Two Soviet partisans leave their starving band to get supplies from a nearby farm. The Germans have reached the farm first, so the pair must go on a journey deep into occupied territory, a voyage that will also take them deep into their souls.

Three women in a maternity ward reveal their lives and intimate thoughts to each other.

An unemployed construction worker heading out west stops at a remote farm in the desert to get water when his car overheats. The farm is being worked by a group of East European Catholic nuns, headed by the strict mother superior, who believes the man has been sent by God to build a much needed church in the desert.

Celestine has a new job as a chambermaid for the quirky M. Monteil, his wife and her father. When the father dies, Celestine decides to quit her job and leave, but when a young girl is raped and murdered, Celestine believes that the Monteils' groundskeeper, Joseph, is guilty, and stays on in order to prove it. She uses her sexuality and the promise of marriage to get Joseph to confess -- but things do not go as planned.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Harper is a cynical private eye in the best tradition of Bogart. He even has Bogie's Baby hiring him to find her missing husband, getting involved along the way with an assortment of unsavory characters and an illegal-alien smuggling ring.

Story of an ambitious young doctor through unethical means intend to make a quick career. Now is primary in a luxury clinic where administers the sick with the same cynicism of his young years.

Mary and her friend, Rachel, are new students at St. Francis Academy, a boarding school run by the iron fist of Mother Superior. The immature teens grow bored and begin playing pranks on both the unsuspecting nuns and their unpleasant classmates, becoming a constant thorn in Mother Superior's side. However, as the years pass, Mary and Rachel slowly mature and begin to see the nuns in a different light.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

When the Pfeffermans face a life-changing loss, they begin a journey hilarious and melancholy, brazen and bold. As they face this new transition, they confront grief and come together to celebrate connection, joy, and transformation.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

A woman struggles to keep her stepdaughter from harms way after she hires an assassin to kill her husband, but the hitman turns and blackmails her for the crime.

Gabriel Tancredi je bývalý mariňák, ktorý sa stal mafiánom. Keď sa dvaja policajti stanú nechcenými svedkami neúspešného pokusu o vraždu, dostane príkaz od svojho neľútostného bossa Arnolda Solomona, aby svedkov zlikvidoval. Gabriel sa však rozhodne vzoprieť a úlohu nesplniť, aby zachránil život policajtke Vanesse Flynnovej. Neuposlúchnutie príkazu mafie je porušením kódexu, ktorý sa trestá guľkou, a tak sa Gabriel a jeho blízki ocitnú v ohrození života.

Someone from another planet crashed on Earth and evil is chasing him, and then love appears, and it defeats evil through an amulet.

The neo-noir thriller EARLY BIRDS tells the story of the two wildly different women Annika and Caro, who become embroiled in a web of unpredictable events following a night out on the town. As the two flee together from the police, drug dealers and themselves, they're confronted by the collision of two worlds: their personal freedom and unrelenting violence.

A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

Nešikovný zlodej Alex Cardo ukradne vzácny meč jednému bohatému priekupníkovi. Predá ho čínskemu gangsterovi Tommymu. Chytia ho však policajti a zavrú na tri roky do väzenia. Tu Alex narazí na majstra Lee, ktorý ho zasvätí do tajov bojového umenia s názvom Prázdna dlaň. Po troch rokoch Carda prepustia, však okamžite ho nájdu muži priekupníka, ktorému bol meč ukradnutý. Zbraň má nevyčísliteľnú hodnotu, pretože sa dáva ako prvá cena za víťazstvo v najuznávanejšom bojovom turnaji Kumite. Alex tu musí bojovať, aby meč získal späť...

Victoria is a young mother trying to put her dark past as a Russian drug courier behind her, but retired cop Damon forces Victoria to do his bidding by holding her daughter hostage. Now, Victoria must use guns, guts and a motorcycle to take out a series of violent gangsters—or she may never see her child again.

Remmy and her parents, refugees from Earth, have found peace on the Martian outskirts until strangers appear in the hills beyond their farm. Told as a triptych, the film follows Remmy as she struggles to survive in an uneasy landscape.

Bol sirota a volali ho Krpec. Bol najneposlušnejším chovancom detského domova. Láska a neha boli pre neho nepoznanými citmi až do chvíle, kým si ho neadoptovali manželia Healyovci. Adoptívna matka Flo však o neho nestála a jediný, kto ho má rád, je otec Ben. Chlapec už vyrástol, teraz ho nazývajú Junior. Aj naďalej však prekypuje obrovskou dávkou energie, temperamentu a šialených nápadov. Junior už podrástol a zaľúbil sa do Tiffany, ktorá si ho absolútne nevšíma, ale všíma si ďalších troch chlapcov, ktorí sú jeho rivalmi. A to znamená vojnu! Vojnu proti skautovi Dukeovi, proti hokejistovi Blaneovi a proti Corkymu. Junior ich všetkých chce tromfnúť a je mu absolútne jedno, akým spôsobom. Je totiž viac ako isté, že najkrajšie dievčatá vždy priťahujú tí nesprávni muži.