A samurai answers a village's request for protection after he falls on hard times. The town needs protection from bandits, so the samurai gathers six others to help him teach the people how to defend themselves, and the villagers provide the soldiers with food.
Revolveraš z močnim občutkom za dostojanstvo, strelec, ki nikoli ne zgreši, in bandit, ki skrbi le zase, na pokopališčih iščejo zlato. Ker ima vsak le delne informacije o bogastvu, so pri tem odvisni drug od drugega. Blondie, revolveraš, ki ščiti človekovo dostojanstvo, je "dobri"; Angel Eyes, sadistični strelec, ki nikoli ne zgreši, je "zli"; Tuco, mehiški bandit, ki skrbi le zase, pa je "umazani". V času državljanske vojne iščejo bogastvo v zlatu, zakopanem v grobovih. Vsak ve le za nekaj lokacij, na katerih ga lahko najdejo, zato so odvisni drug od drugega... "Dobri, umazani, zli" je daleč najbolj ambiciozen, neustrašno slikovit in slogovno vpliven vestern vseh časov. Clint Eastwood se vrne kot "moški brez imena", tokrat mu delata družbo revolveraša (Eli Wallach in Lee Van Cleef), skupaj pa se potegujejo za 200.000 dolarjev ‒ in prav nič jim ne bo stalo na poti do njih, niti državljanska vojna ne.
Fight Club ni le prispodoba o (samo)destruktivnem begu posameznika iz ujetosti potrošniškega nesmisla, temveč (tudi) parabola upora zoper nezmožnost poistovetenja s prvobitnim moškim/očetovskim principom — odraža se v sprevrženi percepciji psihosocialnih norm in nevrotični konfrontaciji ter boju (dobesedno "z golimi pestmi") s samim seboj. Dodajmo še patološke predstave o ljubezenski zvezi in vlogi ženske, metaforični upor maskuliniziranega segmenta potlačene moške dominantnosti, ki v ničemer ne najde prave identifikacije in opore, zato njegov dezorientirani razcepljeni um primanjkljaj kompenzira tako, da ustvarja namišljene alegorične osebnosti — ter izvrstno igralsko zasedbo (Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bontham Carter) — pa dobimo enega najbolj izvirnih (in vplivnih) produktov ameriške literature in kinematografije zadnjih desetletij.
When larcenous real estate clerk Marion Crane goes on the lam with a wad of cash and hopes of starting a new life, she ends up at the notorious Bates Motel, where manager Norman Bates cares for his housebound mother.
V pristanišču Long Beach se nahaja 27 trupel, umirajoča priča pa uspe v grozi izgovoriti samo eno ime ... Kayser Soze. Carinski agent Daniel Kujan (Chazz Palminteri) mora najti strašnega morilca, odgovore pa morda pozna samo en človek - Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey), majhen goljuf, ki je edini preživel pokol na Long Beachu. Verbal pove Kujanu neverjetno zgodbo. Vse se je začelo pred šestimi tedni, ko je nekdo sredi New Yorka oropal kamion, poln orožja. Zaradi morebitne indentifikacije policija pridrži peterico zakrnelih kriminalcev - Keatona (Gabriel Byrne), Mc McManusa (Stephen Baldwin), Hockneyja (Kevin Pollak), Fensterja (Benicio Del Toro) in Kinta. Med čakanjem v zaporniški celici pa eden od njih predlaga sodelovanje pri pri največjem podvigu njihovih karier. Keaton, nekdanji policist in najizkušenejši od peterice, ideji najprej nasprotuje, nato pa nanjo le pristane.
Provokativni režiser trilerjev Šund in Ubila bom Billa se je tokrat podal v čas 2. svetovne vojne, naravnost v žrelo pekla - za sovražnikove bojne linije. Smrtonosni vod neobrzdanih ameriških vojakov pod vodstvom odločnega Alda se odpravi v okupirano Francijo, kjer z brezkompromisnim nasiljem v sovražnikove vrste vnašajo strah in trepet. Njihove načrte atentata na vplivne nacistične voditelje pa prekriža želja osebnega maščevanja francoske lastnice manjšega kina.
Batman has stopped the reign of terror that The Mutants had cast upon his city. Now an old foe wants a reunion and the government wants The Man of Steel to put a stop to Batman.
At the beginning of the 1913 Mexican Revolution, greedy bandit Juan Miranda and idealist John H. Mallory, an Irish Republican Army explosives expert on the lam from the British, fall in with a band of revolutionaries plotting to strike a national bank. When it turns out that the government has been using the bank as a hiding place for illegally detained political prisoners -- who are freed by the blast -- Miranda becomes a revolutionary hero against his will.
In the carefree days before World War I, introverted Austrian author Jules strikes up a friendship with the exuberant Frenchman Jim and both men fall for the impulsive and beautiful Catherine.
Polish immigrant Karol Karol finds himself out of a marriage, a job and a country when his French wife, Dominique, divorces him after six months due to his impotence. Forced to leave France after losing the business they jointly owned, Karol enlists fellow Polish expatriate Mikołaj to smuggle him back to their homeland.
On their way to an afternoon on the lake, husband and wife Andrzej and Krystyna nearly run over a young hitchhiker. Inviting the young man onto the boat with them, Andrzej begins to subtly torment him; the hitchhiker responds by making overtures toward Krystyna. When the hitchhiker is accidentally knocked overboard, the husband's panic results in unexpected consequences.
Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.
At a 1962 College, Dean Vernon Wormer is determined to expel the entire Delta Tau Chi Fraternity, but those troublemakers have other plans for him.
Selina Kyle je zaposlena kot tajnica pri sumljivem poslovnežu Maxu Shrecku. Ko odkrije njegove nečedne posle, jo Shreck hladnokrvno vrže s stolpnice, misleč, da jo je ubil. Toda Selino rešijo mačke in načrtovati začne svoje maščevanje. Medtem se nad Gothamom ponovno zbirajo temni oblaki. Mestu hoče zavladati zlobni Pingvin in ustavi ga lahko le Batman.
Arnold Schwarzenegger je s Konanom svetu odkril svoje igralske sposobnosti. Konanu je v rani mladosti demonski Thulsa Doom pobil starše. Že kot otrok je oblikoval svoje mišice in razvijal moč. Ko je odrastel, se je združil z Mongolom in Valerijo ter z njima načrtoval maščevanje za smrt staršev. Tako se začne potovanje po skrivnostnem vzhodu, kjer se nauči kungfuja, da pride do gorskega pobočja, kjer vlada Doom.
When a covert mission to rescue a kidnapped CIA operative uncovers a chilling plot, an elite, highly trained U.S. SEAL team speeds to hotspots around the globe, racing against the clock to stop a deadly terrorist attack.
When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men—led by Professor Charles Xavier—and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organised under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.
Three macabre tales from the latest issue of a boy's favorite comic book, dealing with a vengeful wooden Native American, a monstrous blob in a lake, and an undying hitchhiker.
Years before Father Merrin helped save Regan MacNeil’s soul, he first encounters the demon Pazuzu in East Africa.
Deep in the Mojave desert, under a scorching blood-red sun, four travelers have set up camp to make art. One fateful night, the group is thrust into a feverish tornado of flayed flesh and mind-boggling monstrosities, the likes of which mere humans simply cannot fathom.