"One Direction: This Is Us" is a captivating and intimate all-access look at life on the road for the global music phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis' meteoric rise to fame, from their humble hometown beginnings and competing on the X-Factor, to conquering the world and performing at London’s famed O2 Arena. Hear it from the boys themselves and see through their own eyes what it's really like to be One Direction.

Drama spremlja uporniškega mladeniča Willa Huntinga, ki kot hišnik dela na slovitem inštitutu MIT, čeprav ima fotografski spomin in je matematični genij. Kot gradbenik dela in živi v južnem Bostonu skupaj s prijatelji iz otroštva, posebej s prostodušnim Chuckiejem. V študentskem naselju spozna čedno, inteligentno britansko študentko Skylar in med njima se začne razvijati ljubezen. Univerzitetni profesor in nekdanji državni matematični prvak Lambeau nekoč pripravi poseben izziv za svoje študente: na hodnik pred učilnico razobesi zahtevno matematično nalogo in kdor bi jo pravilno rešil, naj bi imel zagotovljeno oceno pri njegovem predmetu. Will skrivaj opravi preizkušnjo in Lambeau se postopoma dokoplje do briljantnega avtorja pravilne rešitve.

Resnična biografska zgodba o temnopoltem Solomonu, ki sredi 19. stoletja v New Yorku svobodno dela in srečno živi z družino. Zlobna dvoličneža mu ponudita delo, vendar ga ugrabita in na jugu ZDA prodata v suženjstvo. Med mukotrpnim delom na bombažnih poljih zamenja več lastnikov, dokler ne pristane pri sadističnem Edwinu, ki uživa v zlorabljanju sužnjev. Solomon kljub vsem krivicam ne obupa in išče način, kako bi se vrnil k svoji družini. Film je prejel Zlati Globus za najboljšo dramo.

MY ITALIAN SECRET tells a heroic story that was all but lost to history, until now. The film recounts how WWII bicycling idol Gino Bartali, physician Giovanni Borromeo and other Italians worked with Jewish leaders and high-ranking officials of the Catholic Church, risking their lives by defying the Nazis to save thousands of Italy’s Jews.

When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!

Spopad največjih filmskih pošasti, neustrašnega Godzile in gigantskega Konga, se čaka že od leta 1962, ko sta se prvič srečala na velikih platnih. Kralj pošasti in kralj Otoka Lobanj se bosta spopadla v boju za premoč in pošastno superiornost. Dve najmočnejši sili narave bosta na velika platna zagotovo prinesli najbolj spektakularno bitko vseh časov.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

When 4 year old Amanda McCready disappears from her home and the police make little headway in solving the case, the girl's aunt, Beatrice McCready hires two private detectives, Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro. The detectives freely admit that they have little experience with this type of case, but the family wants them for two reasons—they're not cops and they know the tough neighborhood in which they all live.

In August, 2014, a video of the public execution of American photojournalist James Foley rippled across the globe. Foley wore an orange jumpsuit as he knelt beside an ISIS militant dressed in black. That image challenged the world to deal with a new face of terror. And it tested one American family. Seen through the lens of filmmaker Brian Oakes, Foley’s close childhood friend, Jim takes us from small-town New England to the adrenaline-fueled front lines of Libya and Syria, where Foley pushed the limits of danger to report on the plight of civilians impacted by war.

In the center of the story is the life of the indigenous people of the village Bakhtia at the river Yenisei in the Siberian Taiga. The camera follows the protagonists in the village over a period of a year. The natives, whose daily routines have barely changed over the last centuries, keep living their lives according to their own cultural traditions.

Robert je nadarjen znanstvenik, a ostane brez moči ob izbruhu skrivnostnega virusa, ki mu vzame družino in uniči človeško civilizacijo. Zavoljo redke imunosti Robert ostane edini preživeli v New Yorku, toda v temačnih sencah se skrivajo v krvoločne stvore spremenjeni ljudje, ki ponoči prilezejo na plano in iščejo nove žrtve. Med neprestanim begom pred pošastmi, skuša Robert najti zdravilo proti virusu, toda nekdo (ali nekaj) ga ves čas spremlja in čaka, da stori usodno napako.

While hiding from bullies in his school's attic, a young boy discovers the extraordinary land of Fantasia, through a magical book called The Neverending Story. The book tells the tale of Atreyu, a young warrior who, with the help of a luck dragon named Falkor, must save Fantasia from the destruction of The Nothing.

Resnična zgodba o tajni britanski organizaciji iz druge svetovne vojne: Special Operations Executive. Ustanovil jo je Winston Churchill, njihovi napadi na nemške sile za bojnimi linijami pa so pomagala spremeniti potek vojne in so botrovali nastanku sodobnih "črnih operacij".

Zgodba se odvija v ZDA v ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti in se začne, ko se en del držav odcepi od unije in je sedaj sestavljena le iz frakcij. Skupina novinarjev se odpravi na potovanje po ZDA sredi vse hujše državljanske vojne, ki je zajela celotno državo, med tem naletijo na številne izzive, ki ogrožajo njihova življenja. Hkrati se vlada spreminja v distopični režim, radikalne oborožene skupine pa pogosto sodelujejo v političnem nasilju. Film raziskuje globoke delitve v ameriški družbi in predstavlja temačno in nekoliko preroško vizijo prihodnosti.

An African prince decides it’s time for him to find a princess... and his mission leads him and his most loyal friend to Queens, New York. In disguise as an impoverished immigrant, the pampered prince quickly finds himself a new job, new friends, new digs, new enemies and lots of trouble.

Ko štirje srednješolci odkrijejo staro videoigro Jumanji, za katero še nikoli prej niso slišali, se nenadoma znajdejo v zabavnem svetu džungle in postanejo avatarji po svojem izboru: Spencer tako postane piflarski raziskovalec, športnik Fridge postane pravi Einstein, priljubljena Bethany postane srednjeveški profesor, nežna Martha pa se spremeni v neustrašno bojevnico. Toda zabava bo kmalu prerasla v nekaj drugega, ko bodo odkrili, da se Jumanjija ne samo igra – treba ga je preživeti.

British documentarian Nick Broomfield creates a follow-up piece to his 1992 documentary of the serial killer Aileen Wuornos, a highway prostitute who was convicted of killing six men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Interviewing an increasingly mentally unstable Wuornos, Broomfield captures the distorted mind of a murderer whom the state of Florida deems of sound mind -- and therefore fit to execute. Throughout the film, Broomfield includes footage of his testimony at Wuornos' trial.

Growing up in Barstow, CA, high school senior Andrew hopes for a bigger world -- but his devotion to his mother, Sandra, and his awakening attraction to newcomer Jenny, combine to keep him tied to home. Andrew's loyalties become confused and his prior ambitions begin to fade as he realizes he must make the most difficult of all decisions -- choosing between himself and the people he loves.

Story of a neglected teen with mild Asperger’s syndrome whose life is changed forever when tragedy hits his family.

Policistu Mahoneyju in njegovim prijateljem s policijske akademije se v četrtem nadaljevanju pridružijo civilni borci proti kriminalu, ki kot prostovoljci nudijo svoje usluge. Med njimi je tudi Sharon Stone, ki se zaljubi v enega od policistov. Seveda je tu še vedno nepriljubljeni poročnik Harris, ki bi dal vse na svetu, da bi mladim policistom in njihovemu nadrejemu komandantu Lassardu spodletelo. Harris se že vidi v Lassardovem stolčku, zato namerava poskrbeti, da bo pogruntavščina s civilnimi borci proti kriminalu neslavno propadla.