During the last forty years, the photographer Sebastião Salgado has been travelling through the continents, in the footsteps of an ever-changing humanity. He has witnessed the major events of our recent history: international conflicts, starvations and exodus… He is now embarking on the discovery of pristine territories, of the wild fauna and flora, of grandiose landscapes: a huge photographic project which is a tribute to the planet's beauty. Salgado's life and work are revealed to us by his son, Juliano, who went with him during his last journeys, and by Wim Wenders, a photographer himself.
Errol Morris's unique documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer's murder in Dallas.
Maria marries a young soldier in the last days of World War II, only for him to go missing in the war. She must rely on her beauty and ambition to navigate the difficult post-war years alone.
A gangster sets out to fulfill his father's dream of becoming a doctor.
To understand firsthand what the United States of America can learn from other nations, Michael Moore playfully “invades” some to see what they have to offer.
A young and cynical female journalist learns love may transcend trials and time as she discovers a story that will change her life forever. When war separates lovers on their wedding anniversary Feb. 14, 1944 at LA Union Train Station, Navy pilot Neil Thomas makes a promise he isn't sure he can keep - to return to the train station safe by their next anniversary. For sixty years Caroline Thomas keeps her promise by waiting at the train station until her missing in action husband can finally keep his with the "lost valentine." The message and meaning shows romance and love can be real; worth fighting, and maybe even dying for.
Young lovers Orfeu and Eurydice run through the favelas of Rio during Carnaval, on the lam from a hitman dressed like Death and Orfeu's vengeful fiancée Mira and passing between moments of fantasy and stark reality. This impressionistic retelling of the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice introduced bossa nova to the world with its soundtrack by young Brazilian composers Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim.
A drama about the less known aspects of the trading activity inside one of the biggest banks in the world - Société Générale. The movie tracks the rise and fall of anonymous trader turned superstar turned escape goat - Jérôme Kerviel - just as the 2008 financial crisis was unfolding
The all-powerful Monkey King once roamed freely between Heaven and Earth, but after angering the Gods, he was imprisoned within an ice cage deep within the mountains. 500 years later, monsters attack a small village and a child flees to the mountains. Unknowingly, the child releases the Monkey King from his curse. With the help and encouragement from this special child, Monkey King saves the village from the evil monsters.
Gabrielle a José uzatvorili na konci 2. svetovej vojny manželstvo z rozumu. Nedarí sa im však splodiť dieťa, a tak Gabrielle odchádza na liečenie do švajčiarskych kúpeľov. Tam stretáva očarujúceho vojnového veterána, v ktorom objaví svoju spriaznenú dušu.
A reformed frat boy opens an antique store in a college town and falls for the free-spirited girl who moves into the apartment above his shop. In time, this unlikely pair fall into a traditional courtship.
Various individuals think they’re coming together for a party in a private home, but a series of revelations results in a huge crisis that throws their belief systems – and their values – into total disarray.
Cryptozookeepers try to capture a Baku, a dream-eating hybrid creature of legend, and start wondering if they should display these beasts or keep them hidden and unknown.
Five years after jilting his pregnant fiancée on their wedding day, out-of-shape Dennis decides to run a marathon to win her back.
Aniara je jedným z vesmírnych korábov, ktoré sú skonštruované na prepravu ľudskej populácie na novú domovskú planétu Mars. Keď raketa opustí zničenú Zem, zrazí sa s vesmírnym odpadom, čo má za následok vychýlenie z naprogramovaného kurzu. Cestujúci si pozvoľna uvedomujú, že sa už nikdy nevrátia a Aniara bude naveky unášaná prázdnym a studeným vesmírom.
Mladí Briti Peter a Gail si užívajú dovolenku v Maroku, keď sa zoznámia s Rusom Dimom, ktorého dlhoročné väzby na ruskú mafiu sa náhle obrátili proti nemu. Požiada preto Petra o sprostredkovanie kontaktu s britskými tajnými službami a mladý pár sa tak nič netušiac ocitá v hre, v ktorej ide o všetko a nemôžu dôverovať ani jednej strane.
After false reports of his demise put him and his work on the map, an artist decides to continue the charade by posing as his own brother. Soon, a reporter enters his life and has a profound effect on him.
Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.
Pred dvadsiatimi štyrmi hodinami stál Nardo pred oltárom spolu s láskou svojho života. Teraz sa trasie - kdesi uprostred mexickej púšte - odetý len v zlatých legínach. Čo sa stalo? Jeden z jeho priateľov mu pokazil svadbu a rozhnevaná nevesta ušla na svadobnú cestu do Mexika - sama. Nardo sa za ňou vydal, aby mu odpustila. V krajine drogových kartelov sa však nechtiac zaplietol s gangstrami a o problémy má postarané. Zachrániť ho môžu iba jeho najlepší priatelia a obetaví kamaráti Jason a Evan, ktorí celú situáciu vlastne spôsobili.
Liam is on the brink of divorce when he learns his wife Mia is diagnosed with cancer. She proposes a road trip to mend their relationship and her health.