防弹少年团(BTS)和ARMY一起现场跳舞的表演“BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”。 加入我们,让 BTS 和 ARMY 再次与音乐和舞蹈合二为一,从首尔到世界各地的电影院进行不容错过的现场音乐会体验! “BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”是最新的世界巡演系列,由 21 世纪流行偶像 BTS 领衔主演,拥有强大的表演和他们令人难以置信的职业生涯中最伟大的热门歌曲。 在四场售罄的演出中,约有 813,000 人观看了较早的洛杉矶演出,使其成为 2021 年最成功的演出之一。

Against his wishes, 'Cuba' Mukundan goes to Dubai to make good his father's alleged misappropriation of funds from the local cooperative bank. It is there that he learns the true meaning of the term 'working class' and realizes the irrelevance of the Communist movement back home.


A few political goons, disguised as Muslims, cause trouble at the temple and kill Raghuraman's family. Later, Raghuraman joins an extremist group and decides to avenge his family's death.

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.


那是一个寻常的四月开学季,升上高二的长谷佑树(山崎贤人 饰)和同班的女孩藤宫香织(川口春奈 饰)成为了朋友。香织长得非常漂亮,然而却给人感觉郁郁寡欢,几乎不和任何人交往。 佑树对女孩格外在意,他提出希望和香织成为朋友,结果却遭到拒绝。尽管如此,他还是一次又一次提出交往的请求。面对这么一个执着的男孩,香织终于点头同意。令人颇感意外的是,香织真实的性格十分开朗、单纯,她与佑树有说有笑,开心无忧。 转眼一周过去,之前还颇为和善的香织突然缄默不语。佑树对此感到诧异,谁知不久后他更从对方口中听到一个令他震惊的事实。原来香织在小学时代曾经经历了一次意外,从而导致她对好友的记忆只能保持一周时间,到了下一周她便会忘记好友的存在。这也是为何她谨慎再三,不敢交朋友的原因。 知道这件事的佑树并未放弃,他反而每周都不厌其烦地找到香织,请求和对方交朋友。在他的努力下,两个人想办法找到保留记忆的方法,而香织对佑树也渐渐产生了情感的变化。



Venu, a cameraman working for Reuters, happens to meet Renuka, his old lover, while trying to cover a case involving a politician. Together they go to investigate a murder planned by Bharatan Pillai.

一位滑雪度假村的餐馆经理还未从经商失败的阴影中走出来,她的生活又要受到一位新厨师的冲击 — 他也有着一段不为人知的过去。

Ajayan is back home after a long time away and he is hoping to be with his mother for the rest of his life, but things go wrong when a young boy claims to be his son.

在情人节前夕,一名程序开发人员向新来的 CEO 推销革命性的约会算法,而后者则提出让他俩担当试验对象。

曼迪(阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale 饰)是那种她不开口你绝对不会发现其存在的无名小卒,糟糕的是,她却“不自量力”地迷恋上了学校里的风云人物德鲁(罗比·阿梅尔 Robbie Amell 饰),此外,曼迪还有一个死对头丽萨(辛蒂·巴斯毕 Cindy Busby 饰),丽萨的存在让曼迪一次又一次的意识到自己是多么的微不足道。   一场意外让曼迪获得了同德鲁相识的机会,与此同时,曼迪发现德鲁似乎喜欢上了自己。德鲁邀请曼迪去他家参加一个盛大的派对,就在曼迪兴高采烈地应允之后,她竟然被她那个性严苛又古板的父亲给禁足了!与此同时,曼迪的好友发现了德鲁悉心隐藏的秘密,他与曼迪的相遇和交好绝非偶然。

Ally Morgan is a workaholic ER doctor struggling for work-life balance with boyfriend, Josh. On the night they breakup. Ally is miserable alone before a chance encounter with handsome barista, Gabe leads her to fulfill a Christmas bucket list of fun activities she never would have done on her own. Ally's best friend and fellow ER doctor, Dawn has never seen Ally so engaged outside of work and is rooting for a Gabe-Ally relationship. Now, the saintly Maureen must redirect Gabe's heartfelt intentions if Josh and Ally have any chance at reconciliation this Christmas.


A young man meets his soon-to-be in-laws but discovers behind their proud and wealthy appearances some deep issues and lies.

像每年夏天一样,我们的朋友,Pics,Jacky和Laurette,最近与Sopie离婚的Gatineau,以及一直保持原样的Patrick Chirac,都会在Blue Waves露营地聚在一起。
