The Equestria Girls spend their spring break on a yacht. It's Spring Break and the Mane 7 are about to board the most glorious yacht ever for a relaxing cruise. But Rainbow Dash is convinced that Equestrian Magic is on the loose and won't let anyone rest until she finds it.

In August 1950, waiting for UN troops to arrive, the South Korean army assembled to protect Nakdong River. Only 71 student-soldiers are left behind to guard the city of Pohang. Now they are on a mission to defend the country from North Korean troops.

Georgia mala odmalička jeden jediný sen – stať sa požiarničkou ako jej otec. Žiaľ v New Yorku v roku 1920 ženy toto povolanie nesmeli vykonávať. Keď mestskí hasiči začnú jeden po druhom miznúť pri záhadných požiaroch, ktoré zničili divadlá na Broadway, Georgia si uvedomí, že toto je jej šanca. Prezlečie sa za chlapca, nalepí si fúzy a pod menom Joe sa prihlási do skupiny dobrovoľných hasičov, ktorá ma za úlohu zastaviť tajomného podpaľača. Georgia však nesmie za nijakých okolností prezradiť svoju pravú identitu, pretože by to to mohlo ohroziť celú túto nebezpečnú misiu, ktorej navyše velí jej otec.

V blízkej budúcnosti Cameronovi Turnerovi diagnostikujú nevyliečiteľnú chorobu, no je mu predstavené aj experimentálne riešenie, ktoré jeho ženu a syna ochráni pred žiaľom. V tomto fascinujúcom príbehu o láske, strate a obeti Cameron zápasí s tým, či zmeniť ich osud.

Devastated after her mom's serious accident and grief-stricken because she hasn't become the daughter she wanted to be for her mother, Jia Xiaoling finds herself transported back in time to the year 1981, where she meets her young mother before she was her mom.

A mysterious teenager named Ángelo cares for Klaus, a German doctor with a dark past who lives trapped in an iron lung.

A young man in 1981 South Africa must complete his brutal and racist two years of compulsory military service while desperately maintaining the secrecy of his homosexuality.

Trapped in a bunker during World War I, a group of soldiers are faced with an ungodly presence that slowly turns them against each other.

Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.

The Elric brothers meet their toughest opponent yet — a lone serial killer with a large scar on his forehead.

Shibuya, Tokyo, is bustling with the Halloween season. A wedding is being held at Shibuya Hikarie, where Detective Miwako Sato of the Metropolitan Police Department is dressed in a wedding dress. While Conan and the other invited guests are watching, an assailant suddenly bursts in, and Detective Wataru Takagi, who was trying to protect Sato, is injured. Takagi survived and the situation was settled, but in Sato's eyes, the image of the grim reaper that she had seen when Detective Matsuda, the man she had been in love with, had been killed in a series of bombings three years ago, overlapped with Takagi's.

Students Hayley and James are young and in love. After saying goodbye for Christmas at a London train station, they both make the same mad split-second decision to swap trains and surprise each other. Passing each other in the station, they are completely unaware that they have just swapped Christmases.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

Ashley na Vianoce uviazla na letisku, v zúfalstve preto prijíma ponuku na odvoz do Seattlu od Dasha, ktorý si práve prenajal posledné auto. Ashley sa živí predajom remeselných výrobkov, zatiaľ čo Dash tvrdí, že je maliar izieb. Hoci spočiatku to medzi nimi škrípe, počas dlhej jazdy si k sebe postupne nachádzajú cestu. Ako dvojica smeruje na sever, ich dobrodružstvá zahŕňajú problémy s autom, adopciu šteniatka a tajné sledovanie federálnych agentov, ktorí sa domnievajú, že Ashley je hľadaná teroristka. Skutočný dôvod Dashovej cesty do Seattlu však môže prekaziť ich rodiaci sa vzťah.

A woman struggles to keep her stepdaughter from harms way after she hires an assassin to kill her husband, but the hitman turns and blackmails her for the crime.

Detektív a súdny lekár spoja svoje sily, aby vyriešili sériu hrozných vrážd vo viktoriánskom Londýne - jedna z nich však skrýva smrteľné tajomstvo.

Vincent, a civil servant, has always enjoyed the benefits of his family's status. When the government votes on a massive savings plan, Vincent is pushed out. When he is transferred to the North Pole, he meets Eva and finds love. It's time for him to choose.

At an elite boarding school for girls, six friends jokingly engage in a late night ritual, calling forth the spirit of a dead former student who reportedly haunts their halls. Before morning, one of the girls is dead, leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.

One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.