Film põhineb gangster Henry Hilli elul ja näitab tema teed New Yorki tänavatelt kuni anonüümse eksiilini tunnistajakaitseprogrammis. Nooruke Henry Hill elab linnaosas koos iiri või itaalia päritolu inimestega. Seal kohtub ta halastamatu gangsteri Jimmy Conway ja tulipäise Tommy DeVitoga. Koos teevad nad mitu röövi ja Henry tõuseb maffiahierarhias. Kuid perekond ei ole usaldusväärne, sest paljud tunnevad kadedust. Lisaks sellele ei kavatase ka FBI toimuvat niisama kõrvalt vaadata.
Ta on poolearuline. Tema IQ oli liiga madal isegi selleks, et kooli minna. Kuid ta muutis palju - suur osa maailmast on tema loodud. Ainult, et ta ise ei olnud võimeline sellest aru saama.
In the final months of World War II, 14-year-old Seita and his sister Setsuko are orphaned when their mother is killed during an air raid in Kobe, Japan. After a falling out with their aunt, they move into an abandoned bomb shelter. With no surviving relatives and their emergency rations depleted, Seita and Setsuko struggle to survive.
Fotograaf murrab autovõidusõidul pildistades jala. Nüüd veedab ajutiselt ratastooli aheldatud mees aega enda New Yorgi korteri tagaaknast naabreid vaadates. Ühel päeval jääb talle aga kummaline mulje, et naabrimees on enda naise tapnud. Kuna ta pole juhtunus täielikult kindel, saadab ta enda hooldeõe koos tüdruksõbraga asja uurima.
Keset Antarktika jäävälju tegeleb väike grupp ameerika teadlasi oma igapäevaste uuringutega, kui ühel päeval nad märkavad taevas helikopterit, millest tulistatakse põgeneva koera pihta. Helikopter kukub alla ja kõik pardalolijad hukkuvad. Ameeriklased võtavad pahaaimamatult selle koera oma baasi, mõistmata, miks norrakate kopter seda taga ajas. Asutakse asja uurima ja lennatakse norrakate baasi, kus avastatakse midagi väga uskumatut…
Esimene peatükk - Vietnami sõda. Mereväe treeninglaagrisse Parrise saarele Lõuna-Carolinas saabub uus grupp Mereväelasi. Sealseid vägesi juhatav seersant on karmikäeline ning tema ainsaks eesmärgiks on teha hoolealustest armutud tapamasinad. Teine peatükk - Parrise saarel treeninud Mereväerühma liige on töötamas Vietnamis sõjareporterina. Sõja kõige verisema lahingu eelõhtul saadetakse ta riigi pealinna lugu kirjutama. Seal kohtub ta liitlasvägede salkadega, mille liikmete seas on ka tema endisi treeningkaaslasi. Kuid ta satub koos rühmaga tule alla ning on sunnitud siiski sõjast võitlejana osa võtma.
Dr Malcolm Crowe on tuntud lastepsühholoog, kes on kinnisideeks noore tasakaalustamata patsiendi valusast mälust, mida ta ei suutnud aidata. Cole Sear on hirmunud ja segaduses 8-aastane inimene, kes vajab ravi ning Crowe näeb võimalust lunastada ennast, tehes kõik endast oleneva, et teda aidata. Lastepsühholoog pole aga valmis teadma kohutavat tõde oma patsiendi üleloomuliku kingituse kohta: ta saab piinatud vaimudelt soovimatuid visiite.
Ferdinando Cefalù is desperate to marry his cousin, Angela, but he is married to Rosalia and divorce is illegal in Italy. To get around the law, he tries to trick his wife into having an affair so he can catch her and murder her, as he knows he would be given a light sentence for killing an adulterous woman. He persuades a painter to lure his wife into an affair, but Rosalia proves to be more faithful than he expected.
A young widow flees from Rome during WWII and takes her lonely twelve-year-old-daughter to her rural hometown but the horrors of war soon catch up with them.
American Movie is the story of filmmaker Mark Borchardt, his mission, and his dream. Spanning over two years of intense struggle with his film, his family, financial decline, and spiritual crisis, American Movie is a portrayal of ambition, obsession, excess, and one man's quest for the American Dream.
Kesk-Ameerika džunglis missioonil olev erivägede rühm avastab, et neile peab jahti tulnukast sõdalane.
In a small and conservative Scottish village, a woman's paralytic husband convinces her to have extramarital intercourse so she can tell him about it and give him a reason for living.
A couple vacationing in Morocco with their young son accidentally stumble upon an assassination plot. When the child is kidnapped to ensure their silence, they have to take matters into their own hands to save him.
A cargo aircraft crashes in a sandstorm in the Sahara with less than a dozen men on board. One of the passengers is an airplane designer who comes up with the idea of ripping off the undamaged wing and using it as the basis for a replacement aircraft they need to build before their food and water run out.
A French housekeeper with a mysterious past brings quiet revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of starkly pious villagers in late 19th century Denmark.
An aeronautical engineer at Ariane Espace, Jim has devoted himself for years to a secret project: building his own rocket and accomplishing the first manned space flight as an amateur. But to realize his dream, he must learn to share it.
In a Paris hotel room, Jack Whitman lies on a bed. His phone rings; it's a woman on her way to see him, a surprise. She arrives and the complications of their relationship emerge in bits and pieces. Will they make love? Is their relationship over? (A prequel to The Darjeeling Limited, 2007.)
A school janitor pretends to be a priest in order to give private lessons to a young top model.
Seen-it-all New York detective Frank Keller is unsettled - he has done twenty years on the force and could retire, and he hasn't come to terms with his wife leaving him for a colleague. Joining up with an officer from another part of town to investigate a series of murders linked by the lonely hearts columns he finds he is getting seriously and possibly dangerously involved with Helen, one of the main suspects.
When one of his missteps puts his family in jeopardy, Tarzan decides they would be better off without him.