Documentary about freedom defense movements on Internet.

The story of a hopeful headmaster who perseveres in running a kindergarten for underprivileged children in Yuen Long, despite many challenges and little reward. Based on true events.

A divorced, retired painting teacher from Shanghai falls in love with a woman who is also divorced. The involvement of his ex-wife and a student of his makes the whole thing complicated.

Фотографът на "Нешънъл Джиографик", Джеймс Балог, беше скептик относно промяната в земния климат, но по време на своето "Екстремно ледниково изследване" той открива неопровержими доказателства за това, че планетата ни се изменя. Документалният филм "Да преследваш леда" проследява Балог докато той извършва своите изследванията в мразовитата Арктика. Със своите революционни камери, фотографът се опитва да улови начина по който през годините са се променяли ледниковите образувания в този район.

The Code is a Finnish-made documentary about Linux, featuring some of the most influential people of the free software movement.

Продуцираният от Питър Джаксън документален филм изследва един от най-големите провали на законодателна система в щата Арканзас. В центъра на история е прословутата "Тройка от Западен Мемфис" - трима тийнейджъри (Деймиън Екълс, Джейсън Болдуин и Джеси Мискели), които през 1993-та година са арестувани за жестоките ритуални убийства на три осемгодишни деца. След серия от публични процеси, разчитащи на несъответстващи улики и показания, Деймиън Екълс е осъден на смърт, а Болдуин и Мискели получават доживотни присъди. Осемнадесет години по-късно, благодарение на нови доказателства и намесата на голям брой хора сред които и звездата Джони Деп, и тримата осъдени биват освободени от затвора.

Ланс Армстронг забогатя на гърба на феновете си, на спорта и на истината. Но негови бивши приятели, чиито живот и кариера той съсипа, най-накрая успяха да изкарат истината на бял свят. Филмът е интимен портрет на мъжа зад най-голямата измама в историята на спорта. Армстронг не се спира пред нищо, за да получи слава, успех и пари. Филмът разкрива как той мами свита с историята си за магическото излекуване от рак, за да се превърна в спорта икона и символ на надежда на хиляди онкоболни. След това ще научите как измамите му стават все по-нагли и как няколко смели човека се опитват да разкрият истинското му лице. Става ясно какво се случва с група хора, които имат тайна, която изяжда приятелството, браковете, кариерите и живота им.

Takes us inside the world of Anonymous, the radical "hacktivist" collective that has redefined civil disobedience for the digital age. The film explores early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater, then moves to Anonymous' raucous beginnings on the website 4chan. Through interviews with current members, people recently returned from prison or facing trial, writers, academics, activists and major players in various "raids," the documentary traces Anonymous’ evolution from merry pranksters to a full-blown movement with a global reach, the most transformative civil disobedience of our time.

Kidnapped For Christ tells the shocking stories of American teenagers who were taken from their homes and shipped to Escuela Caribe, an American-run Christian behavior modification program in the Dominican Republic. The film centers on David, a straight-A student who was sent to Escuela Caribe because he is gay and his parents can't deal with the situation. When a young evangelical filmmaker is granted unprecedented access to film behind the gates of this controversial school, she discovers shocking secrets and young students that change her life.

This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of our rivers.

At first glance, Matthew VanDyke—a shy Baltimore native with a sheltered upbringing and a tormenting OCD diagnosis—is the last person you’d imagine on the front lines of the 2011 Libyan revolution. But after finishing grad school and escaping the U.S. for "a crash course in manhood," a winding path leads him just there. Motorcycling across North Africa and the Middle East and spending time as an embedded journalist in Iraq, Matthew lands in Libya, forming an unexpected kinship with a group of young men who transform his life. Matthew joins his friends in the rebel army against Gaddafi, taking up arms (and a camera). Along the way, he is captured and held in solitary confinement for six terrifying months.

Bestselling author and award-winning filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, exposes widespread coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election sufficient to change the overall outcome. Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group, True the Vote, “2000 Mules” offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of ten trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of professional operatives, called mules, delivering fraudulent votes to mail-in boxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence obtained from official surveillance cameras corroborates the cellular positioning data. The film concludes by exploring ways to assist in the prevention of election fraud in future democratic elections.

A feature length, theatrical documentary on the life of Paul Gascoigne, one of the greatest footballers that ever lived: delving deep into his psyche, vulnerabilities, fears and triumphs.

CAPITAL C is the first documentary about crowdfunding. It follows the hopes and dreams as well as the fears and pitfalls of a whole new generation of independent creators, who reach out to the crowd in order to change their lives forever.

For the first time in 35 years, Daniel Lutz recounts his version of the infamous Amityville haunting that terrified his family in 1975. George and Kathleen Lutz's story went on to inspire a best-selling novel and the subsequent films have continued to fascinate audiences today. This documentary reveals the horror behind growing up as part of a world-famous haunting and while Daniel's facts may be others' fiction, the psychological scars he carries are indisputable. Documentary filmmaker Eric Walter has combined years of independent research into the Amityville case along with the perspectives of past investigative reporters and eyewitnesses, giving way to the most personal testimony of the subject to date.

When Patrick Moote's girlfriend rejects his marriage proposal at a UCLA basketball game on the jumbotron, it unfortunately goes viral and hits TV networks worldwide. Days after the heartbreaking debacle, she privately reveals why she can’t be with him forever: Patrick’s small penis size. "Unhung Hero" follows the real life journey of Patrick as he boldly sets out to expose this extremely personal chapter of his life confronting ex-girlfriends, doctors, anthropologists and even adult film stars. From Witch-Doctors in Papua New Guinea to sex museums in Korea, Patrick has a lot of turf to cover on his globe trotting adventure to finally answer the age old question: Does size matter?

Exactly 100 years after the Armenian Genocide, a theatre director stages a play to bring the ghosts of the past back to life.