When seemingly reformed ex-con Zequi is about to marry the love of his life, the lovably nerdy Lucy, wedding day jitters turn into a full-blown fiasco and Lucy calls it off. Meanwhile, the school finds itself in deep trouble and the gang heads to the water to compete in the tournament of their lives. Once they're all seaside, Lucy runs into her high school sweetheart Mario, coach of the opposing squad and Zequi finds himself a rival in more than one competition. Now he has to pull out all the stops to wrangle in his rowdy kids, win Lucy back, and in case that wasn't enough, save the school from shutting down by leading Frida High to victory.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 1–5, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro Kamado returns home to find his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko, turned into a Demon. To his surprise, however, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotion and thought. Thus begins Tanjiro's journey to seek out the Demon who killed their family and turn his sister human again.

Ten-year-old Hannes, growing up with his young, poor and single mother wants to join the coolest gang in the area, the Vorstadtkrokodile. When the ‘entry test’ goes wrong, Hannes’s life is saved by Kai, who is desperate to join too but is wheelchair bound and unable to even run away when things get hot. Hannes would accept Kai but the other gang members don’t seem happy to accept a handicapped member...

Maria José i Alfredo spremaju se proslaviti 20. godišnjicu braka, ali nikako se ne podnose. Uloživši ušteđevinu, njihova djeca odlučuju im pokloniti putovanje u isti hotel u kojem su proveli medeni mjesec. No, čarolija će natjerati supružnike da iznova proživljavaju dan godišnjice sve dok se ne sjete razloga zbog kojih su se jednom odlučili vjenčati.

Based on the true story of an award-winning investigative journalist -- and avowed atheist -- who applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife... with unexpected, life-altering results.

Jack is a charismatic larrikin who has just discovered the one thing he's really good at — go-kart racing. With the support of his mentor, Patrick, an old race car driver with a secret past, and his best mates Colin and Mandy, Jack must learn to control his recklessness if he is to defeat the best drivers in Australia, including the ruthless champion Dean, and win the National title.

Plaćena ubojica koju je obučila vojska prestane se skrivati kako bi zaštitila kćer koju nikad nije upoznala od nemilosrdnih zločinaca koji traže osvetu.

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...

A film director fades away from the industry after the failed love with the heroine of his movie. After being rehabilitated, he learns that some people conspired his fall and decides to take revenge.

A year after Amber helped Richard secure the crown. The two are set to tie the knot in a royal Christmas wedding — but their plans are jeopardized when Amber finds herself second-guessing whether or not she's cut out to be queen, and Richard is faced with a political crisis that threatens to tarnish not only the holiday season but the future of the kingdom.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

Godine 1800. Jem Belcher postao je najmlađi svjetski prvak ikada. Ovo je njegova nevjerojatna istinita priča. Na prijelazu iz 19. stoljeća društvene promjene i napredak polako su se širili diljem Britanskog Carstva. U gradovima i selima u Engleskoj je još uvijek bilo jako puno siromaštva, ali u zabačenim uličicama Bristola živio je junak u usponu. Njegovo ime je Jem Belcher i on je transformirao primitivno šaketanje u kraljevski sport.

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

Nakon što se borila da osnuje obitelj, Julie Rivers je konačno u trećem tromjesečju trudnoće. Dok se njezin suprug Daniel prilagođava na novi posao predavača na koledžu, Julie nadzire nadogradnju njihove upravo kupljene povijesne kuće na osami uz jezero. Jedne večeri Julie završi u bolnici. Kako bi izbjegla prijevremene trudove, propisano joj je osam tjedana obveznog mirovanja. Dok Daniel radi, Juliejinu monotoniju zamjenjuju uznemirujući prizori i zvukovi — sve ukazuje na to da je njezin dom iz snova uklet, a duh iz njezine prošlosti pokušava podijeliti zastrašujuću poruku.

Nakon što pljačka zalagaonice krene po zlu, pljačkaši uspijevaju napustiti grad, uzimajući zaposlenicu za taoca. Skrivajući se od progona, kriminalci i njihova žrtva nađu se na udaljenoj farmi, gdje ih dočeka nešto mnogo opasnije od njih samih.

Brent Weinbach is weird. In this show, Brent attempts to adjust his quirky personality so that he can fit in with the world around him, which would be valuable to his career as a comedian and entertainer. Through an absurd and abstract discourse, Brent explores the ways in which he can appeal to a broader, mainstream audience, so that ultimately, he can become successful in show business.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

Statesman and poet Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's eloquence and vision shaped India's destiny. A look at his remarkable life as he led his country through a challenging period of change and development as the 10th Prime Minister of India.

A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.

A sci-fi novelist in 1950s Brooklyn suddenly finds herself transported 40 years into the future. She quickly learns that she isn’t the only “timefreak,” and that her time may already be up.