Apu is a jobless ex-student dreaming vaguely of a future as a writer. An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 1996.

A little girl is taken on a mind-bending tour of her distant future.

Two filmmakers travel around impoverished sectors of the cities of Bogotá and Cali in search of the images of abjection needed to complete a documentary commissioned by German TV. Meanwhile, another camera captures these “vampire” filmmakers feeding off the misery of their marginal subjects.

Baran the Bandit, released from prison after serving 35 years, searches for vengeance against his former best friend who betrayed him and stole his lover, teaming up with a young punk with his own demons along the way.

The story of Joseph, a man plagued by violence and a rage that is driving him to self-destruction. As Joseph's life spirals into turmoil a chance of redemption appears in the form of Hannah, a Christian charity shop worker. Their relationship develops to reveal that Hannah is hiding a secret of her own with devastating results on both of their lives.

Jean Valjean sa dostal na galeje kvôli tomu, že ukradol chlieb, aby nasýtil svoju hladujúcu rodinu. Kvôli neúspešným pokusom o útek sa napokon na slobodu dostal až po dvadsiatich rokoch ako skutočný zločinec, ktorý bez rozpakov klamal a kradol. Vďaka dobrote starého biskupa napokon našiel v sebe silu zmeniť svoj osud a stal sa z neho vážený starosta mestečka Vigau. Nanešťastie sa novým veliteľom miestnej polície stane inšpektor Javert, ktorý Valjeana pozná z galejí.

Three characters living in an unfinished painting venture out into the real world in search of their creator to convince him to finish his work.

Abandoned by his father, a young boy is left in the hands of an unqualified childcare provider.

Komediálny thriller sa odohráva na západnom pobreží Írska. Policajt z malého mestečka Gerry Boyle (Brendan Gleeson) má konfliktný charakter, zvrátený zmysel pre humor, umierajúci matku, záľubu v prostitútkach a, hlavne, ho vôbec nezaujíma medzinárodný obchod s kokaínom, kvôli ktorému mu jedného dňa na dvere klope agent FBI Wendell Everett (Don Cheadle).

A father tells his little boy the most epic bedtime story ever.

Colonel Steve Austin, astronaut and test pilot, is badly injured when he crashes while testing an experimental aircraft. A covert government agency (OSI) is willing to pay for special prosthetics to replace the eye, arm and both legs he lost in the crash. Highly advanced technology (bionics) built into them will make him faster, stronger and more resilient than normal. In return they want him to become a covert agent for the OSI. It will cost $6,000,000 to rebuild Steve Austin.

Dva citliví predajcovia umenia z Manhattanu, Ouisa a Flan nájdu v Central Parku telo pobodaného mladého muža a ich životy sú od tej chvíle obrátené hore nohami. Zdá sa, že tento záhadný mladík nikdy nebol tým, za koho sa vydával.

Leto 1939. Vplyvné rodiny v nacistickom Nemecku posielajú svoje dcéry dokončiť školu do anglického prímorského mestečka. Majú sa naučiť jazyk a stali sa vyslankyňami budúceho šírenia národného socializmu. Tamojší učiteľ pochopí, o čo ide a snaží sa vyvolať poplach. Úrady sa však domnievajú, že problémom je on.

In a post-apocalyptic world where the Russians have taken over a nuked USA and Elvis is king of Lost Vegas, Buddy is a '50s rocker and wandering warrior rolled into one, too-cool package. Armed with his six-string in one hand and his sword in the other, Buddy is on his way to Vegas to succeed Elvis as King. Along the way, he saves an orphan who decides to tag along.

Escalating climate change is turning the world economy upside down. With crops dying and food price spiking, FOOD has replaced oil as the world's most valuable commodity. Among the very few lands still left fertile, Indonesia is quickly rising as the next economic superpower, when its government is suddenly and ruthlessly overtaken by a popular rogue political party. In just three days, six former Marines must work together, find their long-lost brotherhood, stop a nationwide government- sanctioned genocide, and save millions of lives, for one last shot at redemption. Or die trying.

Nastassia Kinski hrá hlavnú hrdinku filmu Irenu, krásnu mladú ženu, ktorá neprináša len pôžitky, ale tiež nepredvídateľné tragické následky. Vášeň jej prvého romantického vzplanutia je tak silná, že Irena dokáže prekonať všetok chaos, ktorý ju obklopuje, vrátane mimoriadnych požiadaviek jej brata a odhalí svoj vlasný fantastický osud. Mačací ľudia sú erotickou fantáziou vášne a hrôzy, ktoré vyvoláva prvá láska mladej ženy. Túžba, vášeň, krv v zajatí vlastnej žiadostivosti.

Oscar winner William Wyler directed this 1944 "newsdrama," narrated by Lieut. Robert Taylor, USNR (Bataan), and photographed in zones of combat by the U.S. Navy. The film follows one of the many new aircraft carriers built since Pearl Harbor, known as THE FIGHTING LADY in honor of all American carriers, as it goes into action against the Japanese in the Pacific Ocean in 1943. See the ship and its pilots undergo their baptism of fire, attacking the Japanese base on Marcus Island. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with The Film Foundation.

Keď sociálna pracovníčka zistí, že divoká a vzdorovitá 14-ročná Carla je tehotná, odvezie ju do centra pre dospievajúce matky "La Maternal"

A teenage boy plays truant from school, and spends the day riding around the town and the deserted beach on his bicycle, letting his mind wander as he imagines he is the only person in the world...

My Best Friend's Birthday is a partially lost black-and-white amateur film. The original cut was about 70 minutes long but due to a fire only 36 minutes of the film survived. It is about Mickey, who has been dumped by his girlfriend, and Clarence, who's trying to give his friend an unforgettable birthday.