Surya, a courageous man who was raised in the slums, fights for the rights of the poor and befriends Deva, who hires him as his commander and changes his life completely.

Auto rickshaw driver Manickam avoids violence at all costs. When some thugs begin to intimidate Manickam's family, it triggers the revival of Manickam's old self.

Užburiantys filmo „Hobitas: nelaukta kelionė" nuotykiai prasideda tuomet, kai ramiai gyvenantį Bilbą Beginsą aplanko išminčius Gendalfas. Hobitas įtraukiamas į pavojingą ir atsakingą misiją, kurios tikslas - atgauti prarastą nykštukų Ereboro karalystę. Šią užgrobė slibinas Smogas. Prisijungęs prie trylikos nykštukų būrio Bilbas keliauja ten, kur tyko iššūkiai ir pavojai. Mažų, bet kovingų žygeivių laukia susidūrimai su kraupiais goblinais, piktais orkais, mirtį nešančiais vilkažmogiais, milžiniškais vorais, pavidalą keičiančiais gyviais ir burtininkais. Nors spalvingos kompanijos kelias driekiasi į Vienišąjį kalną, pakeliui jie turi įveikti goblinų tunelius. Būtent ten Bilbas sutinka padarą, pakeitusį jo gyvenimą visiems laikams, - Golumą. Po kurio laiko paaiškėja, kad nuo hobito žingsnių priklauso viso Viduržemio likimas.

A class-divided friendship goes through highs and lows through several decades.

The Sailor Guardians enjoy a brief moment of peace until Mamoru's Golden Crystal is stolen by Sailor Galaxia and the mysterious Sailor Starlights appear. One by one, Sailor Moon’s friends and loved ones are targeted by a formidable new enemy who threatens to destroy everything and rule over the cosmos.

Drug abuse and the darker side of Punjab rear their heads in the intense, interwoven tales of a policeman, a doctor, a migrant worker, and a rockstar.

An actress’s perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted as she finds herself falling for her co-star in a remake of an unfinished Polish production that was supposedly cursed.

Tamizh is a killer for hire, and will accept any contract provided the amount is right. The Police want him for questioning, while the underworld needs him to silence their opponents. No one really knows this assassin's background. It is only Tamizh who knows his real identity and he has no intention of sharing it with anyone.

Chandran lies to his boss that his mother is unwell to get a leave but gets caught. In order to save his job, he is forced to pretend to his boss that he has a good-for-nothing twin brother.

Cocktail is a 2010 Malayalam thriller film edited and directed by Arun Kumar. The film stars Jayasurya, Anoop Menon, Samvrutha Sunil, Fahad Fazil, Innocent, and Mamukkoya. It is co-written by Anoop Menon and is an uncredited remake of the Canadian film Butterfly on a Wheel. It was the directorial debut of film editor Arun Kumar.

A tale of two gangsters from the eras of past and present, whose lives enter parallel paths as they struggle to survive within Bombay's criminal underworld.

Shiva, a bus conductor, robs the corrupt in order to fund an organisation that aids those with disabilities. To avoid detection and trial, he pretends to be his twin, who has disabilities.

A man, along with a computer hacker, sets off on a mission to uncover a government scandal. As the dark secrets begin to tumble out, the duo faces dangerous consequences from the people in power.

Once again billed as Montgomery Wood, Giuliano Gemma plays a civil war soldier who returns to his family land to find his family decimated, his property taken over by a family of Mexican bandits and his fiancee about to marry the Mexican gangster behind all this. Bent on revenge, he goes undercover disguised as a Mexican and discovers he has a daughter!

Three young men, who always get into trouble in their village, dream of an effortless life. For this, they run away to Goa in the hope of finding and getting married to rich foreign women.

A group of unwitting sorority sisters accidentally awaken the serial-killing Leprechaun after they build a sorority house on his hunting grounds.

When a group of Indian and Pakistani nurses are held hostage in Iraq by a terrorist organization, a secret agent is drawn out of hiding to rescue them.

Bambi was born Jean-Pierre Pruvot in a tiny Algerian village in 1935. Even as a child, she refused to meet the expectations of her extended family, choosing instead to find a way to become the woman she always knew herself to be. A Cabaret Carrousel de Paris performance in Algiers in the 1950s proved to be all the encouragement she needed to emigrate to the French capital, assume the stage name of ‘Bambi’ and lead the life she longed for on the music-hall stages.

A sincere man wishes to fulfill his father's dream that he follows in his footsteps and becomes a police officer. However, when his father is punished for his honesty and transferred to an area that is ruled with an iron fist by a heartless gangster, the young man must take the law into his own hands to protect his father.

Five wannabe goons desperately looking for contract gigs end up being challenged by a lady gangster.