Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.

Harry Potter je sirota, ki živi s svojo grdo teto in stricem, Dursleyjem in svojim groznim bratrancem Dudleyem. Bliža se njegov enajsti rojstni dan in ima malo upanja, da bo prejel kakršna koli darila, saj se ga nihče nikoli ne spomni. Vendar pa le nekaj dni pred rojstnim dnem niz skrivnostnih pisem, naslovljenih nanj in napisanih s škrlatno zelenim črnilom, razbije monotonijo njegovega življenja: Harry je čarovnik in tudi njegovi starši

Harry Potter se vrne na Bradavičarko v peti razred, kjer je postavljen pred svoj največji izziv doslej.

Režiser znan po odbitih zapletih, še bolj odbitih likih in nadrealnih situacijah se je ponovno znašel na setu z enim od najpopularnejših akcijskih zvezd Jasonom Stathamom Zgodba sledi skrivnostnemu hudobnemu varnostniku H, ki dela za podjetje za prevoz denarja v Los Angelesu in je odgovoren za prevoz milijonov dolarjev po mestu Med ropom vozil, za katere so bili zadolženi, so njegovi kolegi presenečeni nad natančnostjo in spretnostmi, ki jih pokaže H in se sprašujejo, kdo v resnici je in od kod prihaja Kot vedno v Ritchiejevih dovršenih akcijah, ima tudi ta film zvite detajle in epske dialoge, o katerih se bo skozi leta govorilo.

Spopad največjih filmskih pošasti, neustrašnega Godzile in gigantskega Konga, se čaka že od leta 1962, ko sta se prvič srečala na velikih platnih. Kralj pošasti in kralj Otoka Lobanj se bosta spopadla v boju za premoč in pošastno superiornost. Dve najmočnejši sili narave bosta na velika platna zagotovo prinesli najbolj spektakularno bitko vseh časov.

When his girlfriend is forced to marry another man, a troubled young surgeon begins to self-destruct.

The movie revolves around how an Indian woman, Bharti, who sacrifices her life for her children and husband, and yet they do not value her or her sacrifices, and they all maltreat her. Then tables turn when her grandson, Mann comes to her rescue. He gets her modeling assignments which makes her more successful than any of the family members, including her husband. Even after so much success she misses the love and affection of family members. Mann suggests her to teach everyone in the house a lesson so that they start to value her. The movie has a happy end where she reunites with her family and they learn to respect her and value the efforts she makes for keeping them happy. The moral of the movie is importance of your mother and what all she does for you. Respecting her and valuing her efforts.

Tamizh is a killer for hire, and will accept any contract provided the amount is right. The Police want him for questioning, while the underworld needs him to silence their opponents. No one really knows this assassin's background. It is only Tamizh who knows his real identity and he has no intention of sharing it with anyone.

V svetu, kjer ljudje zbirajo Pokemone, da jih uporabljajo za borbe, fant spozna inteligentnega in zabavnega Pikachuja, ki si želi postati detektiv.

Genialni super zlobec Gru se je s posvojenimi hčerkami ustalil v mirnem predmestju in čeprav ga dolgi prsti in kriminalni um še vedno polno zaposlujejo, je povsem zadovoljen z družinskim življenjem. Toda nekega dne ga obišče agentka tajne protikriminalne agencije, ki ga želi rekrutirati v boju proti novemu super zločincu.

Novinar Eddie Brock se spremeni v Venoma, potem ko postane gostitelj zunajzemeljskega bitja. Ta simbiot ga popolnoma prevzame in mu odvzame svobodno voljo. Zdaj nekdo drug določa pravila in vsak poskus, da bi se osvobodil, je zaman. Eddie in simbiot postaneta eno – Venom, najslavnejši protijunak, za katerega ne boste vedeli, ali se ga morate bati ali upati, da vas reši.

Muthuvel Pandian, a retired, stern yet compassionate jailer lives a peaceful life with his family, but trouble knocks his door when his cop son’s tryst with an antique mafia gang goes awry and forces Muthu to step back into a dark world he had voluntarily took a break from.

Dr. Vasi invents a super-powered robot, Chitti, in his own image. The scientific body, AIRD, that must approve the robot, declines it based on its not having emotions and the ability to make rational judgment. A sudden flash of lightning evokes emotions in the robot, and Chitti is seemingly ready for integration into the human world. Then, Chitti falls in love with Dr. Vasi's fiancée Sana and turns on his creator.

968 AD. The Pandyan assassins gather once again to destroy the Chola dynasty. Now the mighty Chola princes must fight the Pandyas, the Rashtrakutas and other Chola enemies who have joined forces. Also, at play are the rumours of Ponniyin Selvan’s death at sea, the powerful Pazhuvettarayar’s betrayal, and the tragic destiny of Aditha Karikalan, whose heart was long lost to the vengeful Nandini.

Zgodba sledi pilotu helikopterja in reševalcu Rayu, ki s svojo ženo po katastrofalnem potresu potuje iz Los Angelesa v San Francisco, da bi skupaj rešila svojo hči. Njuno burno potovanje se izkaže zgolj za pričetek grozovitosti, ki jih je pripravila narava.

A mafia don sends his son out of the country because he doesn't want even a shadow of his life falling on him. Destiny wills otherwise. The son makes an innocuous trip to Mumbai to visit his dad. And ends up filling his father's large shoes.

A straightforward man, who uses violence to settle disputes, decides to mend his ways for the sake of his lover, but when he learns that her family is in danger, he decides to save them at all cost.

Balaraju, the head of his village, lives with his wife Baby along with his two sons Chandrasekhar Rao and Bangari and two daughters. He helps Chandrasekhar become a doctor and builds a local hospital. On the day it opens, Chandrasekhar comes back home with his lover Kausalya, also a doctor. Both express their wish to marry and settle abroad, which upsets Balaraju, leading to their separation. 25 years later, Chandrasekhar, a successful doctor in London, tells the story to his son Abhiram and daughter Indu. Abhiram decides to go home to Balaraju and attempt a reconciliation. He meets his friend, Bunny, at the airport and goes to the village on Bunny's bike the next day.

A virtuous soldier Magadheera aka Puli (Tiger) vows to save his people from the rule of a cruel queen and her treacherous Marshal. Does good triumph over evil?