A school janitor pretends to be a priest in order to give private lessons to a young top model.


  爱丽丝(宝拉·柯特莱西 Paola Cortellesi 饰)嫁入了豪门,过着人人羡慕的阔太太的生活,她也心安理得的享受着此刻拥有的一切,尽情的挥霍着金钱。让她万万没有想到的是,丈夫竟然在一场意外中丧生了,紧接着,丈夫的律师又告诉了爱丽丝一个噩耗,那就是她的丈夫不仅没有给她留下遗产,还有一堆的债务要爱丽丝偿还。如果爱丽丝无法在期限时间内还清债务,那么就将失去孩子的抚养权。   无奈之下,艾莉莉丝只得搬出了富丽堂皇的大别墅,住到了贫民窟中。常年养尊处优的生活让爱丽丝的性格非常的狭隘乖僻,而从现在开始,她不得不和自己瞧不起的穷人们生活在一起。 ©豆瓣   35岁的爱丽丝有一个丈夫和一个儿子。 她的生活似乎是一个美丽的梦想,但很快就变成了一场噩梦。 她的丈夫在一场车祸中丧生,她的律师告诉她,她的处境堪忧。 她发现在短时间内赚钱的唯一方法是做历史上最古老的工作。


Andrea is a handsome and cocky 38-year old man with a successful business career. Shallow, womanizing and a confirmed bachelor, his life seems to be just perfect... until the day he comes home and finds there Layla, a teenage girl who claims to be his daughter. Alongside Layla is her grandfather Enzo, a former rockstar and the father of Andrea's first fleeting and forgotten conquest. And they've come to stay!


On Andrea's birthday, his boss asks him to babysit his son while he's away for work: while Andrea is babysitting, his friends arrive and throw a big party.

Samuel(休•格兰特 饰)得知了同居五年的女友Rebecca(朱丽安•摩尔 饰)怀孕后,顿时感到不知所措。一向拥有自由生活的他,暂时还没有生孩子的打算。而且他的职业是个儿童精神病医师,他看到过了太多的小孩子,对他们的好感都不大。   面对巨大的压力与责任感使Samuel感到十分痛苦,即使有好友的榜样示范与劝导,还是无法让Samuel心中的阴霾,无法接受自己将要当爸爸这件事。眼看与女友之间的关系越发恶劣,Rececca还独自住进了医院,Samuel便觉得更加无助了。   就在这时候,他看到了自己孩子超声波的录影带,他顿时感动得不知所以。后来通过医生与朋友的耐心规劝,终于从心里承受了将要成为父亲的事实。   Samuel与Rebecca结婚了,他要与妻子一起迎接孩子的到来,就在Rebecca即将临产的时候,Samuel及慌张又期待,变得手忙脚乱,产房里一片混乱…..

A very extended family gathers for the Christmas holidays, after the death of the breadwinner Leonardo Sereni, famous singer. The eldest son Julius, with his wife Marina, has a panettone factory.

Ruthless businessman Luciano reconnects with his estranged family from a previous marriage, only to use their youngest son, awkward and starry-eyed Baldo, as the fall guy for his failing endeavor.

The movie is basically two unrelated comedic features: the first one features the travails of a man who stutters and tries to woo a woman he wants to date. The second features the wonderful Renato Pozetto as a gay man who lives with a partner, but finds himself falling for a woman, and not knowing how to tell his partner, who is prone to melodrama.

A womanizing lawyer follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is a bumbling police chief who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet during a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.

A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.

Fabio Leone and Paolo Pecora are two police officers from Rome, which together with the careless Neapolitan Ciro Marmotta, are fired from the barracks to have scuppered the plan to capture a secret agent.

A movie based on the italian sitcom "I Soliti Idioti".


Carlo descends on his former lover's unsuspecting family and the scheming Rocco tries to break up his old rival Marcello's wedding.

Carlo, on vacation in South Africa with his second wife Susanna meets her younger brother Giorgio.

Two quarreling teachers vie for the same woman. In the same time the two will have to accompany a class on a trip in Spain.