Дете у души, али гротескан у форми, Франкенштајново збуњено створење бива бачено у непријатељски универзум од стране свог створитеља. Сусрећући се са окрутношћу где год да крене, Створење без пријатеља, све очајније и осветољубиво, одлучује да пронађе свог створитеља и постигне застрашујући договор. Хитна брига о научној одговорности, занемаривање родитеља, когнитивни развој и природа добра и зла уграђени су у ову узбудљиву и дубоко узнемирујућу причу.

The Sixth "Afrikaans is Groot" concert. It is an annual concert where some of the biggest Afrikaans artist perform

When his daughter's kidnappers electronically hijack his car, mild-mannered father Chris Thompson is forced to do their bidding or else suffer the consequences. Adrenaline was shot in a single 88-minute take on the streets of downtown Nashville, Tennessee.

Nicholas gets an unexpected visit from his past, and memories of life changing choices and long lost love are brought back to life.

Five tales of terror including cursed online music, satanism and murder, returns from the dead, hideous creatures hiding in the woods and one vengeful videotape.

Someone from another planet crashed on Earth and evil is chasing him, and then love appears, and it defeats evil through an amulet.

Vasily Muravin, 50, a teacher at the Moscow Institute of Management, is experiencing a crisis. At work, the place of the head of the department is replaced by the more pragmatic, but limited person Valentin Romanovsky. At home, his wife Lida, who earns at work more than her husband, habitually reproaches him for indecision. It’s hard for Muravin to come to terms with his established attitude to himself, but he is most worried when his wife shows disrespect for his main hobby - playing the guitar. Once, unable to bear the bullying, Muravin suddenly leaves the family (wife and daughter) and from work.

Aki, who loves freedom, mets Masaya, an aspiring watchmaker. The two have opposite personalities and initially clash. The two reach better terms when Masaya is able to see Akis inner pain. Eventually, Masaya uncovers Akis sad past which was supposed to be held secret from everyone.

Date Whispering is the hottest new trend in dating — a personal love coach right in your ear as you date your ideal match. And of all the date whisperers in LA, Sam is the best. But when the value of her service is called into question by her dad’s life coach, Mattie, she’ll learn the real worth of true love.

A 14-minute almanac of Midwestern America and its funky Americana at the end of the Love Generation, Love It / Leave It begins with proudly naked people parading about for all the world to ogle at the annual Naked City beauty pageant in Roselawn, Indiana, before returning to Chicago, where families literally draped in American flags are found wilting under the heat of the sun along a downtown parade route.

Sita Sinha has brought up her son, Bihari and his friend, Amar as her own. The three are very close to each other. When they grow up they maintain their friendship and love for each other. Amar marries wealthy Jaya, and Bihari marries a labourer. Amar's dad, Mr. Saxena does not like Bihari, and schemes to separate them. He succeeds, and Bihari is humiliated. Bihari blames Amar, and swears to bring about his downfall at all costs.

When Christopher confronts his own violent temper which threatens the family life of his wife and children, he flies home to Jamaica and engages in an exorcism of the spirit, from his memories of his abusive, philandering, and hard-living father, Henry, whose name for his only son was "Runt".

Melody Sails is an investigative reporter on Hollywood's juvenile delenquincy, and runs across Lunar, the crimelord. With the help of a 12-year old street-kid, she will get to him, but will she down him in the climactic fight to the death, or die trying?

Justine is a student at the Topacre Academy for gifted young girls but she has a problem: the incredibly handsome and charismatic Professor Robson that she spends all her time daydreaming about. Justine and the Professor find adventure and intrigue abroad while trying to locate the famous "Eye of God" jewel.