Get ready to experience the world-famous Scooby-Doo! and Crew like never before in this all-new, original puppet movie! What begins as a routine night for the Gang - which includes the slobbering sleuth and Shaggy eating a triple-extra-large Scooby snack pizza - becomes a mad dash to find the frightening Phantom Parrot, who has a map to pirate Gnarlybeard's hidden treasure. Scooby sniffs out the map's clues, which lead him right to a spooky pirate ship. Ruh-roh! What will Gnarlybeard be willing to do to protect his booty? The whole family will love casting off on this mysterious, fun-filled voyage again and again.

One month after Kayaba Akihiko's game of death began, the death toll continues to rise, two thousand players having already lost their lives to the ultra-difficult VRMMO world of Sword Art Online. On the day of the strategy meeting to plan out the first-floor boss battle, Kirito, a solo player who vows to fight alone to get stronger, runs into a rare, high-level female player. She gracefully dispatches powerful monsters with a single rapier that flashes like a shooting star in the night...

In a small town in Nazi-occupied Slovakia during World War II, decent but timid carpenter Tono is named "Aryan comptroller" of a button store owned by an old Jewish widow, Rozalie. Since the post comes with a salary and standing in the town's corrupt hierarchy, Tono wrestles with greed and guilt as he and Rozalie gradually befriend each other. When the authorities order all Jews in town to be rounded up, Tono faces a moral dilemma unlike any he's known before.

A two-part crossover special featuring characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Toriko.

After finding out her grandmother won't be visiting for Christmas, Lucy decides to cheer herself up by throwing the ultimate New Year's Eve party. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown tries to fulfill one of his resolutions before the clock strikes midnight.

Наставак је смештен у године након почетне смртоносне инвазије у кућу, где Норман Нордстром живи мирним животом док га прошли греси не сустигну …

Мир и спокој су успостављени у Белогорје. Зло је поражено и Иван сада ужива у својој заслуженој слави. Окружен је породицом, пријатељима и малим чудима из модерног света која му помажу да води лагодан живот. Али када се древно зло уздигне и постојање чаробног света буде угрожено, Иван се мора удружити са својим старим пријатељима и новим ривалима. Кренуће на дуго путовање изван познатог света како би пронашли начин да поразе непријатеље и врате мир у Белогорје.

A group of high school friends reunite after two years when one of their fathers' committed suicide. They all spend the night at their friend's place. When darkness falls, strange things begin to happen to them one by one. It is as if someone is using the black arts on them in revenge for an act this group of friends committed together back at high school.

After old enemies kill his family, a former mafia enforcer and his feisty daughter flee to Milan, where they hide out while plotting their revenge.

Major Ronan Jackson, an accomplished fighter pilot for the Israel Defense Forces and son of a U.S. Senator, is shot down while flying through Syrian airspace. After miraculously surviving the crash, Jackson is taken captive by a group of Hezbollah militiamen. A squad of elite soldiers, led by Gunnery Sergeant Dave Torres, risk their own lives in the hopes of saving an ally they've never met.

Медицина, новац и морал се сукобљавају када болнички одбор за селекцију трансплантације срца има само неколико минута да одлучи који ће од три пацијента са списка за трансплантацију добити срце које је изненада постало доступно.

Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the tragedy to find out what really happened.

Рафаел и Кристина су двоје људи који никада нису требали да се сретну. Он има деветнаест година, ромске је националности, ради у ауто-перионици и жели да постане познати боксер. Она има 34 године, мађарске је националности и глуми у локалном позоришту. Кристина је пролази кроз професионалну и приватну кризу. Њен муж је звезда у позоришту и она је стално у његовој сенци. Фасциниран њеном појавом, Рафаел је следи из дана у дан улицама града. Једног дана, она се случајно окренула и нашли су се лицем у лице. Следећег дана, поставио јој је питање кад се окренула: „Да ниси удата, да ли би се удала за мене?“ Од тог тренутка, није било повратка за њих двоје. Упркос разлици у годинама, националности, полу, главни јунаци желе да се докажу. Свако на свој начин, крвљу, сузама, дубоком тишином и дискретним осмесима.

Apache Junction is an outpost of lawlessness, a haven for thieves and cold-blooded killers. After big-city reporter Annabelle Angel arrives to write an article on the town, she becomes a target when notorious gunslinger Jericho Ford comes to her aid. Now Annabelle must entrust her future to a man with a deadly past, as Jericho heads toward a tense showdown.

A decorated Marine goes on a rescue mission to save his two young sons from an unhuman threat. As their journey takes them in increasingly dangerous directions, the boys will need to leave their childhoods behind.

When a singer goes missing amid a serial killing spree, a cabbie and a businessman's son cross paths in a twisted tale where good and evil is blurred.

Four friends head to Hawaii to investigate reports of a haunting at an abandoned resort in hopes of finding the infamous Half-Faced Girl. When they arrive, they soon learn you should be careful what you wish for.

A young girl wakes up in a casket with a head injury and no memory of her identity. She quickly realizes she was abducted by a serial killer and she must fight to survive.

A super strain of genetically engineered mutants are designed to take over the universe, hungry to conquer the galaxy, with an appetite for mankind.