The album was recorded and mixed at Abbey Road Studios, London, between July 1975 and January 1976. Mastered at Abbey Road Studios, London The Harmony Vocoder on "The Raven" was invented and built by EMI Central Research Laboratories, and is exclusively available at Abbey Road Studios

From the birthplace of boxing legend Mike Tyson, young women brawl in secret fight clubs to win $1000 and invaluable street cred.

When their best friend dies, Tara and Noah find out that Louis is not the person they used to know..

Супермен сражается с диверсантами, которые пытаются помешать агенту ФБР доставить важные документы в Вашингтон.

COVID-19. The whole world is in Lock Down. There is panic in society. What is going on? Is this actually about our public health?

A young writer embarks on a journey to find out more about the taxi business in Lagos by becoming a taxi driver, he meets a young lady along the way and becomes fond of her.

Mugguru Mongallu is a comedy thriller and Srinivasa Reddy is the biggest highlight of the film. It's the story of Three people who are apparently deaf (Srinivas Reddy), dumb (Deekshit Shetty), and blind (Vennela Rama Rao) each, go to the police station with a few clues regarding the murders. Will the police catch the killers?

Set in the year 2065 and tells the story of a man who enters an old holographic booth, intending to take a nap, but accidentally activating the resident sexual hologram.

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?

"Angels" is a trilogy. The three episodes featured in the movies are: "Angel of Mine", "Daddy's Angel" and "Angel of Love". "Angel of Mine,"

It's the month of August and hot in the city. Dante's girlfriend has abandoned him for a rich lover. Then he meets Rhea, who lives together with a wealthy man twice her age. She claims that he's not jealous and begins an erotic game with Dante, who passionately rushes headlong into the affair, no questions asked. But why is it that Rhea counts her erotic encounters precisely? And why does she document practically everything she experiences with the video on her mobile phone?

Promotional short film on an aspiring young actress Sharon Tate and her first film Eye of the Devil (1966).

Married couple's son is hit by a car and killed. Their marriage comes very close to falling apart, and while they're working back toward their relationship, they learn about a son born to a former girlfriend of the husband's; the child may be his. And then...

Is the return of Jesus closer than you think? What are the most powerful prophetic signs being fulfilled on the earth today? How is the new Middle East after the Arab Spring aligning with the testimony of the biblical prophets? What are the little-known prophetic signs that few are paying attention to?

This romantic comedy is a story that emphasizes the importance of commitment, true love and breaking old love patterns in order to create new beginnings.

A Solas Con Chayanne (English: One on One with Chayanne) is the second live album by Puerto Rican singer Chayanne. It was recorded during his concert at Auditorio Nacional in Mexico as part of the tour No Hay Imposibles.