Following the release of The Godfather Part III in 1990, Coppola, Barry Malkin, and Walter Murch edited the three Godfather movies into chronological order. As had the earlier compilations, this film incorporated scenes that are not part of the theatrical releases.

The story of one shepherd's single-handed quest to re-forest a desolate valley in the foothills of the French Alps throughout the first half of the 20th century.

Rozsiahla rodinná sága rozprávaná očami desaťročného Alexandra je akousi tvorcovou autobiografiou, ktorá nielen odráža spomienky na detstvo a vyrovnanie sa so strasťami a nástrahami života, ale predstavuje aj mnohoročné skúsenosti a nezabudnuteľný filmárov rukopis. Fanny a Alexander sú dvojičky, ktoré prežívajú šťastné detstvo so svojimi rodičmi na začiatku 20. storočia vo Švédsku. Keď však otec zomrie, matka sa rozhodne vydať za miestneho biskupa. Rozpory medzi chlapcom a otčimom na seba nenechajú dlho čakať a chlapec uniká do sveta predstáv a fantázie, čo však biskup tvrdo trestá. Ľudské chmúry a hrôzy sa tu však zobrazujú s nadhľadom a uvoľnenosťou a prinášajú tak divákom akúsi oslavu ľudského spoločenstva a lásky.

In this loose adaptation of "Hamlet," illegitimate son Kôichi Nishi climbs to a high position within a Japanese corporation and marries the crippled daughter of company vice president Iwabuchi. At the reception, the wedding cake is a replica of their corporate headquarters, but an aspect of the design reminds the party of the hushed-up death of Nishi's father. It is then that Nishi unleashes his plan to avenge his father's death.

In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.

Film stavia na záberoch nakrútených v rokoch 1966 – 1971, teda od vzniku kapely až do smrti Jima Morrisona. Dokument zobrazuje kým skupina The Doors bola a čím sa stala. DiCillo nahliada do sveta slávy, drog a alkoholu, ktoré sú s kapelou spájané. Zameriava sa zároveň na jej oddanosť rockovej hudbe. Vedľa výstrelkov Jima Morrisona je to tiež príbeh Raya Manzareka, Robbyho Kriegera a Johna Densmora – muzikantov, ktorých dôraz na umeleckú slobodu a odmietanie kompromisov inšpiroval viaceré generácie.

The life of Al Roberts, a pianist in a New York nightclub, turns into a nightmare when he decides to hitchhike to Los Angeles to visit his girlfriend.

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.

Three generations of women who seek to murder their husbands share a solidarity for one another which brings about three copy-cat drownings.

A French documentary or, one might say more accurately, a mockumentary, by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick.

Falšovaná päťstofranková bankovka cynicky putuje od človeka k človeku, od obchodu k obchodu, až sa dostane do rúk nevinného muža, ktorý nespozná, že bankovka je falošná a to má zničujúci vplyv na jeho život.

A penetrating study of a marriage on the rocks, set against the backdrop of a small Mediterranean fishing village. Both a stylized depiction of the complicated relationship between a married couple and a documentary-like look at the daily struggles of the inhabitants of Sète in the South of France.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

A photographer, Isaac is asked by hotel owners to take portraits of their recently deceased daughter Angélica. When he looks at her through the lens of his camera, she appears to come back to life just for him. He instantly falls in love with her. From that moment, he will be haunted by Angélica day and night.

The story of youth, friendship and love in a time when man took his first steps on the moon, the streets became saturator, transistors pulsed rock'n'roll, and the fondest dream of every fan of the domestic automotive industry was the Fiat 125p. Film trip to the sixties, colorful era "flower children", hippies and bigbitu. Year 1969. Fascinating in aviation Adam is called to the army. However, much to his own chagrin, she gets an assignment to serve in the ... Navy. In Antek, older brother, embark on the sea. During several days of traveling through Poland to visit old friends and make new friends. Antek - incorrigible womanizer and the king of nightclubs - wants to prepare a shy brother to life. However, the meeting with a beautiful and mysterious woman calls a lot of complications in the life of Adam, initiating a series of surprising events.

A tough detective who is part of an elite New York City unit is trying to find out who killed his partner, but uncovers a plot to kidnap mobsters for money.

Celovečerný debut režiséra Martina Scorseseho rozpráva o konzervatívnej morálke v strete s moderným svetom. J.R. je mladý Italoameričan, neveľmi vzdelaný, zato však bystrý. Žije v uzatvorenej komunite "Malého Talianska" v New Yorku a väčšinu voľného času zabíja poflakovaním spolu s kamarátmi z miestneho gangu. Jedného dňa na trajekte spozná dievčinu, ktorá pochádza z odlišného sveta. Študuje na vysokej škole, zaujíma sa o literatúru, žije sama vo vlastnom byte. Hoci zázemie a výchova týchto dvoch mladých ľudí sú si vzdialené, ich sympatie postupne prerastú do lásky. Keď sa však J.R. dozvie, že jeho priateľka už nie je panna, nedokáže sa s tým vyrovnať a vzťah ukončí. Nepomôžu ani vyznania lásky a vysvetlenie, že v minulosti bola znásilnená. J.R., vychovávaný podľa zásad prísnej katolíckej morálky a vedený k úcte voči ideálu ženy-matky a ženy-panny, sa napriek vlastným citom nedokáže zbaviť predsudkov.

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

Dr. Worley investigates a 300-year-old witch's curse in the New England town of Devonsville. Three liberated, assertive women move into town, which angers the bigoted, male-dominated town fathers. One of the women is a reincarnation of the witch, who proceeds to exact revenge on them.