Madonna celebrates her four-decade career in a special concert for over 1.6 million people at the Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro.
Po žmonos ir jos meilužio nužudymo bankininkas Andrew Dufresne nuteisiamas kalėti Šoušenko kalėjime. Bėgant metams, jis išlaiko viltį ir svajones išeiti laisvėn ir ilgainiui užsitarnauja pagarbą iš kitų kalinių, ypač vieno - “Red“ Reddingo, kuris savo rankose laikė visą kalėjimo juodąją rinką. Andrew tampa įtakingu nuteistuoju. Bet ar taps jo svajonės realybe?
Režisieriaus Christopher Nolan epinis trileris pasakoja apie amerikiečių fiziką J. Robertą Openheimerį, vadovavusį atominės bombos kūrimo programoje „Manheteno projektas“. R. Openheimeriui priklauso idėja suburti visus fizikus, dirbančius atominės bombos srityje, į vieningą mokslinį centrą Los Alamose, JAV.
Italija. 1943 metai. Jauna našlė Čezira palieka parduotuvę San Lorenze savo buvusiam meilužiui ir pabėga nuo amerikiečių bombardavimo su savo paaugle dukra Rozetta į savo gimtąjį kaimą. Po varginančios kelionės ji susipažįsta su vietinio ūkininko sūnumi Mikele, kurį įsimyli jaunoji Rozetta, o šis - jos gražiąją motiną.
Angelai Damielis ir Kasielis nusileidžia į Berlyną, miestą, besigydantį karo paliktas žaizdas. Tiesa, Berlyno viduryje nusidriekusi siena vis dar skiria Vokietiją į dvi dalis. Vaikščiodami tarp žmonių, angelai girdi visas praeivių mintis. Angelas Damielis pamilsta vienišą artistę ir pasiryžta tapti žmogumi – pajusti šąlančias rankas, pasimėgauti kava su cigarete ir patirti visas žmogiškas emocijas.
Kartmano pažįstamo ir mylimo gyvenimo pabaigą pranašauja nerimą keliantys sapnai. Dirbtinio intelekto atėjimui keičiant visuomenę, Pietų Parko suaugusieji kovoja su savo asmeniniais sprendimais.
Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to convince Matsunaga to stay for treatment, which would drastically change his lifestyle. They form an uneasy friendship until Matsunaga's old boss Okada returns from prison.
A screenwriter with a violent temper is a murder suspect until his lovely neighbor clears him. However, she soon starts to have her doubts.
A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.
Capricious small-town girl Juliette and barge captain Jean marry after a whirlwind courtship, and she comes to live aboard his boat, L'Atalante. As they make their way down the Seine, Jean grows weary of Juliette's flirtations with his all-male crew, and Juliette longs to escape the monotony of the boat and experience the excitement of a big city. When she steals away to Paris by herself, her husband begins to think their marriage was a mistake.
Krizės kamuojamas vokiečių kompozitorius sielos prieglobsčio ieško Venecijos kurorte. Ten susipažįsta su atostogaujančia lenkų šeima ir jos nuostabaus grožio sūnumi. Vyras nelauktai atsiduoda nutylėjimų persmelktai žvilgsnių dramai ir patiria palaimingą pilnatvę. Jautrus režisieriaus žvilgsnis kuria subtilią pustonių žaismę ir ja atskleidžia taisyklėms paklūstančio visuomeninio gyvenimo ir aukštųjų menininko siekių prieštarą.
A young woman left her family for an unspecified reason. The husband determines to find out the truth and starts following his wife. At first, he suspects that a man is involved. But gradually, he finds out more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a possessed love affair.
Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods.
In a small village in Catalonia, the peach farmers of the Solé family spend every summer together picking fruit from their orchard. But when plans arise to install solar panels and cut down trees, the members of this tight-knit group suddenly face eviction – and the loss of far more than their home.
Sergio Benvenuti is a shy seller of contracts for a Roman company of music, but because of his character he cannot find even a customer, so he asks for help from a fellow named Nadia.
A band of medieval mercenaries take revenge on a noble lord who decides not to pay them by kidnapping the betrothed of the noble's son. As the plague and warfare cut a swathe of destruction throughout the land, the mercenaries hole up in a castle and await their fate.
The dawn of the 20th century: L’Apollonide, a luxurious and traditional brothel in Paris, is living its last days. In this closed world, where some men fall in love and others become viciously harmful, the women share their secrets, their fears, their joys and their pains.
A disgraced internet personality attempts to win back his followers by livestreaming one night alone in a haunted house. But when he accidentally pisses off a vengeful spirit, his big comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life.
A documentary on the Canela Apãniekra (Timbira) community in Brazil. Showing their daily habits, political struggle, oral tradition and the formation of space in Barra do Corda, Maranhão.
The last years of Bettino Craxi, one of the most important and controversial italian leader of the 1980's.