Two close sisters, Myah and Beth, struggle with their differences in life and in the older sister's mentally abusive marriage, until the complacent lives of Beth and their married friends are shaken to the core by a tragedy that they are all forced to face.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

Everybody needs some alone time to relax and wash up, but things go quite differently when you’re a Flora Colossi toddler.

Following the events of “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1,” Baby Groot is finally ready to try taking his first steps out of his pot—only to learn you have to walk before you can run.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

Tedas, toli gražu ne pats mikliausias keliautojas, ir jo švelniai tariant keistoki draugai leidžiasi ieškoti nenaudėlio milijonieriaus, pagrobusio Sarą. Tedo mylimoji aptiko, kur paslėpti legendinio karaliaus Mido lobiai, ir piktadarys nori juos užgrobti. Tedo ir jo komandos laukia sunki užduotis – suardyti milijonieriaus planus ir išlaisvinti Sarą.

Fourth 'Bring It On' movie is set at a cheerleader camp in Florida with a 'West Side Story' musical feel has the female captain of the West Side Sharks meeting and romancing a male member of the East Coast Jets amid their different team rivalries.

Piktajai pamotei į rankas patenka Krikštamotės fėjos burtų lazdelė, ir ji pasuka laiką atgal. Burtų pagalba pamotė padaro taip, kad princas pamilsta jos dukrą Anastasiją. Pelenei reikia įveikti klastą ir burtus, kad atgautų meilę.

Pirmoje „Tėtukas namie“ dalyje tarsi šuo su kate sugyvenę Dastis (akt. Mark Wahlberg) ir Bredas (akt. Will Ferrell) pagaliau randa bendrą kalbą. Namuose įsivyravus taikai ir ramybei, apimti Kalėdų karštinės, vyrai net imasi drauge organizuoti tobulą šventę savo vaikams. Deja, sunkiai pasiektoms paliauboms grėsmę ima kelti netikėtai užgriuvę jųdviejų tėčiai – seksualusis Kurtas (akt. Mel Gibson) ir jautruolis ponas Vaitakeris (akt. John Lithgow). Jaukiomis turėjusias būti Kalėdas seneliai verčia nesibaigiančiu chaosu ir konkurencine kova. Kol jųdviejų tėvai ruošiasi vienas kitam perkąsti gerklę, Dasčiui ir Bredui patikima sunkiai įkandama užduotis – kad ir kas benutiktų, likti pavyzdingais tėvais, nesiveliančiais į mūšio lauką.

Visų mėgstamas ištižėlis Gregas Heflis grįžta trečioje „Ištižėlio istorija“ dalyje. Kai Grego tėvas pagrasina jį išsiųsiąs į karinę mokyklą, jei šis nuolat painiosis į bėdas, Gregas randa naujų būdų, kaip patekti į šunų prieglaudą! Siekdamas būti arčiau savo susižavėjimo objekto – Holės Hills, jis apsimeta dirbantis prašmatniame užmiesčio klube, kuriame ši dirba teniso instruktore, ir kurio nariai yra jo draugo Rolio šeima. Bet tai neapsaugo jo nuo rūpesčių, kai viskas pasisupa labai bloga linkme.

As viable water is depleted on Earth, a mission is sent to Saturn's moon Titan to retrieve sustainable H2O reserves from its alien inhabitants. But just as the humans acquire the precious resource, they are attacked by Titan rebels, who don't trust that the Earthlings will leave in peace.

When Destiny, captain of three-time national champions "The Rebels," is challenged to a global cheer showdown by an edgy new team called "The Truth," the Cheer Goddess organizes a virtual battle for squads from all around the world. It seems like the whole world wants to take down Destiny and her team, and they just might succeed, unless Destiny can rise to the challenge, set her ego aside and figure out who her real friends are.

Atokiame Rumunijos vienuolyne įvyksta tragedija – nusižudo jauna vienuolė. Ištirti šio įvykio Vatikanas pasiunčia tėvą Burką ir jauną novicę, seserį Ireną. Pastaroji jau visai netrukus turi duoti finalinius įžadus ir tapti vienuole, tuo tarpu tėvas Burkas iki šiol kovoja su savo tamsios praeities paliktais sielos randais. Ėmęsi gilintis į jaunosios vienuolės savižudybę, tėvas Burkas ir sesuo Irena netrukus atskleidžia kruopščiai saugomą vienuolyno paslaptį. Į šventą vietą įsisukę demoniškos jėgos nesirengia lengvai pasiduoti. Tarp tamsių vienuolyno sienų ima dėtis vis kraupesni įvykiai...

Felix is a legendary prankster who gets expelled from his high school and, with his friend’s help, stops at nothing to hide it from his parents.

An American couple bring their 10 year old daughter, Claire, to her grandfather Lawrence's hotel in The Dolomites, Italy. They usually come for Christmas but this year it’s August. The fact is they are breaking up, and once Claire realizes there’s not going to be a family Christmas this year, she insists on everyone making it out for Christmas in August. Claire, in collusion with her grandfather, plan activities that are designed to re-unite her parents.

Guillaume and his friends have planned to attend the biggest electronic music festical to celebrate their passing school… but Guillaume has to take the test once again and has to go over everything over the weekend.

Vincent, 18 years old, is dumped by Elina. It is his first love, it is the end of the world! His parents decide to take matters into their own hands and will try everything to make him forget this girl: he will have to follow them in a loving detoxification of which they will imagine the program ...

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.