In the fourth installment of the Gabriel's Inferno series, Professor Gabriel Emerson has embarked on a passionate, yet clandestine affair with his former student Julia Mitchell, but when they return from their romantic holiday in Italy, their happiness is threatened. Will Gabriel succumb to Dante's fate?

The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...

Pagaliau atėjo diena, kurios taip laukė Kelian. Prasideda Ludoviko Ševaljė, kaltinamo žiauriomis trijų nepilnamečių mergaičių žmogžudystėmis, teismo procesas. Skirtingai nei daugelis, mergina yra sužavėta šio vyro, ji tampa apsėsta ir lankosi kiekviename teismo posėdyje, tikėdamasi sulaukti bent trumpo jo žvilgsnio. Tačiau susižavėjimas šia byla tik didėja ir Kelian nebegali likti tik pasyvia stebėtoja.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

Masaki, a baseball player and gas-station attendant, gets into trouble with the local Yakuza and goes to Okinawa to get a gun to defend himself. There he meets Uehara, a tough gangster, who is in serious debt to the yakuza and planning revenge.

Soldier Brian Wood, is accused of war crimes in Iraq by the human rights lawyer Phil Shiner. The two men go head to head in a legal and moral conflict that takes us from the battlefield, at so-called Checkpoint Danny Boy, to the courtroom and one of Britain’s biggest ever public inquiries, the Al-Sweady Inquiry.

Mute Moon-young records people's faces with her small camcorder on the subway. One day, she avoids her drunk father at home and films Hee-soo who is crying over saying goodbye to her boyfriend and gets caught. The two feel some sort of kinship and become closer.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

In an English village, a reporter and a mechanic listen to a ratcatcher explain his clever plan to outwit his prey.

Ištekėjusi moteris, kuriai nepageidaujamas nėštumas, negali legaliai pasidaryti aborto, bet sulauks pagalbos iš netikėtos pusės.

Įsivaizduokite, kad vieną dieną grįžę namo, savo kambaryje randate... liūtą. Baisu, tiesa? Nors būtent taip nutinka šio filmuko pagrindinei herojei, 12-metei Inesai, mergaitė neišsigąsta. Na, teisingumo dėlei reikia pasakyti, kad tai nėra suaugęs liūtas, o dar visai mažas liūtukas. Žvėrelį, tikėdamiesi pelningai parduoti, lėktuvu gabeno brakonieriai, tačiau liūtukui pavyko pabėgti ir pasislėpti Inesos namuose. Geros širdies mergaitė, iš karto pamilsta liūtuką ir nutaria jį sugrąžinti ten, kur žvėrelis ir turėtų gyventi – namo, t.y. į Afriką. Pavadinusi jį Karaliumi, Inesa kartu su broliu ir seneliu leidžiasi į nuotykių pilną liūtuko gelbėjimo misiją.

In the near future where emotions have become a threat, Gabrielle finally decides to purify her DNA in a machine that will immerse her in her past lives and rid her of any strong feelings. She then meets Louis and feels a powerful connection, as if she had known him forever.

A woman flees two serial killers who are hot on her heels in a forest.

A disgraced parole officer is indebted to a local gang leader and forced to pull off a series of dangerous drug heists within twelve hours in order to pay the $2 million dollars he owes, rescue his kidnapped pregnant wife, and settle a score with the city's corrupt police chief, who is working with the gang leader and double-crossed him years ago.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, Le Parfum vert, that seems to have ordered the murder.

After Antoine was fired from his job, he became a stay-at-home dad taking care of his four children, while his wife Isabelle restarts her career as a lawyer. For Antoine, the family's upcoming ski vacation is a godsend: he can finally take a break from parenthood and enjoy a luxury ski resort! But just as they are about to step on the train, Isabelle is called back to work for an emergency and Antoine has to deal, on his own, with his four mischievous kids going wild on the slopes and in the fancy hotel, as the trip turns into total chaos…

The lives of a group of Hollywood neurotics intersect over the Christmas holidays. Foremost among them, a songwriter visits Los Angeles to work on a singer's album. The gig, unbeknownst to him, is being bankrolled by his estranged father, a dairy magnate, who hopes to reunite with his son. When the songwriter meets an eccentric housewife who fancies herself a modern-day Garbo, his world of illusions comes crashing down.

En route to a party, two strangers get stuck in an elevator on New Year's Eve — and find themselves connecting in unexpected ways.