101-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story of her life aboard the Titanic, 84 years later. A young Rose boards the ship with her mother and fiancé. Meanwhile, Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets aboard the ship. Rose tells the whole story from Titanic's departure through to its death—on its first and last voyage—on April 15, 1912.

After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.

'Toon star Roger is worried that his wife Jessica is playing pattycake with someone else, so the studio hires detective Eddie Valiant to snoop on her. But the stakes are quickly raised when Marvin Acme is found dead and Roger is the prime suspect.

The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.

"Suur Gatsby" on lugu Fitzgeraldi moodi kirjanikuhakatisest Nick Carrawayst, kes läheb 1922. aasta kevadel Kesk-Läänest New Yorki. See on lõdva moraali, särava džässi, salaviinakuningate ja börsirallide ajastu. Nickil on oma Ameerika unistus, mille jahil satub ta elama salapärase pidusid korraldava miljonäri Jay Gatsby naabriks. Ühtlasi tutvub ta Gatsby sugulase Daisy ning tema siniverelisest tiiba ripsutava abikaasa Tom Buchananiga. Nicki tõmbab superrikaste elu täis illusioone, armastust ja pettust. Olles kõige selle tunnistajaks, hakkab ta kirjutama lugu võimatust armastusest ja unistustest ning plahvatuslikust tragöödiast, mis peegeldab tabavalt ka tänapäeva elu ja probleeme.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Part twisted entertainment, part government intimidation tactic, the Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which “Tributes” must fight with one another until one survivor remains. Pitted against highly-trained Tributes who have prepared for these Games their entire lives, Katniss is forced to rely upon her sharp instincts as well as the mentorship of drunken former victor Haymitch Abernathy. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival against humanity and life against love. The world will be watching.

Tintin ja tema sõbrad leiavad kaardi, mis juhatab nad kapten Haddocki järeltulija uppunud laevani, ning alustavad seiklusrikast aardejahti. Film põhineb maailmakuulsal koomiksisarjal, mille loojaks on belglane Herge.

Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove why so many Americans are fat or obese. He submits himself to a complete check-up by three doctors, comparing his weight along the way, resulting in a scary conclusion.

Will is looking for an escape from his family when he encounters Lee, the school bully. Armed with a video camera and a copy of Rambo, Lee plans to make his own action-packed video epic.

Two women, Nic and Jules, brought a son and daughter into the world through artificial insemination. When one of their children reaches age, both kids go behind their mothers' backs to meet with the donor. Life becomes so much more interesting when the father, two mothers and children start to become attached to each other.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

When the child Arthur’s father is murdered, Vortigern, Arthur’s uncle, seizes the crown. Robbed of his birthright and with no idea who he truly is, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But once he pulls the sword Excalibur from the stone, his life is turned upside down and he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy... whether he likes it or not.

Pärast Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) pensionile jäämist ei pea agent J (Will Smith) tema tööd samaks: Mõlemad olid osa salaorganismist, mis võitleb tulnukate vastu, kes asustavad ilma ülejäänud surelikud seda teadmata maa. Mustanahaliste meeste missioon, nagu nad on tuntud oma riietuse järgi, on mõnikord korra kehtestamine ja muul ajal võitlus otse nende vastu, kellel on pretensioone planeedi Maa kahjustamiseks. Kuid agent K otsustas oma naise juurde naasmiseks ja normaalse elu elamiseks mälu kaotada. Nüüd pole naist, kuid ta on lahkelt postiagent. Agent J, kes peab K-d oma õpetajaks, igatseb teda väga ega ole päris leplik oma uute kaaslastega. Kuid midagi muudab sündmusi: ohtlik välismaalane nimega Serleena (Lara Flynn Boyle)

Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants.

The most dangerous former operative of the CIA is drawn out of hiding to uncover hidden truths about his past.

Terminal Island, New York: 2020. Overcrowding in the US penal system has reached a breaking point. Prisons have been turned over to a monolithic Weyland Corporation, which sees jails full of thugs as an opportunity for televised sport. Adrenalized inmates, a global audience hungry for violence and a spectacular, enclosed arena come together to form the 'Death Race', the biggest, most brutal event.

Arthur and his two children inherit his uncle's estate: a glass house that serves as a prison to twelve ghosts. When the family, accompanied by a nanny and an attorney, enter the house they find themselves trapped inside an evil machine 'designed by the Devil and powered by the dead' to open the Eye of Hell. Aided by a ghost hunter and his rival, a ghost rights activist out to set the ghosts free, the group must do what they can to get out of the house alive.

Susan Murphy saab oma pulmapäeval pihta meteoriidiga ning kasvab kosmiliste ainete mõjul 15-meetriseks hiidnaiseks. Armee asub tegutsema, vaene Susan püütakse kinni ja toimetatakse hoiule salajasse baasi. Seal saab ta uue nime Ginormica ning ta peab veetma ülejäänud päevad koos värvika koletiste rühmaga, millesse kuuluvad geniaalne teadlane, dr. Prussakas; pooleldi ahv, pooleldi kala Puuduv Lüli; vedel purunematu mass BOB ning 116-meetrine aravereline Insectosaurus. Nende vangistus lõpeb kiiresti, kui Maale saabub kurjade kavatsustega maaväline robot. Monstrumite kamba eest vastutav kindral MacMasser veenab presidenti, et just see seltskond on Maa elanike ainus lootus. Ülesanne on lihtne: tuleb kutsumata külalisest võimalikult kiiresti lahti saada ning päästa meie planeet muidu kindlast hävingust!

Taking an ill-advised detour en route to California, the Carter family soon run into trouble when their RV breaks down in the middle of the desert. Stranded, they find themselves at the mercy of monstrous cannibals lurking in the surrounding hills.