Četrdeset tisuća dolara gotovine koji slučajno dospijevaju u ruke Marion Crane (J. Leigh), tajnice trgovca nekeretninama, predstavljaju za mladu ženu preveliko iskušenje. Umjesto da ih položi na bankovni račun vlasnika tvrtke, nagonski ih uzima i pokušava pobjeći te započeti novi život. Putem prema mitskoj meti svih bjegunaca, Kaliforniji, zaustavlja se da bi prenoćila u malome motelu. Ugodna večer sa susretljivim i privlačnim vlasnikom, Normanom Batesom (A. Perkins), bit će posljednja u njezinu životu. Pokušavajući razotkriti tajnu, život će izgubiti i privatni istražitelj Milton Arbogaste (M. Balsam). A zamalo i njezina sestra Lila (V. Miles) koja zajedno s Marioninim ljubavnikom Samom Loomisom (J. Gavin) kreće u potragu za nestalom osobom koju vole svako na svoj način.

Leonardo DiCaprio je Dom Cobb, muškarac koji posjeduje mogućnost manipuliranja snovima. Zahvaljujući ovoj fantastičnoj sposobnosti Cobb je postao iznimno tražen od strane moćnih korporacija koji koriste njegove jedinstvene vještine kako bi nadmudrili konkurenciju i domogli se vrijednih informacija. Ipak, njegov najnoviji zadatak je drugačiji od bilo čega što je prije radio. Film je dobitnik 142 nagrade od kojih je potrebno istaknuti četiri nagrade Oscar i to za najbolje specijalne efekte, najbolji zvuk, najbolju montažu zvuka, najbolju kameru te pregršt drugih nagrada i nominacija. Christopher Nolan ovaj je scenarij pisao 7 godina, a film je dobio izvanredne ocjene kritičara.

Ovo je neispričana, samostalna priča o jednom od najpoznatijih i najozloglašenijih negativaca. Joker je izmišljeni lik, supernegativac koji se pojavljuje u DC stripovima. Kroz svoja stripovska pojavljivanja, Joker je prikazan kao visoko inteligentan kriminalac čija je karakterizacija varirala tijekom različitih razdoblja. Redateljevo istraživanje Arthura Flecka, čovjeka kojeg je društvo odbacilo, nije samo studija o karakteru, već puno više od toga.

The story of Nina, a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her retired ballerina mother Erica who zealously supports her daughter's professional ambition. When artistic director Thomas Leroy decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice.

Izabrani mladići i djevojke postaju vitezovi novoga doba, a njihovo djelovanje unutar tajne službe 'Kingsman' odvija se u maksimalnoj diskreciji. No, da bi došli do ove laskave titule, potencijalni agenti moraju proći ne samo specijalnu obuku, nego i usvojiti cijeli niz manira pripadnika visokog društva, promijeniti svoj izgled, način odijevanja i govor, što će im pasti puno teže od zadataka kojima će se baviti kao profesionalci.

Film prati priču doktora koji pokušava estetskim operacijama vratiti prvobitan izgled svoje kćeri koja zbog toga postaje unakažena.

Five years after meeting her three fathers, Sophie Sheridan prepares to open her mother’s hotel. In 1979, young Donna Sheridan meets the men who each could be Sophie’s biological father.

Stephen Neale is released into WWII England after two years in an asylum, but it doesn't seem so sane outside either. On his way back to London to rejoin civilization, he stumbles across a murderous spy ring and doesn't quite know to whom to turn.

Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.

Nakon što tinejdžer ima zastrašujuću viziju kako on i njegovi prijatelji umiru u avionskoj nesreći, on spriječava nesreću samo da ih Smrt progoni, jedan po jedan.

The first manned spacecraft, fired from an English launchpad, is first lost from radar, then roars back to Earth and crashes in a farmer's field, and is found to contain only one of the three men who took off in it; and he is unable to talk but appears to be undergoing a torturous physical and mental metamorphosis.

A young boy draws on the inspiration of legendary western characters to find the strength to fight an evil land baron in the old west who wants to steal his family's farm and destroy their idyllic community. When Daniel Hackett sees his father Jonas gravely wounded by the villainous Stiles, his first urge is for his family to flee the danger, and give up their life on a farm which Daniel has come to despise anyway. Going alone to a lake to try to decide what to do, he falls asleep on a boat and wakes to find himself in the wild west, in the company of such "tall tale" legends as Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, John Henry and Calamity Jane. Together, they battle the same villains Daniel is facing in his "real" world, ending with a heroic confrontation in which the boy stands up to Stiles and his henchmen, and rallies his neighbors to fight back against land grabbers who want to destroy their town.

George Lutz, his wife Kathy, and their three children have just moved into a beautiful, and improbably cheap, Victorian mansion nestled in the sleepy coastal town of Amityville, Long Island. However, their dream home is concealing a horrific past and soon each member of the Lutz family is plagued with increasingly strange and violent visions and impulses.

Travanj 2020. Uslijed pandemije, studentica Parker i njena najbolja prijateljica Miri odluče se staviti u karantenu u obiteljsku kuću na jezeru, gdje će biti same - ili barem tako one misle.

Evan values family above all else, and anyone who gets between him, his wife, and newborn son learns that the hard way. But when it comes to violent tendencies, it seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

John Connor šalje Kylea Reesea natrag kroz vrijeme kako bi zaštitio svoju majku Saru Connor, no kada se vratio u 1984. godinu, ništa nije bilo onako kako je očekivao.

A rash of bizarre murders in New York City seems to point to a group of grotesquely deformed vagrants living in the sewers. A courageous policeman, a photojournalist and his girlfriend, and a nutty bum, who seems to know a lot about the creatures, band together to try and determine what the creatures are and how to stop them.

Iako je uspješno porazila Freddy Kruegera (Robert Englund), Alice (Lisa Wilcox), djevojka koja i sama posjeduje fantastične moći, i dalje pati od noćnih mora. Ovoga puta Freddy djeluje kroz snove njenog nerođenog djeteta koje namjerava iskoristiti kako bi se konačno domogao tijela i nastavio sa svojim poremećnim igrama u stvarnom životu. Kako bi spasila svoje dijete, Alice kreće u potragu za Amandom Krueger (Beatrice Boepple), jedinom osobom koja joj može pomoći.

Mr. Simms returns to tell more eerie, unsettling tales involving dolls, psychics, possession and ghosts.

October 31st begins like any other day. Adults go to work. Children go to school. But when night falls, the real party begins. That's when a young group of friends get together to tell some of the most twisted and terrifying stories imaginable. But as their stories begin to unfold, an unexpected dark side to their personalities is revealed...