George Clooney a Meryl Streep propůjčili své hlasy hlavním postavám zábavného a dojemného animovaného dobrodružství od vizionářského režiséra Wese Andersona. Pan a paní Foxovi (George Clooney a Meryl Streep) žijí ve šťastné a poklidné domácnosti společně se svým výstředním synem Ashem (Jason Schwartzman) a synovcem Kristoffersonem, jenž je u nich na návštěvě. Pak si ale pan Fox vzpomene na staré dobré loupežnické časy a zosnuje největší kuřecí loupež, jakou kdy svět zvířat zažil. Film Fantastický pan Lišák, který vznikl na motivy oblíbeného bestselleru Roalda Dahla (Karlík a továrna na čokoládu), nabízí rodinnou zábavu v té nejlepší podobě.
A collection of magical tales based upon the actual dreams of director Akira Kurosawa.
Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist, as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability.
Two college roommates have 24 hours to make the ultimate choice as they finalize arrangements for a black market abortion.
Začalo to starým milostným listom - a zmenilo sa na novú lásku. Čo pripravila budúcnosť pre Laru Jean a Petra?
A joinery instructor at a rehab center refuses to take a new teen as his apprentice, but then begins to follow the boy through the hallways and streets.
Frank Galvin is a down-on-his-luck lawyer and reduced to drinking and ambulance chasing, when a former associate reminds him of his obligations in a medical malpractice suit by serving it to Galvin on a silver platter—all parties are willing to settle out of court. Blundering his way through the preliminaries, Galvin suddenly realizes that the case should actually go to court—to punish the guilty, to get a decent settlement for his clients... and to restore his standing as a lawyer.
Nenápadný administratívny pracovník je zatknutý a postavený pred súd, ale nikdy nie je informovaný o svojich obvineniach. Adaptácia Kafkovho románu od Orsona Wellesa.
Young, impulsive Rosetta lives a hard and stressful life as she struggles to support herself and her alcoholic mother. Refusing all charity, she is desperate to maintain a dignified job.
Kitty sa musí neodkladne vydať. Preto si berie seriózneho doktora Waltera, s ktorým odchádza do Šanghaja. Pretože sa tu Kitty nudí, nájde si milenca. Walter neveru odhaľuje a ako pomstu prijíma prácu v odľahlej čínskej dedine, kam berie Kitty so sebou. Len tu sa môžu naučiť jeden druhého chápať, milovať a odpúšťať. Film vznikol podľa rovnomenného románu W. Somerseta Maughama.
Scotland, 11th century. Driven by the twisted prophecy of three witches and the ruthless ambition of his wife, warlord Macbeth, bold and brave, but also weak and hesitant, betrays his good king and his brothers in arms and sinks into the bloody mud of a path with no return, sown with crime and suspicion.
Young-goon, mentally deranged and frequently electro-charging herself with a transistor radio, has been admitted into a mental institution. Firmly believing herself to be a cyborg, she refuses to consume like a human being. Il-soon is another patient, who catches the eye of Young-goon and soon becomes a close friend. Il-soon is now confronted with the biggest task: to cure Young-goon's mental problem and have her eat real food.
Život snehuliaka uväzneného na poličke v snežiacej sklenenej guli môže byť veľmi jednotvárny a nudný. O to viac, pokiaľ je snehuliak obklopený ďalšími suvenírmi z lákavých miest plných slnka. Keď sa frustrovaný snehuliak konečne dostane zo svojho väzenia, jeho plány na dovolenku sa nevyvíjajú úplne podľa plánu.
Sandra is a young woman who has only one weekend to convince her colleagues they must give up their bonuses in order for her to keep her job — not an easy task in this economy.
Six Catholics share their thoughts and problems with Jesus in different churches. The camera accompanies them.
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm, an egotistic and authoritarian individual who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
Lorna is a young Albanian woman in a marriage of convenience with Claudy, a heroin addict. Just as Lorna is about to be granted Belgian citizenship, Claudy finds the strength to detox; this presents a problem not only for Lorna, but for the criminal who brokered the deal.
Nie je jasné, čo presne sa stalo, keď bol devätnásťročný Talib Ben Hassi v policajnej väzbe. Policajti Jens a Mike sú na bežnej hliadke v kodanskom gete vo chvíli, keď rozhlas oznámi Talibovu smrť. Správa roznieti nekontrolovateľnú vzburu mládeže v gete, ktorá túži po odplate. Odrazu sa obaja policajti ocitnú v pasci a musia bojovať zubami-nechtami, aby našli cestu von.
Tridsať rokov po tom, čo Krotitelia duchov ovládli svet, sa obľúbená značka vracia. Režisér Paul Feig prichádza so sviežou, akciou nabitou komédiou plnou veľkolepých vizuálnych efektov. Tešiť sa môžete na jedny z najlepších amerických komičiek a tiež hercov zo „starej partie."
Benoit turns 13 and develops an intense crush on his godmother, Marion. As they lie on beaches in the summer, she humors him by talking about the mysteries of women.