An ambitious Colombian actress living in Buenos Aires juggles a day job with theater rehearsals and casting calls as she struggles to fulfill her dreams. An opportunity arises when she meets Lalo, a successful producer that shows her a glimpse into another life and she is suddenly willing to give up everything she has for a chance at success.

COAL COUNTRY tells of the dramatic struggles around the use and acquisition of coal.

Following an inappropriate remark towards a woman, a young man finds himself plunged into a parallel world where he will endure a series of remarks and micro-attacks usually reserved for women.

Imagine a rusted, medieval film can having survived centuries, a long lost D. W. Griffith / Georges Méliès co-production, a film left to us from the Bronze Age, a time when images were smelted and boiled rather than merely taken, when they poured down like silver, not to be fixed and washed, but free to form and coagulate into unstable, temporary molds, mere holding patterns of faces, places, and things, shape-shifting according to whim.

A female standup gets bumped when a famous comic returns following sexual misconduct allegations.

An amnesiac man escapes the hospital he has been admitted to and is aided by doctor Roma Banerjee, who takes him to her father's country house. While treating him she falls for him and he for her. They marry, but an accident makes him remember his life as a rich man in Calcutta and completely forget the time spent with Roma. Roma follows him to Calcutta.

Třetí počin v sérii cestopisných dokumentů Dana Přibáně popisuje cestu autora a jeho přátel napříč Jižní Amerikou v mnohdy nechvalně proslulých, leč svým způsobem kultovních vozítkách. Půvabnou dynamiku skupiny na plátně ještě podtrhuje kvalitní řemeslné zpracování.

Bad Indian – The Villain Origin Story, is a coming of age comedy-drama about Abbey, a young woman from Croydon. When Abbey lies to her strict Catholic Indian Mother about her rejection from Cambridge University her only method of escapism is to have one memorable night at the infamous Tiger Croydon’s A-Level Results Party. But what happens when the truth she's been running from violently slaps her in the face.

Short experimental film by Jordan Belson

A married woman has an affair with a suicidal lover while caring for her husband's sick relatives.

One of the southern cities of Russia during the NEP. The famous doctor and his wife are killed, the person living opposite Schwartz is kidnapped. The bandits were looking for gold. Then there is a diversion at the factory. The Chekists find out that a man is implicated in everything, posing as a businessman Bespaly, he is Lieutenant Voronov, aka “Chaly” - the leader of the gang. With the selfless efforts of the operatives, the gang manages to neutralize.

The Last Fight is a documentary by Victor Vroegindeweij about Marloes Coenen, a superstar and pioneer in the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Marloes is close to the end of her career, but she feels a great urge to go for the title fight one last time, to become world champion at Bellator MMA.

In late winter when the cold is severe, the people and dogs are glad to stop their trek and make camp. In the blue dusk the men probe the snow and then cut building blocks while the women shovel a site. Soon all are under cover, and in the wavering light of the stone lamp they sleep, their breath rising coldly. In the light of day the men test and refurbish their spears, harness dogs to the sled and strike out on the sea ice. Each man, with a dog or two, explores the white waste, seeking scent of a seal's breathing hole. When a dog noses the snow, the man probes for the hole and, when he finds it, suspends a single looped hair to signal when the seal rises to breathe. Then he waits, motionless, to make his strike. He kills, and the others gather to taste the warm liver of his catch. Then, as night comes, the vigil goes on.

Sarah Kamya is a school counselor in New York City. She began the project Little Diverse Libraries on June 3rd and has already raised over $13,000, supported black owned bookstores, and has distributed 775 books to Little Free Libraries across all 50 states. Sarah is helping educate communities while most importantly amplifying and empowering black voices.

Nikita is a student from the Kharkiv region who lives in Kyiv with his boyfriend Serhiy. His relationship with his religious mother is hideous due to her adverse treatment of his son’s sexuality, which has led him to abandon his faith in God. Nikita quarrels with her on his birthday because she sent him his cross pendant and asked the son to return to “the right path”. The next day, on February 24th of 2022, the couple wakes up from explosions and news about the beginning of a full-scale war with russia. Nikita realizes he can’t reach his mother by phone anymore.