Mystery Inc. withdraws from solving crimes after botching a case. When Vincent Van Ghoul contacts the gang about an unfinished investigation from Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby's past, the gang springs into action to finish the job that involves catching the 13th Ghost that escaped from the Chest of Demons and is still at large.

Scooby-Doo and Shaggy travel to Arabia to become the Caliph's Royal Food Tasters. But they bite off more than they can chew and are forced to run for their lives! It's a wild magic carpet ride as Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and their genie (Yogi Bear) and a jolly sailor named Sinbad (Magilla Gorilla) take you on an adventure of mistaken identities, exotic locations and fun-filled action and surprises!

Ajatashatru Lavash Patel has lived all his life in a small Mumbai neighborhood tricking people with street magic and fakir stunts. He sets out on a journey to find his estranged father but instead gets dragged on a never-ending adventure.

U filmu Iron Man 3 koji nam dolazi direktno iz studija Marvel briljantni industrijalist Tony Stark/Iron Man suočava se s neprijateljem koji ne poznaje granice. Nakon što neprijatelj u potpunosti uništi Starkov osobni život, on kreće u sudbonosnu potragu za odgovornima. Na svakom koraku avanture njegova hrabrost biti će testirana, a kada se nađe prislonjen uza zid, Stark će morati preživjeti koristeći svoje vlastite inovacije, osloniti se na svoju ingenioznost i instinkte kako bi zaštitio one koji su mu najbliži. Dok se bori za vlastiti povratak, Stark otkriva odgovor na pitanje koje ga je potajno proganjalo: čini li čovjek odijelo ili odijelo čini čovjeka?

Tom i Jerry su gusari koji plove morima u potrazi za blagom. Jednog dana val baci na palubu broda bocu s porukom, koja je zapravo mapa s ucrtanim blagom! Tom sazna da je mapa ukleta i da je prije zalaska sunaca mora vratiti u bocu ili će se morati suočiti s posljedicama. U pronalasku blaga Tomu i Jerryju pomoći će kapetan Red Pirate Ron (Kevin Michael Richardson), koji ima dva brata, Blue Pirate Boba (Kathy Najimy) i Purple Pirate Paula (Wallace Shawn), jednako željna bogatstva.

Britanci imaju običaj piti vruću vodu vikendom te se ne žele boriti u to vrijeme. Zbog tog rituala uspjeli su izgubiti veliki dio otoka od Rimljana. No, jedno malo selo u Galiji ostalo je neosvojeno te Britanci šalju vjernog Antiklimaxa u Galiju po čarobni napitak koji bi im trebao pomoći. Druid je napravio cijelu bačvu napitka za Britaniju te je zadužio Asterixa i Obelixa da otprate Antiklimaxa do njegovog sela. Međutim, kada stignu u Britaniju Rimljani im uspiju oduzeti bačvu čarobnog napitka.

In 17th-century France, beautiful country maiden Angélique marries wealthy neighbor Jeoffray de Peyrac out of convenience, but eventually, she falls in love with him. So when Jeoffray is arrested and then vanishes, she bravely sets out to find him. This is the first of many dramas based on Anne and Serge Golon's novels about strong-willed Angélique and her adventures during the reign of Louis XIV, the Sun King.

Angelique is saved by the king of the cutthroats when she is endangered in the streets of Paris. After her hero is killed, she has many amorous affairs and becomes a successful businesswoman.

Gotovo čitavu Galiju 50. godine prije Krista, okupirali su Rimljani. Međutim, maleno selo u kojem žive Asterix i njegovi prijatelji još uvijek odolijeva rimskim legijama, i to uz pomoć čarobnog napitka koji im daje nadljudske moći. Kad jedan rimski centurion sazna za taj napitak, otme druida ne bi li saznao tajanstvenu formulu napitka. Prilikom napada na druida Panoramixa, Obelix je rastjerao rimske vojnike bacivši na njih obelisk, ali je slučajno pogodio Panoramixa. Nakon toga druid je izgubio pamćenje i ne može se sjetiti formule za njegove čarobne napitke, posebice za onaj koji daje nadljudske moći.

U ovom kratkometražnom filmu, u glavnim ulogama nastupaju snjegović Olaf i sob Sven koji, s željom da pomognu princezama Anni i Elsi, kreću u pustolovinu prikupljanja najboljih blagdanskih običaja!

Dissatisfied with his new work at the Goethe-Gesamtschule, Mr. Müller is tired of early mornings and correcting exams. Meanwhile, director Gerster strives to be a symbol of the new company. To do so, her attempts to improve the school's image involve revoking the partnership from the Schillergymnasium with a Thai school. In a last-ditch saving grace, Mr. Müller, Mrs. Schnabelstedt, and the 10b must take a trip to Thailand.

This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

Cezaru je prekipjelo kad su mu uništili još jednu legiju zbog čarobnog napitka, pa odluči poduzeti nešto. Naredi da zarobe druida za kojega vjeruju da je besmrtan i gurnu ga preko ruba Zemlje, jer prema priči još vjeruju da je Zemlja ravna poput pizze; zapravo Grci i Rimljani znaju bolje. Prvo u mrežu uhvate druida i Obelixova psa, pa ih Obelix i Asterix slijede brodom po Atlantskom oceanu, i nastradaju nakon oluje. Pronađu druida i pleme Indijanaca (vjeruju da su u Indiji), i doslovno cijeli Novi svijet za jednako primitivne Kelte. A doma, Cezar vidi priliku sravniti selo, ali mora čekati da popiju sav čarobni napitak, i dok se junaci ne vrate doma.

In a future where water is scarce, a farmer defends his land and hopes to rejuvenate his parched soil. However, his daughter's boyfriend schemes to steal the land for himself.

Enjoying college life as a popular student, Laura shares everything with her more than 800 friends on Facebook. But one day, after accepting a friend request from a social outcast named Marina, Laura’s life is cursed...

Ever since killing the Fisherman one year ago, Julie James is still haunted by images of him after her. When her best friend Karla wins free tickets to the Bahamas, Julie finds this a perfect opportunity to finally relax. But someone is waiting for her. Someone who she thought was dead. Someone who is out again for revenge.

After a groundbreaking presidential election, Jeff Tuche becomes the new President of France and moves in the Elysee with his family to govern the country.

A married woman with a lovely daughter lives a carefree life, until she meets her ex-lover at a friend’s wedding. They haven’t seen each other in ten years, but they begin an affair.