Dignity. Poise. Mystery. We expect nothing less from the great turn-of-the-century magician, Presto. But when Presto neglects to feed his rabbit one too many times, the magician finds he isn't the only one with a few tricks up his sleeve!

The story of a gentle-hearted beast in love with a simple and beautiful girl. She is drawn to the repellent but strangely fascinating Beast, who tests her fidelity by giving her a key, telling her that if she doesn't return it to him by a specific time, he will die of grief. She is unable to return the key on time, but it is revealed that the Beast is the genuinely handsome one. A simple tale of tragic love that turns into a surreal vision of death, desire, and beauty.

This "Inception" prequel unfolds courtesy of a beautiful Motion Comic, and explains how Cobb, Arthur and Nash were enlisted by Cobol Engineering.

Set in late 19th century Canton, this martial arts film depicts the stance taken by the legendary martial arts hero Wong Fei-Hung against foreign forces' plundering of China.

Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.

Two patrolling cops stumble on to three criminals who have just stolen large amounts of explosives, and are killed in cold blood. Martin Beck and his team must now work day and night to find out who the killers are and what they are planning to do with the explosives before it's too late. Meanwhile, Gunvald Larsson who was a close friend of one of the murdered cops is ignoring all rules in his quest for revenge.

Two women, Nic and Jules, brought a son and daughter into the world through artificial insemination. When one of their children reaches age, both kids go behind their mothers' backs to meet with the donor. Life becomes so much more interesting when the father, two mothers and children start to become attached to each other.

Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them growing up far away from him and so he decides to move there as well.

A man working at a garbage incinerator discovers the body of a dead man burned to ashes in the oven. Police detective Martin Beck handles the case. All he knows is that a brutal murder has happened. But he does not know when or where. He has no body, motive or a crime scene, not a single trace. All he has is some teeth and a mysterious Internet address...

Nekdo ubije naftnega mogotca Roberta Kinga, dobrega prijatelja agentke M. Tajni agent 007 James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) dobi nevarno nalogo, da mora paziti na Kingovo hčerko Elektro (Sophie Marceau), ki je po očetu podedovala njegovo bogastvo in ji zdaj strežejo po življenju. Izkaže se, da je Elektrinega očeta ubil razvpiti terorist in kruti anarhist Renard (Robert Carlyle). Ta želi nadzirati dobavo nafte po svetu in je še posebej nevaren, saj nima česa izgubiti. Počasi umira zaradi krogle, ki se mu je zagozdila v glavi, in zaradi katere ne čuti bolečine. Elektro z njim veže tudi zgodba iz preteklosti. Ko je bila mlajša, jo je Renard ugrabil, vendar mu je pobegnila, še preden je njen oče plačal visoko odkupnino.

Scientist Bruce Banner scours the planet for an antidote to the unbridled force of rage within him: the Hulk. But when the military masterminds who dream of exploiting his powers force him back to civilization, he finds himself coming face to face with a new, deadly foe.

Volčji trop divjih zabavljaških prijateljev se ob koncu avantur vrača na kraj zločina, kjer so se njihove nepozabne pustolovščine začele - v prestolnico zabave in pregrehe, Las Vegas. Vzrok tokratnih zagat ni poroka ali praznovanje fantovščine, temveč nepričakovana smrt Alanovega očeta. Ker občutljivi čudak zapade v depresijo, ga prijatelji pospremijo v psihiatrično bolnišnico, toda na poti nepoznani kriminalci ugrabijo Douga. Da bi rešili prijatelja, se morajo Phil, Stu in Alan podati v Las Vegas, poiskati zloglasnega znanca Chowa in ga dostaviti gangsterjem.

A small girl is found dead in a deserted underground cellar. She has been dead for some time but there is fresh food for her. Who is she?

A seemingly perfect family moves into a suburban neighborhood, but when it comes to the truth as to why they're living there, they don't exactly come clean with their neighbors.

In New York City, a crime lord's right-hand man is seduced by a woman seeking retribution.

Six would-be thieves enter a prestigious dance competition as a cover for their larger goal of pulling off a major heist.

Famed forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm enjoys a reputation as one of the most sought-after profilers around. His expert testimony has resulted in the conviction of many criminals, including serial killer Jon Forster. On the eve of Forster's execution, one of Gramm's students is murdered in a vicious copycat crime, and Gramm himself receives an ominous message informing him that he has less than 90 minutes to live.

It's a dark night in Stockholm. A chef is murdered in his own kitchen and Martin Beck gets on the case.

Former race car driver Brent Magna is pitted against the clock. Desperately trying to save the life of his kidnapped wife, Brent commandeers a custom Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake, taking it and its unwitting owner on a high-speed race against time, at the command of the mysterious villain holding his wife hostage.

On a prom-night dare, a trio of high school friends chant an incantation, unleashing an evil spirit from the past with deadly consequences.