Rare concert footage of Talking Heads performing during their legendary Remain in Light trek has been unearthed after 35 years. Filmed four years before the band's concert film Stop Making Sense, this 80-minute performance was taped in stark black-and-white at Passiac, New Jersey's Capitol Theatre on November 4, 1980. The show came less than a month after the quartet released their landmark Remain in Light, and five of the gig's 14 songs are culled from that album.

A concert film documenting Talking Heads at the height of their popularity, on tour for their 1983 album "Speaking in Tongues." The band takes the stage one by one and is joined by a cadre of guest musicians for a career-spanning and cinematic performance that features creative choreography and visuals.

For more than thirty years, and through his television program, Fred Rogers (1928-2003), host, producer, writer and pianist, accompanied by his puppets and his many friends, spoke directly to young children about some of life's most important issues.

Amidst her own personality crisis, southern housewife Evelyn Couch meets Ninny, an outgoing old woman who tells her the story of Idgie Threadgoode and Ruth Jamison, two young women who experienced hardships and love in Whistle Stop, Alabama in the 1920s.

V Mašhade v noci vyčíňa Pavúčí muž, ktorý láka obete do svojej siete. Zabíja ženy, prostitútky. Zatiaľ čo polícia zločiny ignoruje, Rahím, novinárka z Teheránu, putuje po temných štvrtiach svätého mesta a hľadá pravdu. Film Svätý pavúk je založený na skutočnom príbehu a jeho názov odkazuje na prezývku sériového vraha Saída Hanaía, ktorý v roku 2001 zabil v meste Mašhad šestnásť prostitútok, pretože ich považoval za "nečisté". Jeho súdny proces vyvolal v Iráne veľký rozruch nielen kvôli hrôze, ktorá sa stala, ale aj preto, že niektoré médiá a konzervatívne skupiny z neho urobili hrdinu.

A coffin-dragging gunslinger and a prostitute become embroiled in a bitter feud between a merciless masked clan and a band of Mexican revolutionaries.

Aspiring director Corky St. Clair and the marginally talented amateur cast of his hokey small-town musical production go overboard when they learn that Broadway theater agent Mort Guffman will be in attendance.

Ex-safecracker Gal Dove has served his time behind bars and is blissfully retired to a Spanish villa paradise with a wife he adores. The idyll is shattered by the arrival of his nemesis Don Logan, intent on persuading Gal to return to London for one last big job.

Four very different Montreal university teachers gather at a rambling country house to prepare a dinner. Remy (married), Claude (a homosexual), Pierre (involved with a girlfriend) and Alain (a bachelor) discuss sex, the female body and their affairs with them. Meanwhile, their four female guests, Louise (Remy's wife of 15 years), Dominique (a spinster), Diane (a divorcée) and Danielle (Pierre's girlfriend) are spending the time at a downtown health gym. They also discuss sex, the female body and, naturally, men. Later in the evening, they finally meet at the country house and have dinner. A ninth guest, named Mario, who used to know Diane, drops in on the group for some talk and has a surprise of his own.

A brash and precocious ten-year-old comes to Paris for a whirlwind weekend with her rakish uncle.

Dej filmu sa zameral na mladý pár, ktorý čaká svoje prvé dieťa. Pri hľadaní najvhodnejšieho miesta na zapustenie koreňov cestuje dvojica po celých Spojených štátoch. Nikde však nie sú úplne spokojní a tak sa hľadanie vhodného "hniezda" ľahko komplikuje.

Two unpopular teenagers, Gary and Wyatt, fail at all attempts to be accepted by their peers. Their desperation to be liked leads them to "create" a woman via their computer. Their living and breathing creation is a gorgeous woman, Lisa, whose purpose is to boost their confidence level by putting them into situations which require Gary and Wyatt to act like men.

Film je založený na skutočnom príbehu slávneho sociálneho psychológa Stanleyho Milgrama (Peter Sarsgaard), ktorý v roku 1961 viedol radu experimentov o radikálnom chovaní. Testoval ochotu obyčajných ľudí poslúchať pomocou elektrického prúdu. Sledujeme Milgrama od stretnutia s jeho manželkou až po jeho kontroverzné experimenty, které vyvolaly verejné pobúrenie.

An elderly gentleman sets out for what he thinks will be a normal day at an amusement park and is soon embroiled in a waking nightmare.

Politický thriller inšpirovaný skutočnými udalosťami z roku 1976, kedy bolo unesené lietadlo spoločnosti Air France na linke Tel Aviv – Paríž. Počas medzipristátia v Aténach pristúpili do lietadla dvaja nemeckí radikáli Brigitte Kuhlman a Wilfred Bose a dvaja členovia ľudového frontu pre oslobodenie Palestíny. Po štarte prinútili pilotov odkloniť let najskôr do Bengázi v Líbyi, kde načerpali palivo a neskôr pristáť v Entebbe v Ugande. Po pristáti požadovali výkupné 5 miliónov dolárov a prepustenie 53 odsúdených palestínskych teroristov v Izraeli. Ak by neboli ich podmienky splnené, začali by zabíjať rukojemníkov. Izraelská vláda odmietla vyjednávať. Špeciálne armádne komando začalo pripravovať operáciu na záchranu rukojemníkov nazvanú aj ako operácia Blesk.

A true story of the lives of a family from South Carolina torn apart after the murder of Bill and Myrtle Moon. Although the killer is caught the judicial system takes too long for the Moon's devoted stepson and he takes matter into his own hands.

Vesmírna hrôza prilieta. Pri prelete okolo planéty Zem sa na jej povrch dostáva odporné slizké monštrum, ktorého sem prilákal satelitný signál. Toto monštrum zisťuje, že je tu dostatok potravy a to v podobe obyvateľov... ľudí. Hostina môže začať!

Nomi je nezávislé dievča, ktoré uniká pred minulosťou a snaží sa o úspech v Las Vegas. Tancuje v malom klube, ale veľmi dobre sa jej nevedie, hoci má veľký talent. Nakoniec sa stretáva s mužmi aj ženami, ktorí život v Las Vegas ovládajú. Medzi nimi je aj Zack, riaditeľ show v hoteli Stardust, príťažlivý a ambiciózny muž, ktorý môže Nomi dopomôcť ku sláve. Cristal, hlavná hviezda show, je však rovnako priťahovaná Nominou krásou i nadaním. Môže jej buď pomôcť alebo ju naopak zničiť ..

Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.

The spiritual leader of an oriental country is dying. The leader's evil brother Khan is plotting to prevent Kashi, the youthful heir, from assuming his rightful position. Tarzan is summoned to protect Kashi and, in doing so, he must face Khan in three tests of strength.