A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

Vielzitiert und selten gelesen: Der 700. Todestag 2021 ist Anlass, Dante Alighieri und sein Universalwerk "Die Göttliche Komödie" neu zu entdecken. Der italienische Autor und Filmemacher Adolfo Conti reist mit ihm durch sein Leben und seine Dichtung, begegnet der Schönheit der Kunst und der toskanischen Landschaft, Naturgewalten und einem dramatischen Lebenslauf.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

A woman is taking an old elevator up to her new apartment that she has just moved into. The oddly old and ringing phone inside the cabin is freaking her out. Over the line she is told about nightmares that are about to become true.

blur: To The End follows the unique relationship of four friends - and band mates of three decades - Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, Alex James and Dave Rowntree as they come together to record new songs ahead of their sold-out, first ever shows at London’s Wembley Stadium in 2023.

A desert prospecter, Dick Norton, decides to head to the Klondike in search of gold. In the Klondike, Norton becomes a mining engineer whose honesty upsets a crooked Mortimer Pearson. Norton's girlfriend, Violet Winter and her father suddenly arrive in town.

Joffrey und Angélique sind glücklich wiedervereint. Doch da wird Angélique von Piraten entführt. Sie landet in dem Harem eines marokkanischen Sultans. Dort ist sie seinem Begehren und den eifersüchtigen Haremsdamen hilfslos ausgeliefert. Doch Joffrey ist nicht fern...

A farmer wakes up one morning to an unexpected apocalypse. As the last man alive, he decides to throw caution to the wind and start living his very best life.

The mystery passenger on Craddock's ship is his country's queen.When he loses money she's entrusted to him at roulette, he threatens to bomb Monte Carlo unless his loss is restored.

A young girl is lost in a forest filled with eyeball trees, skeletal animals and a nephilim

Three years living in Sunset Park, living between the BQE and the Greenwood Cemetery, accumulating footage of junkyard cats, Park Slope strollers, burned out cars, flying birds.

Cèsar Guzman lebt mit seiner schwangeren Frau Analupe friedlich auf ihrer Ranch. Eines Nachts, während Guzman unterwegs ist, wird die Ranch von sieben Männern überfallen. Analupe erkennt den Anführer und wird von ihm erwürgt, um sie für immer zum Schweigen zu bringen. Als Guzman bei seiner Rückkehr seine ermordete Frau findet, schwört er Revanche und begibt sich mit Hilfe von Silveira und Abriles auf einen blutigen Rachezug ...

Focuses on the history of foreign intervention in Laos, first by France and then by the United States. It shows how the liberation forces of Laos, under continuous U.S. bombing, were able to run an entire society in hidden caves and tunnels. Through the leadership of the Pathet Lao, they organized schools, cultural activities, clinics, as well as political and military activities literally underground.

Linda Dackman has been diagnosed with breast cancer, but this does not prevent her from seeing the positive side of life and continuing her quest for Prince Charming.