The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times
Giovanni, a Milánóban élő, sikeres író sivárrá vált belső világa lepleződik le a felesége, Lídia előtt egyetlen nap alatt. Lídia híres magányos sétáját a külvárosban a haldokló barátjuknál tett reggeli kórházi látogatás és az ürességet fényűzéssel leplező nagypolgári estély fogja közre, hogy aztán a hajnal hideg sivárságában szembesítse férjét egykori önmagával...
People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.
A történelmi idők gyermeke, Witek Dlugosz, aki 1956-ban Poznanban látta meg a napvilágot, 24 éves korában úgy dönt, kis időre felhagy a tanulással és a fővárosba utazik. Rohan a pályaudvarra, ám mire a peronra ér, a vonat már mozgásba lendült. Ezt követően variációkat láthatunk a fiú jövőjéről: mi lesz, ha eléri a vonatot, s mi lesz, ha nem... Kieslowski 1980-ban kezdte filmjét forgatni. A véletlen úgy hozta, a Szolidaritás mozgalma ellen bevezetett szükségállapot hatással volt a film további sorsára. Több jelenetet átvágattak a rendezővel, ennek ellenére mégis dobozban maradt. A bemutatóra csak 1987-ben került sor. (
Antoine-ból, a csintalan ifjúból huszonhat éves, elragadó fiatalember lett. Az előző filmben, a Lopott csókokban összejött Christine-nel. A fiatal házaspár most az első gyermekét várja. Miután a baba megszületik, Antoine úgy érzi, hogy a felesége elhanyagolja, ezért viszonyt kezd Kiokóval, a gyönyörű japán lánnyal. Mindez azzal fenyeget, hogy tönkremegy a házassága. Christine ugyanis tudomást szerez róla, és útjaik elválnak. Antoine azonban nem tud lemondani róluk.
Alina és Voichiţa egy árvaházban lettek barátnők gyermekkorukban. Felnőve szeretőkké váltak, és bár korábban hűséget fogadtak egymásnak, Alina Németországban próbál új életet kezdeni. Egy idő után azonban nem bírja tovább, és visszamegy Moldáviába Voichitáért. Ő azonban időközben más elkötelezettséget talált, egy kolostorba vonult, és ott is akar maradni örökre. Vonakodva, de befogadják Alinát is pár napra a zárdába, mielőtt visszatérne Németországba. Hamar kiderül azonban, hogy elvei nem közösek az ott élőkével.
One dark night during the early phases of WWII, the Italian Royal Navy submarine Cappellini sinks an armed merchant ship sailing with lights out. At that moment, its commander Salvatore Todaro makes a decision that was destined to go down in history: to save the 26 shipwrecked Belgians who otherwise would have drowned in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and disembark them at the nearest safe harbor. To make room for them on board his submarine, he is forced to navigate on the surface of the water for three days, visible to the enemy forces and endangering his life and that of his men.
This investigation examines the mysterious shooting of soul icon Sam Cooke, whose death silenced one of the most vital voices in the civil rights movement.
An aging woman and her nurse develop a friendship that inspires her to unearth unacknowledged longing and thus help her make peace with her past.
Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.
A child borrows his grandmother's magnifying glass to look at a newspaper ad for Bovril, at a watch, and then at a bird. The child shows grandma what he is doing. The child looks next at grandma's eye, then at a kitten.
The family consisting of two pandas and one girl lives happily when suddenly a little tiger appears at their home. It arrives that the circus had come to their town. All of a sudden starts the pouring rain but it can't stop them.
Accused of killing his brother during adolescence, Salvador lives alone in the middle of Patagonia. Several decades later, his brother Marcos and his sister-in-law Laura, come to convince him to sell the lands they share by inheritance.
A történet egy rendezőt követ, aki megpróbálja legyőzni démonait, amelyek elnyomják kreativitását.
Benito Mussolini resurfaces in Rome 72 years after his death, as if not a single day had passed. Finding a country still full of problems, both old and new, his firebrand rhetoric wins him once again the hearts and minds of millions of Italians — who see him as a wacky reenactor who speaks inconvenient truths to power.
Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.
Jonah életét sok férfi megirigyelné, ugyanis a srác szexuális kapcsolatot tart fenn két bomba nővel mindenféle kötöttségek nélkül. Érdekesség, hogy mindkét lányt Sharonnak hívják, ám egy szép napon jön egy harmadik Sharon, akibe Jonah fülig belezúg...
Marianne leaves Abel for Paul, his best friend and the father of her unborn child. Eight years later, Paul dies and Marianne returns to Abel. However, things have changed for the both of them and feelings of jealousy surround their new relationship.
Todd Verow's experimental narrative feature heralding the end time. Split up into 20 short films, the film explores the fear and longing of several characters as they wait for some unspecified apocalyptic event. Some try to escape physically, emotionally or sexually while others welcome the end with open arms. A woman (PHILLY) is busy dragging her own corpse, trying to find a resting place for it, when she encounters an old lover (MICHAEL BURKE) who used to be a she but has transitioned to a man. He wants to get out of town but she wants to stay it's the end of time when nothing is a crime. Several gay men engage in more and more extreme sexual activity, they want to experience it all before the big collapse. Two gay ex-lovers try to reconnect and feel something, anything but total emptiness. Porn actors and producers make more unsafe films as fantasies grow darker and more violent. Will the world end with a whimper or a bang? Or worse will it not end at all.
Líba has only one birthday wish every year. She insists that the whole family come together for her celebration, which they all always do. That is, until this year's birthday. Her son Petr has other plans for this year, so he pretends to be sick in front of the family. This year, for the first time, he wants to spend his birthday with his friend Karl, who has a birthday on the same day. And Karel is Peter's long-hidden secret for the rest of the family. However, Líba is not going to give up her celebration so easily. She decides to surprise Peter and move in with the whole family. An unexpected visit forces Peter to quickly improvise. In front of your family, turning your friend Karel into a colleague from work and his sister Veronika into your girlfriend is basically a piece of cake. But Petr doesn't know yet that this is just the beginning and today will be one big rollercoaster ride.