Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

A young girl is raised in a dysfunctional family constantly on the run from the FBI. Living in poverty, she comes of age guided by her drunkard, ingenious father who distracts her with magical stories to keep her mind off the family's dire state, and her selfish, nonconformist mother who has no intention of raising a family, along with her younger brother and sister, and her other older sister. Together, they fend for each other as they mature in an unorthodox journey that is their family life.

This true story, which takes place in Fort Campbell, KY, tells the heart-wrenching story of the life and tragic death of soldier Barry Winchell. His love for Calpernia Addams, a transgender nightclub performer, was misunderstood by his fellow soldiers and eventually led to his murder.

An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store.

Sudan, East Africa, 1980. A team of Israeli Mossad agents plans to rescue and transfer thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel. To do so, and to avoid raising suspicions from the inquisitive and ruthless authorities, they establish as a cover a fake diving resort by the Red Sea.

Прича постаје још напетија како футуристичка хроника живота Кетнис Евердин улази у ново поглавље. Игре су можда заувек уништене, али борба за преживљавање постаје све жешћа. Кетнис ће морати бити храбрија и јача него икад у борби са свемоћним Капитолом. Схвата да нема избора осим да разапне крила и пригрли симбол Птице ругалице. Да би спасла Питу она мора да постане вођа.

Славни дијамант зван Пинк Пантер поновно је украден, овај пут из националног музеја у Лугашу. Лопов бежи чуварима музеја, али оставља посетницу: белу рукавицу са златно извезеним монограмом “П”. Истрагу води пуковник Шарки из тајне полиције, но шах од Лугаша захтева да се позове и инспектор Клузо који је тренутно суспендован са свог посла у Француској. Он је уверен да се иза пљачке крије славни Фантом.

Радња се дешава 22 године после догађаја из првог дела Парка из доба Јуре. Исла Нублар креира тематски парк са диносаурусима у пуном обиму, онако како је то оригинално замислио Џон Хамонд, али после десет година успешног рада, посета почиње да опада. Да би се испунили захтеви корпорације - власника парка, креира се нова атракција за привлачење публике, али се пројекат претвара у катастрофу

In the Old West, a 17-year-old Scottish boy teams up with a mysterious gunman to find the woman with whom he is infatuated.

How might your life be better with less? The popular simple-living duo The Minimalists examines the many flavors of minimalism by taking the audience inside the lives of minimalists from various walks of life.

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.

Неуобичајена прича о последњим данима у трагичном времену Оскара Вајлда, особе која своју пропаст посматра са ироничном дистанцом и слаже се са потешкоћама које носи његов живот без везивања и са хумором.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

Martin was a normal teenage boy before the country collapsed in an empty pit of economic and political disaster. A vampire epidemic has swept across what is left of the nation's abandoned towns and cities, and it's up to Mister, a death dealing, rogue vampire hunter, to get Martin safely north to Canada, the continent's New Eden.

Бивши агент ЦИА-е (Броснан) позван је да одради последњу мисију, но овог пута у питању ће бити задатак сасвим личне природе. Супарник ће да му буде бивши ученик, а у целу причу уплешће се високи званичници његове агенције као и судије руских председничких избора…

An eccentric scientist in the Amazon jungle rejects his research assistant for being a woman, but as bulldozers threaten their work on a potential cancer cure, they learn to collaborate and begin to fall in love.

Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defense seeks a game-changing weapon. Programmer Vincent McCarthy unwittingly provides an answer in The Machine, a super-strong human cyborg. When a programming bug causes the prototype to decimate his lab, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes.

Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.

A group of friends are lured to an isolated cabin by a promise of heavy partying, only to find themselves in a nightmarish game of truth or dare.

Two perky teens explore every inch of the telephone exhibit at Seattle's fair.