Developed as a "visual album", Beyoncé's songs are accompanied by non-linear short films that illustrate the musical concepts conceived during production. Its dark and intimate subject material includes feminist themes of sex, monogamous love, and relationship issues, inspired by Beyoncé's desire to assert her full creative freedom.

贝儿(艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson 饰)和小镇上的其他女孩不同,是一个热爱阅读和幻想的姑娘,孔武有力英俊强壮的加斯顿(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)发誓要娶贝儿为妻,但贝儿却一眼看穿了他的自私和虚伪,拒不从命。某日,贝儿的父亲莫里斯(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)迷路误打误撞之下来到了一座荒凉破败的城堡中,那里居住着样貌可怖半人半兽的野兽(丹·史蒂文斯 Dan Stevens 饰)。 因为偷摘了城堡里种植的玫瑰,莫里斯被野兽囚禁了起来,得知此消息的贝儿赶到城堡,要求和父亲作交换。就这样,贝儿开始了和野兽的同居生活。在会说话的茶壶太太(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)、烛台卢米亚(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)和时钟葛士华(伊恩·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)的照顾和帮助下,贝儿渐渐发现,野兽在丑陋的外表下,隐藏了一颗善良温柔的心。实际上,野兽的真实身份是一位王子,因受到了女巫的诅咒而沦落至此,而贝儿,是解除诅咒最后的,也是唯一的希望。

In an effort to impress Darla, Alfalfa tells her that he's a famous bear trainer. Little does he know that Darla's father owns a circus - and a bear costume. It's time for everyone to uncover the "bear facts".

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

克里希纳(Krishna)的梵文原意是“黑天”,印度教崇拜的大神之一。他是天神毗湿奴(Vishnu)的第八个化身。他从小就以牧童的形象出现,善于助人,喜欢吹笛子,并技艺高超,平时用羽毛来装饰自己的头,而且经常和牧牛女嬉戏跳舞。他象征着爱与神圣的喜悦,全身皮肤均为蓝色,好莱坞科幻大片《阿凡达》中的人物形象就是以“黑天大神”克里希纳的原型塑造的。电影讲述了一个孩子经黑天宿主,在人间除恶助善的故事,该片是一部真人版3D动画儿童片。玖熹·查瓦拉近年来已经鲜有作品问世了,不是给这部片配配音,就是帮那部片串串场。这次玖熹·查瓦拉又选择参演了这么一部儿童片,不过她在片中的戏份还是比较吃重的。《我乃黑小天》的第一制片人Nandan Mohato,是玖熹·查瓦拉与赫里尼克·罗斯汉的私人助理,而第二制片人Pomilla Hunter是卡特莉娜·卡芙的御用发型师。显而易见,这三位大牌都是本着友情关系特别出演此片。

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.


A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

本片是迪士尼1955年的动画《小姐与流浪汉》衍生剧情,家犬丽滴(裘蒂·班森 Jodi Benson 配音)和流浪狗长云(杰夫·贝内特 Jeff Bennett)克服万难结为连理后,一面沉浸于儿女们带来的喜悦中,一面也在为自己淘气捣蛋的儿子史坎普(斯考特·沃夫 Scott Wolf 配音)。讨厌种种规矩的史坎普以身为家犬为耻,渴望自由生活。有一天,闯祸的史坎普被主人拴在了屋外,他趁机挣脱了铁链离家出走了,开始了自己无拘无束的生活。他邂逅了甜美的流浪狗安琪儿(艾莉莎·米兰诺 Alyssa Milano 配音),还有不友善的狗帮老大布斯特(查兹·帕尔明特瑞 Chazz Palminteri 配音),为了加入流浪狗的行列,史坎普还得面对布斯特设下的重重考验,面对亲情的召唤和自由的渴望,徘徊于在两种截然不同的生活,他将如何抉择?

故事是发生在Milo与Kida留在亚特兰提斯之後的事情。几艘货船途经亚特兰提斯北方的海面遭受攻击,於是Milo 、Kida跟随来访的探险小组一同展开调查,却发现攻击者并不是机器龙虾,而是其他神秘的力量。渡过这次危机之後,Kida 为了找出魔幻水晶最适合的安排方式,便和 Milo 与探险队员踏上旅程,她要查出为何当初她父亲要把水晶隐藏起来,害他们的文明差点毁灭。他们也要做出决定,到底该把魔幻水晶拿来运用呢?还是将其永远隐藏起来?

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.

The main character of the film is an outstanding physicist who was invited to Armenia from Russia to head a lab. He comes across many troubles in his homeland, but nevertheless finds his true love there.

10年前,残暴无情的迈克尔•梅尔(George P. Wilbur 饰)陷入永久的昏迷之中,周遭的人们得到短暂的宁静。时间推移到1988年10月31日的万圣节,迈克尔被雷蒙德精神病中心的医护人员转去另一个医院。救护车上,医护人员随意的闲谈却唤醒了这个沉睡已有10个年头的恶魔。苏醒的迈克尔得知他姐姐的女儿杰米(Danielle Harris 饰)住在哈登菲尔德,遂将医护人员杀害,只身前往甥女的住处。   被克鲁赛斯一家收养的杰米,多年来持续为关于舅舅的恐怖噩梦所困扰。她想不到的是,那梦中的恶魔即将出现在她的面前,摧毁杰米至今仍未平静的生活……

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

精明干练的乔安娜•米尔斯(Sarah Michelle Gellar 萨拉•米歇尔•盖拉 饰)是圣路易斯一家运输公司的销售经理,她的事业蒸蒸日上,前途光明。然而最近她却保守噩梦的困扰,在梦中,她总会目睹一起残忍的凶杀案,这令她备受折磨,疲惫不堪。

Two young children and an adult in a small town have an encounter with an alien spaceship. 25 years later the children are reunited as adults in the same town which is now beset by strange cattle mutilations. Matters become worse when the cattle mutilations are joined by human murders and mutilations.