Oei, later known as Katsushika Oi, was born the third daughter of Edo’s talented painter Katsushika Hokusai and his second wife Koto. Although Oei became the wife of a town painter for a time, her love of the paintbrush more than her husband spelt disaster and she comes back home to Hokusai from the family she had married into. This is how Oei starts to help her father out in his painting of the “insurmountable high wall”. Meanwhile, Oei can only talk to the painter Ikeda Zenjiro, who is her father’s student, about her pain and worries. Zenjiro has taken Edo by storm as Keisai Eisen, the master of ukiyo-e portraying beautiful women. He visits regularly because he admires Hokusai and secretly likes Oei although their relationship is like childhood friends. Oei respects her father whose paintings fascinated her and continues to work as a painter who supports him behind the scenes. When Hokusai’s masterpiece Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji was completed, she was also by his side.

Kameralna historia trzech kobiet (starszej damy, sprzedawczyni biletów, tancerki) i trzech mężczyzn (policjanta oraz dwóch żyjących z dnia na dzień przyjaciół), którzy próbują sobie ułożyć życie w wielkim mieście, a zarazem odnaleźć prawdziwe uczucie. Film rejestruje nieśmiałe zaloty, namiętności, zdrady, rozpady związków jak i powroty.

Wada, a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza, who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing.

Ouyang Feng to mieszkaniec White Camel Mountain. Ma ambicję, aby zostać sławnym szermierzem. Po tym, jak jego starszy brat żeni się z jego ukochaną, on przenosi się na pustynie, gdzie zakłada gospodę. Zostaje agentem dla zabójców i wynajmuje młodych, ale tanich fechmistrzów, aby wykonywali brudną robotę za innych. W karczmie również spotyka swoich przyjaciół i zawiera znajomości z innymi ludźmi, z których każdy ma inną, ciekawą historię do opowiedzenia...

Flowers examines the lives of six women across three generations, from the Show period all the way through to the present day.

Śmierć policjanta działającego pod przykrywką stawia cały departament policji Hongkongu w niezwykle trudnej sytuacji. Inspektor Liu (Sun Yueh), pilnie poszukuje kolejnego policjanta, który mógłby zastąpić zamordowanego. Tej roli podejmuje się Ko Chow (Chow Yun-Fat). Udając handlarza bronią, nawiązuje kontakt z przywódcami gangu.

In order to take a new job as an employee in the public sanitation department, Juliana moves from the inner city of Itaúna to the metropolitan town of Contagem in Brazil. While waiting for her husband to join her, she adapts to her new life, meeting people and discovering new horizons, trying to overcome her past.

Inside a cafe while smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, a man poses an ambitious question: "What is Love?". A collection of vignettes and situations will lead the man to the desired conclusion.

Alfredo Martelli zostaje zatrzymany przez rzymską policję pod zarzutem zabójstwa. W czasie dochodzenia młody antykwariusz odkrywa swoje wady i zdaje sobie sprawę ze stylu życia, jaki do tej pory prowadził.

Five young hoodlums sing karaoke, murder, joke around, get beaten up, win and lose women, and learn the value of blind loyalty.

A shy introvert falls for the photographer who took her pictures during high school. Confused and worried, she doubts that love will elapse and can never open up to her lover. Yet she cannot runaway from love.

Cosimo is Italian, Nicole French. They meet in Genoa during the G8 protests and immediately fall in love. Swept off their feet by an overwhelming and uncontrollable passion, they decide never to part. After much wandering they decide to return to Genoa, where they start working for a friend of theirs who organises concerts. Things seem to be going well until a tragic accident almost sours their relationship, as a result of which they’re faced with two options that can change their future. Forever.

When a young poet hires a marketing company to turn his suicide into a mass-media spectacle, he finds that his subversive intentions are quickly diluted into a reactionary gesture.

David Cronenberg stands in a softly lit bedroom and looks deeply into the camera before his gaze shifts to a motionless figure in the bed...

Love Is Not All Around explores modern relationships, interweaving the love stories of the six characters to reveal what love means to young people in metropolitan Hong Kong.

A three-part anthology film about love and sexuality: a menage-a-trois between a couple and a young woman on the coast of Tuscany; an advertising executive under enormous pressure at work, who, during visits to his psychiatrist, is pulled to delve into the possible reasons why his stress seems to manifest itself in a recurring erotic dream; and a story of unrequited love about a beautiful, 1960s high-end call girl in an impossible affair with her young tailor.

Viola Orlando, niezamężna sędzina w Belignano, weneckiej wiosce. Jako sędzia pokoju wyróżnia się prawością i surowością. Ta ostatnia cecha wzbudza nienawiść i próby zemsty, zwłaszcza ze strony Esposito Raffaele (samozwańczego hrabiego, inżyniera, przemysłowca itp.), oskarżonego o handel zepsutym mięsem, oraz producenta Amorini, oskarżonego o drukowanie pornograficznych powieści fotograficznych. Przeciwnicy Violi w ramach zemsty sprowadzają do wioski Rosę Orlandi, siostrę bliźniaczkę Violi, elegancką prostytutkę. To wydarzenie pociąga za sobą nieprzewidziane skutki dla obu stron konfliktu

Anthony Wong is a rich sex-deprived man who meets a Monk, who offers him an erotic dream. He becomes addicted to the dream and falls in love with the beautiful female student in it. Unfortunately, the dream is part of the Monk's conspiracy to obtain or destroy all that matters to him. Once Wong finally finishes his dream, things start going horribly badly. For example, his dog loses its head and his mother gets mutilated and stuffed into a box while he was asleep. The dream maker has gained control of Wong through his dreams and his desires and is out to take everything from him. In an attempt to seek revenge, his brother returns from Malaysia and joins forces with the Monk's wife, who has grown tired of the ritual abuse delivered by her sadistic husband.

Wracked with guilt over her younger sister's suicide, pretty young karate student Megumi accompanies a group of older friends on a camping trip into the woods, where they're attacked by feces covered undead.

A college student unexpectedly finds that she has inherited a derelict house. Accompanied by a group of friends, she goes there to clear it of heirlooms before the structure is demolished. Almost immediately, she and her friends are targeted by a powerful warlock who is very interested in her bloodline.