v Meknesu. Když se několik otroků pokusí o útěk, Angeliku přijmou mezi sebe.

Adaptace románu od Sue Hecker, ve které účetní využije zálety svého snoubence k tomu, aby znovu nakopla svůj sexuální život. Bude to ale mít nebezpečné důsledky.

In a digital world, can analogue find true love? It is the wise old gramaphone who has the answers for a lovesick loner.

Zločinec Mason se chystá provést svůj životní kousek, když jeho milenka a klíčová členka jeho týmu Deckerová sejme tým a prozradí, že je agentkou Interpolu v utajení. Zlomený Mason uteče a odejde ze zločineckého života, dokud se jeho mladší bratr Shawn nevymkne z kloubů a nepustí se na vlastní pěst do velké bankovní loupeže. Masonovi nezbývá nic jiného než se vydat na pomoc, zatímco Interpol přivede Deckera v naději, že ho znejistí. Než do banky vtrhnou zásahové jednotky, musí Mason použít všechny nástroje ve svém arzenálu, aby unikl nejen s výhrou, ale i se svou životní láskou.

A general's daughter lives in Tambov, in love with a street artist, whom her father disapproves of. The general has a twin brother who heads a criminal gang. Two unsuccessful robbers fail the task, which triggers a string of events that will change lives and destroy families.

F, an 18-year-old boy, immerses himself in the world of the Drag Queen where he begins to build his identity despite family and social mandates, which impose on him to be afraid and ashamed of being who he is.

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.

Matka a dcera z východního Flatbushe, které sotva přežívají ve světě bez kyslíku, se musí spojit, aby se navzájem ochránily, když se objeví vetřelci, kteří tvrdí, že znají jejich zmizelého otce.

Astrid is the wife of an acclaimed lawyer. Silenced for 25 years, her family balance suddenly collapses when her children initiate their search for justice.

Naples is a city that contains many worlds and welcomes them all like a loving mother. Don't be fooled by the invitation contained in the title, however, it could contain a joke: to live here you need the right stomach.

On Chef Antonia's birthday, her estranged mother pays a surprise visit to the restaurant. Struggling with feeling abandoned by her mother when her twin brother died 10 years ago, Antonia imagines her brother urging reconciliation.