The dramatic comedy is based on the true story of writer and pinball wizard Roger Sharpe, chronicling his journey to overturn New York City’s 35-year ban on pinball.

Following a series of great white shark attacks that dominated the headlines, one Cape Cod community renegotiates its relationship with the marine environment. Local residents, fishermen, and environmentalists are forced to confront dramatic changes to their way of life. How far can we push nature before it bites back?

Five people find themselves in a tomb. The Crypt keeper explains why they are there through a series of frightening stories. Based on the classic comic book.

Unperturbed by the disastrous outcome of his previous meddling with the dead, Dr. West continues his research into the phenomenon of re-animation; only this time, he plans to create life – starting with the heart of his young protégé Dan's dearly deceased Meg Halsey.

Mad scientist is trying to transplant the soul of an animated, talking skeleton into a living body. Also, there's a monster. Number three of three in Zorro Escarlata series.

Texasista Meksikoon suuntautuvan matkan aikana joukko nuoria poimii verisen stopparin, joka väittää olevansa ainoa selviytyjä verilöylystä, joka tapahtui iltana läheisessä talossa. Tobe Hooperin (1974) samannimisen klassikon uusinta.

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

Friday Foster, a magazine photographer, goes to Los Angeles International airport to photograph the arrival of Blake Tarr, the richest black man in America. Three men attempt to assassinate Tarr. Foster photographs the melee and is plunged into a web of conspiracy involving the murder of her childhood friend, a US senator, and a shadowy plan called "Black Widow".

Kevin and his girlfriend Evelyn are camping in the woods when she is abducted and impregnated by otherworldly beings. As the entity within her begins to grow, Evelyn discovers that her cravings can only be satisfied by human flesh and blood.

Idylli rikkoutuu kun radiotoimittaja Stretch saa nauhalle erään Chop Topin ja Leatherfacen suorittaman tuplamurhan, jonka isä Drayton haluaa ymmärettävästi salata. Niinpä Strecth päätyy kokemaan sadistisia kauhuja sekä Sawyer-perheen, että myös heitä jahtaavan texas rangerin, Leftyn vuoksi

Love Exposure explores the very roots of female psychology and women's definition of love and marriage in the 21st century. Jung Wan is a 32-year-old fledging photographer who has no desire to get married. When it comes to romance, she holds no illusions nor fairytale fantasies. But lately, she notices that her skin is beginning to look rather dry and dull, and her body stricken with minor aches here and there. She concludes that what she needs is a man, or rather sex to revitalize her aging body. Then there is Hee Soo, childhood friend who shocked everyone when she married a homely man. An attractive housewife with plenty of dating experience under her belt, Hee Soo sees her husband as a security blanket and a lifetime ticket to free spending and no worries. But all hell breaks loose when Jung Won finally meets her Prince Charming and Hee Soo realizes her only insurance in life is about to expire.

Texas Chainsaw 3D jatkaa siitä, mihin Tobe Hooperin kauhuklassikko, Texasin moottorisahamurhat vuodelta 1974, jäi. Newt, kaupunki Teksasissa, oli vuosikymmenien ajan kauhun kokemusten näyttämönä ihmisen toisensa jälkeen kadotessa jälkiä jättämättä. Paikallinen perhe oli ilmiselvästi lukuisten raakojen murhien takana, joten raivoisa joukko paikkakuntalaisia otti oikeuden omiin käsiinsä: saadakseen kaupunkiin rauhan, tappoivat kaupungin asukkaat raakalaisperheen viimeisenkin jäsenen. Tai niinhän sitä luultiin... Vuosikymmeniä myöhemmin satojen kilometrien päässä nuori nainen Heather perii tilan Teksasista isoäidiltään, jota hänellä ei pitänyt olla. Ystävätkin värvätään matkalle Heatherin juurille. Määränpäästä paljastuu eristyksissä oleva ruhtinaallinen kartano. Äkkivauraudella on hintansa, kun Heather kompastuu kauhuun, joka odottaa häntä kartanon kaameissa kellareissa.

Chuck Norris (Walker, Texas Rangers) on jälleen huippuvedossa tässä räjähtävää toimintaa sisältävässä jatko-osassa, jossa pääsemme taas seuraamaan eversti Scott McCoyn seikkailuja. Kun pahamaineinen huumekuningas Ramon Cota sieppaa amerikkalaisen agentin sekä yhden McCoyn Delta Forcen jäsenistä ja pitää heitä panttivankeina San Carlosissa, Delta Force julistaa sodan Cotan huumeimperiumille. Tehtävä vaikuttaa ylivoimaiselta, kun McCoyn on miehineen käytävä lähes mahdottomaan taisteluun rikollisneroa vastaan.

A woman's search for her missing sister leads her to the jungles of New Guinea, where she and an expatriate guide encounter a cult leader and flesh-hungry natives.

John Hall is a drifter who wanders into a small town in Maine. He needs a job and decides to seek employment at the community's top business: a large textile mill. He is hired to work the "graveyard shift" -- from around midnight to dawn -- and, along with a few others, he is charged with cleaning out the basement. This task strikes the workers as simple enough, but then, as they proceed deeper underground, they encounter an unspeakable monstrosity intent on devouring them all.

An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.

The Demonic Toys are back, so policewoman Judith Grey seeks the help of 12 inch tall Dollman and his 12 inch tall girlfriend, Nurse Ginger. The Toys hole up in an evil deserted toy factory and it's up to Dollman to keep the Toys from summoning the powers of darkness to the Earth.

Vampires and humans live in a future world where they co-exist – barely. Now, both groups find themselves under attack by a new species of super vampire. The surviving humans and vampires join forces to obliterate the vicious man-sized bat vampires which threaten to shatter the uneasy peace between the two species.

Neljä päättäjäistanssiaisista palaamassa ollutta nuorta joutuu auto-onnettomuuteen synkällä ja yksinäisellä metsätaipaleella. Yksi heistä jää auton luo odottamaan, jos joku sattuisi ajamaan ohi ja muut suunnistavat metsään etsimään apua. Matkalla he kohtaavat todella omituisen kiinteistövälittäjänaisen ja törmäävät verenhimoieseen perheeseen, jonka johtajana heiluu moottorisahaa varsin taitavasti käyttelevä Vilmer...