Inside the life of former baseball star Curt Flood whose fight against MLB's 'Reserve Clause' led to reform, but destroyed his career.

Un écrivain au cœur brisé, aux prises avec le syndrome de la page blanche, se rend dans une station de montagne tranquille où il retrouve l'amour. Mais il découvre qu'un tueur en série, mystérieusement devenu vivant, tue tout le monde autour de lui.

People say that if you love someone very much you will always remember the first day you met them. The first day Me changed to We.

L'odeur et le goût du pain déclenchent chez Shirin des sensations et des émotions qui lui rappellent son enfance. Elle décide de retourner à Téhéran, sa ville natale.

Last Minute: souligne la difficulté à devoir tourner la page et des moments que nous passons les uns avec les autres

Dr. Satish travels from the big city to a small village, where he can serve the poor who cannot afford to go to the city for medical treatment. Once in the village, he meets with Shanti, who lives with her dad, Radhekiran, a watchman. Both Shanti and Satish fall in love, and exchange vows to be married. Radhekiran has an accident, and dies, leaving Shanti to re-locate, without notifying Satish. Satish is devastated at losing Shanti, and tries to locate her, to no avail. His parents want him to marry Kamini, and he agrees to do so. It is then he comes across Shanti, and he is shocked to see that Shanti has given birth to baby-boy, but will not disclose who the father is.

A couple purchases an eleven-year old girl who cannot walk, with the intention of using her to earn money through begging.

Ted, chef d'une bande de jeunes voyous, apprend que son père, le célèbre tireur Clint Mac Coy, est revenu dans sa ville natale, poursuivi par Dawson et ses tueurs. Or, Ted hait son père. Il lui en veut de l'avoir abandonné, lui et sa mère qu'il ne connaît d'ailleurs pas, mais à laquelle il voue un amour filial exclusif .....

A man looking for his fortune in a mine decides to tempt his partner with his much younger wife. The goal? To catch them "in the act" and kill him without consequence.

A young fashion designer uses a rideshare service and meets a mysterious woman whose determination to be her friend reveals a dark connection between them.

A London policeman returns to the estate where he grew up to investigate the murder of a young boy. Adapted by the playwright from his 2002 play.

Tim s'évade de prison, avec le plan d'attaque d'un convoyeur de fonds dans une petite ville du Jura. Tim rencontre Georgia, une prostituée, ex-maîtresse d'un gangster en train d'être jugé et recherchée par la police pour témoigner au procès. Elle suit Tim et son argent dans le Jura. Mais le couple se retrouve lorsqu'il s'agit de semer le désordre et le scandale partout où ils passent.

Road-movie jouissif et truculent sur la post-pornographie et le mouvement féministe sex-positif suivant les folles aventures de 7 jeunes artistes performeuses, réunies le temps d'une tournée épique en van à travers toute l’Europe. Pendant l'été 2009, la troupe a foulé les scènes cosmopolites des boîtes de nuits branchées parisiennes, en passant par les squats queers underground berlinois et les théâtres prestigieux de Paris, Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhague...

Down-on-his-luck gambler Kan Au (Sam Lee) owes a big sum of money, and needs to go on a winning streak soon or the loan sharks will take the interest from his hide. Luckily, Kan finds a blessed coin that allows him to draws the unbeatable "13 Unique Wonders" hand of mahjong on 13 consecutive nights, which should be enough for him to pay his debts. The problem: every time he uses the coin to win,somebody dies a gruesome, gory death. Meanwhile, fetching Luk Wing (Elanne Kwong) wakes up one morning to discover her family being eaten! Everyone around her has become a zombie, and Wing has to pick up an axe and fight back, or her heart will be come lunch for the living dead.

A short student-made documentary that details the creation and operation of the Cornish underground event management business "Pakt Events"