BTS Permission to Dance on Stage - Seoul, un spectacol transmis în direct astfel încât trupa BTS și ARMY să danseze împreună! Fiți alături de noi pentru acest concert live de neratat, transmis de la Seul în cinematografele din întreaga lume! BTS Permission to Dance on Stage este cel mai recent turneu mondial al trupei pop a secolului 21 - BTS. Spectacolul absolut incendiar e marcat de momente intense, în care trupa interpretează cele mai de succes cântece lansate de-a lungul carierei. Cele patru concerte susținute anterior în Los Angeles au fost văzute de aproximativ 813.000 de oameni și au fost sold-out, devenind unele dintre cele mai de succes evenimente din 2021.

One by one, Sailor Moon’s friends and loved ones are targeted by a formidable new enemy who threatens to destroy everything and rule over the cosmos. After devastating losses, Sailor Moon endures her battle against Shadow Galactica. Will despair crush her, or will she find light in the darkness?

Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) și echipa sa de la IMF pornesc în cea mai periculoasă misiune de până acum: să dea de urma unei noi arme terifiante care amenință întreaga omenire, înainte ca aceasta să cadă în mâinile greșite. Cu controlul asupra viitorului și soarta lumii în joc, și cu forțele întunecate din trecutul lui Ethan care se apropie periculos de el, începe o cursă mortală în jurul globului. Confruntat cu un inamic misterios și atotputernic, Ethan este forțat să se gândească la faptul că nimic nu poate conta mai mult decât misiunea sa - nici măcar viețile celor la care ține cel mai mult.

The Australia II yacht crew looks back on the motivation, dedication and innovation that led to their historic victory at the 1983 America's Cup.

The 90s. A famous Spanish rock star travels around Latin America in the endeavour to reconnect with his vocation. There he meets an old musician down on his luck, prompting the birth of an unlikely duo with every chance of becoming an epic commercial failure.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

María José and Alfredo are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary and their children give them a trip to the hotel where they celebrated their honeymoon, but a spell will make them repeat the same day.

Set in 1889 France, Dodin Bouffant is a chef living with his personal cook and lover Eugénie. They share a long history of gastronomy and love but Eugénie refuses to marry Dodin, so the food lover decides to do something he has never done before: cook for her.

Jacques, a young man with artistic aspirations, spends four nights wandering Paris with a young woman, whom he rescued from suicide.

An executive manager, his wife and his family, at the point when his professional choices are about to overturn all their lives. Philippe Lemesle and his wife are separating, their love irretrievably damaged by pressures of work. A successful executive in industrial conglomerate, Philippe no longer knows how to respond to the contradictory demands of his bosses. Yesterday they wanted a manager, today an enforcer. Now he must decide what his life really means.

Julien, a young teacher, is wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct by a teenage girl from his class. As he faces mounting pressures from the girl’s older brother and her classmates, the situation spirals out of control. Allegations spread, the entire school is thrown into turmoil, and the teacher has to fight to clear his name.

A young French journalist repeatedly meets iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí for a documentary project that never came to be.

Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Ryan Logan, a former Special Forces operative, is battling to cope with life after the loss of his wife. He is thrusted into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him.

Emma și Dave își condimentează aniversarea căsătoriei cu o noapte de joc de rol la New York. Lucrurile devin riscante atunci când viața secretă a Emmei, de asasin internațional, necunoscută lui Dave, este expusă de către Bob, ceea ce-i pune în pericol familia. Emma trebuie să se bazeze pe abilitățile ei letale pentru a-și proteja familia cu orice preț.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

A dystopian coming-of-age movie focused on three kids who find themselves in an abandoned amusement park, aiming to unite whoever remains. With dangers lurking around every corner, they will do whatever it takes to survive their hellish Neverland.

Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.

Determined to rob a goldsmith, three young robbers break into his country house. The man and his wife turn out to be less defenseless than they seem.