Morir en Madrid brings together several papers on the Spanish Civil War and integrates capturing different points of view, intended to represent the continuity of the suffering of the Spanish during the Franco regime. The death of Federico Garcia Lorca, Guernica, the defense of Madrid, the International Brigades, are some of the items comprised in this document.

שלושת האחים למחצה נפגשים שוב לרגל הלווית אמם. לאחר שנאמר להם על ירושה, הם מבזבזים במהרה את הכסף רק על מנת לגלות שהם לא קיבלו אותו אחרי הכל.

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.

Two rival "brothers-in-law" make a bet that they can stop smoking for 2 weeks. But, it's just not that easy...

A P.I. is obsessed with a cute woman, who seduces and kills rich men around W. Europe.

Leo Bernardi is a successful and acclaimed Italian director. He’s approaching the end of his career but he cannot accept his slow decline. He has just finished shooting his last movie and he’s deeply sad. The movie is inspired by the novel about Casanova written by Arthur Schnitzler, a character so similar to the director, even more than he could imagine. Schnitzler’s Casanova is aged, glory days are over: he lost his charm and his attraction to women, he’s broke and no more eager to travel through Europe. After a long exile, he just wants to go back to Venice, his homeland. While traveling home Casanova meets a girl, Marcolina. She reawakens his desire, lost for years. So, he tries to seduce her but that leads him to a tragic understanding: he’s an old man now. It’s not by chance that Leo Bernardi decided to tell this story right now, in a pivotal moment of his life and career. The destiny of both Casanova and his director leads them to a final confrontation.

קומדיה רומנטית. דרום צרפת. שלוש חברות טובות בשנות הארבעים לחייהן מתמודדות עם אובדן ושיברונות לב, ומנהלות רומנים לוהטים עם גברים צעירים מהן.

אנה היימס (ארלי ג'ובר) בת שלושים לערך היא אישתו של פקיד בכיר במשרד הפנים בממשלה. יותר מחודש היא סובלת מהזיות חמורות על דברים שהולכים לקרות, המלווה במשברים עם מחלת השכחה. החמור ביותר שהיא לפעמים לא מכירה את פניה כשהיא מסתכלת במראה, ואפילו את פניה של בעלה. ויש לה חששות בקשר אליו. במשך הזמן הזה הקפטן המחוזי של המשטרה פול נרדוקס (ג'וסלין קוירין), שם את עצמו בתור פיתיון בחקירתו על שלושה נשים טורקיות אשר עבדו בתוך סדנה סודית ונמצאו מתות. כאשר הנשים נרצחו באכזריות ופניהם הושחתו בברוטליות. בכדי לגלות מידע אודות החקירה נרדוקס חייב להתערבב בתוך האוכלסיה הטורקית, אך ללא הועיל. הוא מזעיק את עמיתו מהעבר ג'ין לואיס (ז'אן רנו) הסכיזופרני, בגלל המוניטין הגדול שלו כשוטר אכזרי. שניהם הולכים להתמודד עם תעלומה מפחידה ביותר ועקובת מדם עם המאפיה האכזרית של טורקיה. רק אחד יכול לצאת מהגהנום הזה, והוא השטן בעצמו.

The Three Wise Men – Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspard – are on their way to Bethlehem to pay homage to the infant Jesus when they are suddenly, an inexplicably, transported two thousand years into the future. They find themselves walking the streets of Paris, where they encounter a young woman called Macha who, they are convinced, will lead them to the newborn Messiah.

A group of college students researching Dorchester Stewart, better known as the infamous killer Crinoline Head, return to the scene of the horrific murders that happened in 1996.

Francis, who is in his forties, manages the French subsidiary of an American high-tech company. But the shareholders suddenly decide to close it. Depressed by the idea of being unemployed and the prospect of losing his second wife, Francis decides to consult a fortune-teller. The experience is a real eye-opener for him and the start of a new career: He pretends to be a fortune teller himself and turns into Madame Irma. How to explain that to his wife Clotilde?

Slacker Max fell so hard for single mother Alice in college that he developed a website aimed at winning her heart. Years later, after his venture has earned him millions of dollars, Max risks his entire fortune performing an ever more complicated series of social contortions to get close to Alice, now a politically motivated factory worker.

"Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne", a tiny village hurt by the financial crisis and the desertification. Its last hope : Start back the Smoked Salmon factory. The only issue : Insurances require a permanent doctor on site. But it s has been 5 years the previous doctor retired without setting a replacement. The whole village,supporting their surly major Germain, will try everything to convince the very Parisian Doctor Maxime Meyer that happiness is only at Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne! This movie is the french remake of the Canadian movie 'la Grande Seduction'

שנטל וכריסטיאן מנהלים חיים שלווים בפנסיה. ילדיהם סנדרין וסטפן כבר לא טורחים לבוא לבקר הרבה מאז שהם עזבו את הבית, ולענות להם לטלפון זה בגדר המלצה. מפגשים משפחתיים הופכים למועטים אם בכלל. אבל כשהילדים כפויי הטובה מכריזים שהם לא יהיו בבית בחג המולד, זה הקש האחרון עבור שנטל וכריסטיאן. כדי לפתות אותם להגיע לחג, הם מעמידים פנים שהם זכו בלוטו בפרס הגדול - 18 מליון אירו. מפה והלאה, הם במסע מפרך וקורע מצחוק לעבוד על הילדים שהם נהנים מהחיים הטובים. מכונית פרארי (בשכירות ל-20 דק׳), שעון רולקס ותיק שאנל (לא ממש מקוריים) הם רק חלק מהרשימה. אך הם לא מתכוננים לכך שהטריק הנואש עלול לעלות להם יותר ממה שהם דמיינו!

José is a football agent who goes to Ivory Coast to spot young talents in football. He is a braggart , who willingly sleeps with Gigi , a beautiful African woman who loves the luxury he offers her... One day, José spots Yaya, a street boy with the potential of a champion, and brings him to Belgium. Will Yaya be José's reward? Between the poor neighborhoods of Abidjan and Sporting Club of Charleroi, the cultural "gap" is brutal... and reserves surprises.

Willy and Tony have a brilliant idea for getting out of it financially: stealing a dog from the brigade des stups. But everything does not go as planned and the two accomplices will have to rely on the most corrupt of the cops.

After an airplane crash during a school trip, Oribe Mutsumi and her classmates were stranded on a seemingly deserted island. Mutsumi found the other survivors, and used her wilderness knowledge to help them. She expects that they will be rescued in about three days, which doesn't seem so long to endure. However, she didn't account for the fact that the island is populated with gigantic killer insects. Her knowledge of butterflies, wasps, and more may be the only thing that will help any of her classmates survive to be rescued!

Robert Millard has based his industrial kingdom - based on all the noise technologies - thanks to his marriage with the wealthy and cantankerous Irene, he blithely cheat for years. However, his last link with his pretty secretary, Eve, is the straw that broke the camel : Irene has indeed hired a detective-photographer, aptly named M.Colle order to have a maximum of incriminating shots. Threatened to divorce and thus to total ruin by his wife, the unfaithful husband should give up and dismiss Eve.