In the slums of Rio, two kids' paths diverge as one struggles to become a photographer and the other a kingpin.

მოკრივის ცხოვრებისეული თავგადასავალი, რომელიც ემოციურად საკუთარ თავს ბოლოს უღებს. სისასტიკე და მძვინვარება, რისი წყალობითაც იგი რინგზე წარმატებას აღწევს, რინგის გარეთ მის ცხოვრებას ანადგურებს.

In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

An isolated lake, where an old monk lives in a small floating temple. The monk has a young boy living with him, learning to become a monk. We watch as seasons and years pass by.

A committed film director struggles to complete his movie while coping with a myriad of crises, personal and professional, among the cast and crew.

The Catholic Jean-Louis runs into an old friend, the Marxist Vidal, in Clermont-Ferrand around Christmas. Vidal introduces Jean-Louis to the modestly libertine, recently divorced Maud and the three engage in conversation on religion, atheism, love, morality and Blaise Pascal's life and writings on philosophy, faith and mathematics. Jean-Louis ends up spending a night at Maud's. Jean-Louis' Catholic views on marriage, fidelity and obligation make his situation a dilemma, as he has already, at the very beginning of the film, proclaimed his love for a young woman whom, however, he has never yet spoken to.

With his family mired in financial troubles, Domenico moves to Milan, Italy, from his small town to get a job in lieu of furthering his education. A lack of options forces him to take a position as a messenger at a big company, where he hopes to receive a promotion soon. There, Domenico meets Antonietta, a young woman in a similar situation as himself. The two form a tentative relationship, but the soulless nature of their jobs threatens to keep them apart.

რამდენი უსიამოვნება, შემთხვევითობა, დამთხვევა და უაზრობა შეიძლება დაემართოს ადამიანს სულ რაღაც ერთი ღამის განმავლობაში.

Set in 1929, a political boss and his advisor have a parting of the ways when they both fall for the same woman.

Beth, Calvin, and their son Conrad are living in the aftermath of the death of the other son. Conrad is overcome by grief and misplaced guilt to the extent of a suicide attempt. He is in therapy. Beth had always preferred his brother and is having difficulty being supportive to Conrad. Calvin is trapped between the two trying to hold the family together.

Michele, Goffredo, Mirko and Vito are four friends who have participated in the battles of the student in Sixties. Now in the Seventies, the four friends don't know what to do, though young and with so many possibilities to find a job in life. Intellectuals marginalized and misunderstood, the four friends find themselves when they can in a restaurant to discuss their outlandish theories. A girl named Olga disrupts their life, but Michele is her favorite, although he does not know what to do with the girl.

Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer -- arrogant, caustic, and self-satisfied. She mistreats Marlene (her secretary, maid, and co-designer). Enter Karin, a 23-year-old beauty who wants to be a model. Petra falls in love with Karin and invites her to move in.

ერიკა არის ვენის კონსერვატორიის პროფესორი. მაგრამ ის თავად შორს არის ზეციური სფეროების ჰარმონიისგან. ქალს ჯერ კიდევ ერთ საწოლში სძინავს თავის მოხუც დედასთან ერთად, ფარულად სტუმრობს პორნო მაღაზიებს და საწოლის ქვეშ ინახავს სადომაზოხისტური იარაღების კომპლექტს. როდესაც ერთ-ერთ სტუდენტს შეუყვარდება იგი, თავისი რეაქციითა და ქცევით შოკში აყენებს მას.

A community is under siege as three Belmont Highschool coed students go missing with no trace of their whereabouts. The pressure is on the police to capture the culprits responsible. Scouring the school hallways in search of clues, undercover female detective Maggie Rawdon (Jessica Sonnerborn) enters Belmont High as a transfer student in an attempt to solve the hideous disappearance of the students. Maggie makes a few new friends, and gets invited to a private rave in the country. Just as the group begins to suspect that they've taken a wrong turn, however, the trap is sprung and Maggie finds out firsthand what fate has befallen the missing girls.

Guests at a posh Berlin hotel struggle through worry, scandal, and heartache.

არტურს და მის ფსიქიურად ავადმყოფ მეუღლეს სამი ქალიშვილი ჰყავთ. ერთ მშვენიერ დღეს არტური განაცხადებს, რომ ცოლის მიტოვება უნდა და ცოლად პერლი მოჰყავს.

მეკობრეები ანჟელიკას ყიდიან თურქ სულთანს. მას არ სურს ამის მოთმენა. ჰარემში დიდი ტანჯვის შემდეგ, ანჟელიკა გაქცევა. ამასობაში ჯეფრი დე პეირაკი ეძებს ანჟელიკას. მისთვისაც რთულია, მაგრამ იცის, რისთვის აკეთებს ამას. ის აღმოაჩენს სად არის მისი საყვარელი და მისი თავისუფლებისთვის სულთანს აძლევს იმას, რაც მას ყოველთვის მდიდრებდა - კლდიდან ოქროს ამოღების საიდუმლოს. მაგრამ ანჟელიკა გაიქცა. მიუხედავად ამისა, სულთნის ჯარისკაცები პოულობენ მას, მაგრამ მხოლოდ იმისთვის, რომ ქმარს დაუბრუნონ. და ბოლოს, ანჟელიკა და ჯეფრი ერთად აღმოჩნდებიან. მათ იმდენი განსაცდელი გამოიარეს და ბედნიერება დაიმსახურეს. მათი დიდი, უძლეველი და მარადიული სიყვარული ცეცხლზე, წყალზე, ავტორიტეტებზე, იძულებაზე და განშორებაზე ძლიერი აღმოჩნდა.

Col. Mike Kirby picks two teams of crack Green Berets for two missions in South Vietnam. The first is to strengthen a camp that is trying to be taken by the enemy. The second is to kidnap a North Vietnamese General.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.