Since 2014, France's restorative justice programmes have offered a safe space for supervised dialogue between offenders and victims. Grégoire, Nawelle, and Sabine, victims of heists and violent robberies, agree to join one of these discussion groups alongside offenders Nassim, Issa, and Thomas, all convicted of violent robberies. Meanwhile Chloé, a victim of childhood sexual abuse, prepares for dialogue with her own agressor after learning he has moved back into town.

Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies a labyrinth of checkpoints, the Sahara Desert, and the vast waters of the Mediterranean.

A human body gradually reconstructs itself as its various component parts crowd themselves into a small room and eventually, after much experimentation, sort out which part goes where.

In Laos, 1954, eight days before the french defeat in the Indochina war, the 317th platoon – four french soldiers and 41 laotian combatants – has been ordered to leave its outpost and to retreat for the plains of Diên Biên Phu, where the french army is getting stucked. Led by the inexperienced and idealistic sous-lieutenant Torrens, fresh out of the military academy, and by adjutant Willsdorf, a WWII veteran of the Werhmacht, the group must cross 150 kilometers of jungle. But dripping rainwater, hostile nature, and the Viêt-minh ambushes expose them to constant danger.

В зората на Пражката пролет се появява и първият пълнометражен филм на Иржи Менцел, адаптация на роман на Храбал - негов любим автор. "Строго охранявани влакове" е хубав филм, пълнен с хумор, странности и сладко-кисела ирония. Освен здравословен урок по сексуална просвета, филмът предлага и размисъл за смисъла на живота, рисковете на героизма и абсурда на смъртта. Представящ ни се като антигерой, Милош е нежен мечтател, подобен на Хари Лангдън, а възвишената му непохватност напомня тази на Бъстър Китън.

A rich man learns about a guru who can see without using his eyes. He sets out to master the skill in order to cheat at gambling.

Michele criticizes the film industry and its inhabitants, and is particularly embattled with a Neapolitan director making a musical about the 1968 student demonstrations. At the same time, Michele has a creative block and struggles to finish his film titled "Freud’s Mother." Nanni Moretti’s self-inquiry into filmmaking, political ennui, and men’s relations with their mothers.

Extrovert Corinne convinces Jane, a shy, talented baker, to commit to a year of bringing cakes to bars, to help her meet people and build confidence. But when Corinne receives a life-altering diagnosis, the pair faces a challenge unlike anything they've experienced before.

Филмът е първата съвместна работа на Роберто Роселини и актрисата Ингрид Бергман. "Стромболи" е изключително въздействащ портрет на жена, изпаднала в екзистенциална криза. Карен, героинята на Бергман, е бежанка от Литва, която се омъжва за италиански рибар (Марио Витале) и заминава с него в родното му градче Стромболи. Оказала се в изолация, Карен се предава на мрачните си емоции. Този сюжет може да звучи встрани от постулатите на Неореализма, но всъщност "Стромболи" е успешен по-различен опит, в който неореалистичните търсения присъстват и "работят" чрез образа на рибаря и неговия изолиран живот.

An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."

In 1970s Rome, a casual encounter between Enea and Pietro at a movie theater turns into an unforgettable romance — until destiny pulls them apart.

In a small village in Catalonia, the peach farmers of the Solé family spend every summer together picking fruit from their orchard. But when plans arise to install solar panels and cut down trees, the members of this tight-knit group suddenly face eviction – and the loss of far more than their home.

1940-та година. Германия бърза да завърши победния си марш в Европа. Непокорена е останала единствено Англия и за десантната операция Райхът се нуждае от пълна победа над Кралския въздушен флот. Започва най-великата въздушна битка в историята.

The final showdown, and the final reveal. who is Friend? How can he be stopped?

In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange family : an unknown and wealthy father, his extravagant wife, his daughter, an ambitious woman, a rebellious teenager, and their creepy maid.

A young girl's arrival at a convent after the death of her parents marks the beginning of a series of events that unleash an evil presence on the girl and her mysterious new friend, an enigmatic figure known as Alucarda. Demonic possession, Satan worship, and vampirism follows.

Антиуестърн, показал на американците собственото им лице, което те не искат да виждат. Артър Пен

Anna and Ryan have found true love together. It’s been proven by a controversial test. There’s just one problem: Anna still isn’t sure. Then she meets Amir.

It takes him suddenly at 40 years: Frédéric wants a baby, Claire never wanted one and they agreed on that. He commits the unforgivable and makes a child behind her back. Claire turns into a whale and Frédéric becomes a doting father.

Два от най-големите и ужасяващи люспести хищници в природата ще впият зъби един в друг. Когато гигантски питон се измъква от частен терариум, ФБР трябва да освободи също толкова голяма боа, която да го открие и победи. Междувременно група ловци-богаташи се опитват да уловят питона като трофей за себе си.