Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent. "Measuring their lives in love," these starving artists strive for success and acceptance while enduring the obstacles of poverty, illness and the AIDS epidemic.

Po smrtonosnih dogodkih doma v prvem delu, se mora družina Abbott zdaj spopasti s grozotami zunanjega sveta, potem ko v tišini nadaljujejo svoj boj za preživetje. Prisiljeni so se podati v neznano, hitro pa spoznajo, da bitja, ki lovijo po zvoku, niso edina grožnja, ki jim preti.

Iz Marvelovega vesolja herojev na velika platna prihaja nadaljevanje zgodbe o nevsakdanjem antijunaku s hudomušnim in pikrim smislom za humor. Nekdanji operativec posebnih enot in plačani morilec je testni zajček za neodobrene preizkuse, zaradi katerih pridobi pospešene sposobnosti celjenja in ozdravitve, ter se tako prelevi v svoj drugi jaz - v junaka z imenom Deadpool.

Paddington, now happily settled with the Browns, picks up a series of odd jobs to buy the perfect present for his Aunt Lucy, but it is stolen.

The film takes place one year after the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, in which Agent Carter, a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, is in search of the mysterious Zodiac.

La Vie normale est un spectacle de Gad Elmaleh sorti en 2001 où sont dépeints les caractères de plusieurs personnages et où il joue son propre rôle.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

Rohan is a kind, happy young man who has been blind since birth and works as a voice-over artist for a living. Through friends, he meets Supriya, a working woman who is also blind, but proudly independent. The two start liking each other and get married. Rohan toughest journey starts in his quest of vengeance for Supriya's indirect murderers.

In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the southern border to asylum in Mexico.

Napet akcijski triler režiserja Michaela Apteda ter producentov uspešnic Upokojeni, oboroženi, nevarni in Salt. Zgodba se odvija v Londonu, v mestu pa se pripravlja teroristični napad z biološkim orožjem. Agentka Cie v podobi Noomi Rapace mora skupaj z agentom MI5, ki ga igra Orlando Bloom, najti teroriste in preprečiti grozečo katastrofo. Razen omenjenega igralskega para ima film močno igralsko zasedbo, v kateri so še – Michael Douglas, Toni Colette in John Malkovich.

Skoraj vse, ki so se doslej znašli v pasteh Ugankarja ali pa so skušali odkriti njegove skrivnosti in ozadje, je doletela boleča in tragična smrt. Čeprav truplo srhljivega Johna, ki naj bi se skrival za krvnikovo masko, leži v mrtvašnici, se znova pojavijo izmaličena trupla. Miselne igrice, ki se večinoma končajo z zelo nasilno smrtjo udeležencev, so se znova začele! Odgovori in edina možnost rešitve ležijo v rokah detektiva Hoffmana, toda resnica je včasih še bolj kruta in nenavadna kot najhujša nočna mora.

A monkey trainer whose act goes wrong after an alien crash lands on Earth and injures his monkey. Desperate to perform the act, he attempts to train the alien instead, though is punished after the alien regains his powers.

Pohlevni srednješolski učitelj Andy nehote povzroči, da svojeglavega kolega Rona odpustijo. Besni vročekrvnež se odloči, da bo račune poravnal na staromoden način in Andyja pozove na obračun s pestmi na šolskem parkirišču po koncu pouka. Novica se hitro razširi med učenci, ki si želijo množično ogledati učiteljski spopad, toda Andy poskuša na vse načine preprečiti dvoboj. Na žalost mu prijatelji ne ponudijo pametnih nasvetov, zato je v obupu pripravljen poseči po najbolj skrajnih sredstvih, kar povzroči zabavni kaos nepozabnih razsežnosti.

Having thought that monogamy was never possible, a commitment-phobic career woman may have to face her fears when she meets a good guy.

Before horror enthusiast Max can break things off with his girlfriend Evelyn she dies in a bus accident. In time, Max meets another woman only to have Evelyn resurface as a zombie ready to resume their relationship.

When shark conservationist Dr. Misty Calhoun is invited to consult on a top-secret project run by pharmaceutical billionaire Carl Durant, she is shocked to learn that the company is using unpredictable and highly aggressive bull sharks as its test subjects, which soon break loose and cause havoc.

Meg Murry je tipična srednješolka, ki se ukvarja s problemi samozavesti in se želi vklopiti v družbo. Zadeve se zakomplicirajo s skrivnostnim izginotjem njenega očeta, zaradi česar je Meg pretresena in njena mama čustveno zlomljena. Charles Wallace Meg in njenemu sošolcu Calvinu predstavi tri nebesna bitja, ki so se odpravila na zemljo, da bi pomagale pri iskanju očeta in tako se skupaj z mladostniki odločno podajo na reševalno misijo.

On their last night together, four longtime flatmates' lives are suddenly upended when a secret is revealed during the course of an evening celebration.

Just as Simone works up the courage to tell her conservative Jewish family she's a lesbian, she finds herself attracted to a male Senegalese chef.

When a family of four rent a beautiful house for their summer vacation, the price seems too good to be true. Unbeknownst to them, the lascivious owner has set up a series of spy cams throughout the house, documenting their most intimate moments and live streaming them to the dark web.