A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

  外表落魄邋遢的浪人武士三十郎(三船敏郎 饰)来到一个小镇,清兵卫(河津清三郎 饰)和新田丑寅(山茶花究 饰)两家恶霸在那里为争夺地盘,招兵买马经常争斗,弄得民不聊生。三十郎决定从中设计,引诱双方雇佣自己,再加入不同方造成两边拼斗,由此坐收渔利,消灭对方。 但随着丑寅弟弟卯之助(仲代达矢 饰)的加入,情况又发生了不同,他手里握有短枪,占得优势,清兵卫的势力被打败,三十郎甚至也受伤不轻。但是决战在所难免,椿三十郎独对丑寅、亥之吉等众人,身处劣势的他如何能剿灭对方呢?

Did an 18-year-old immigrant from the slums murder his father in cold blood? The twelve jurors must find a unanimous verdict.


The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

A day in the city of Berlin, which experienced an industrial boom in the 1920s, and still provides an insight into the living and working conditions at that time. Germany had just recovered a little from the worst consequences of the First World War, the great economic crisis was still a few years away and Hitler was not yet an issue at the time.

电影改编自法国剧作家西里·贾里(Cyril Gely),2011年大获成功的同名舞台剧。故事主要发生在1944年8月24日夜晚,巴黎里沃利街上的(Rue de Rivoli)莫里斯酒店(Hotel Meurice)里。这座建于18世纪的酒店历史丰富,据说拿破仑的情妇还踏上过隐秘的后楼梯。当时,酒店则是肖尔铁茨的指挥部。 盟军于1944年6月登陆诺曼底后,正步步向巴黎进发,希特勒下达了焚毁巴黎的命令,偌灵则要极力劝服负责执行这一命令,已经在埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院和塞纳河大桥上布置好了炸药的肖尔铁茨,放弃焚烧,保住巴黎的大街小巷,名胜古迹,和无辜居民。 这幕经典的政治大戏几乎全是两个角色的对手戏,一边是资深外交官偌灵,另一边则是既希望忠实履行军人天职,又不希望背负摧毁巴黎恶名的肖尔铁茨。两位主演尼尔斯·阿莱斯楚普(《预言者》《我心遗忘的节奏》)以及安德烈·杜索里埃(《巴黎香颂》《漫长的婚约》)的表演,收获国外影评人赞誉。跌宕起伏与唇枪舌剑,展示出有的时候,历史的转折就握在几个关键人物的手中。 历史上,偌灵与肖尔铁茨并没有如此戏剧化的“巴黎一夜”,而是在盟军开进巴黎之前,进行了多次会面,偌灵最终劝服了肖尔铁茨,放弃焚毁巴黎的计划。

评论员兼喜剧演员比尔·马赫 (Bill Maher) 在与信徒谈论他们的信仰时扮演宗教的魔鬼代言人。马赫环游世界,审视基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教的信条,并提出有关同性恋、基督存在的证据、犹太安息日法、暴力穆斯林极端分子的问题。


1967年,丹麦电影导演乔根·莱斯(Jørgen Leth)创作出颇具实验色彩的作品《完美的人(Det perfekte menneske)》。也许乔根本人都没料到,四十多年后,他的作品竟会以如此奇特的方式被人记起和关注。始作俑者拉斯·冯·特里尔,Dogma95的发起者,他邀请乔森按照常识(challenge on the technique)、表达手段(absence of figure)、自由发挥(challenge on personal limit)、动画(形式的多样化)、内容(deprivation of contents)等电影创作的五种基本形式重拍《完美的人》,且在重拍基础上还要进行再创造。周旋于孟买、哈瓦那、布鲁塞尔等地,一部奇特的电影人之间的互搏悄悄诞生……

描述一名美国士兵夏尔洛在第一次世界大战时,参与壕沟战,在一场进攻德军阵营的作战中,单枪匹马成功的俘虏了13名德兵,又在大战中把德军耍的团团转,在最后的情节,他以技巧性的活捉德军前线司令(此片影射兴登堡将军),使得大战结束,并在字幕上表示“Peace on earth—good will to all mankind. 世界和平—人类将会美好”,就在他成为英雄时被众人喝采下,镜头突然一转,原来是夏尔洛还是新兵的时候,在军帐中做的一个梦罢了…。



Three bachelor roommates Unni Krishnan, Vinod and Boney spend time drinking and dating. Their brahmin neighbour complains about the noise. The lives of the three roommates change when they find an abandoned baby girl at their door step one day. When their attempt to find the baby's father fails, they decide to bring up the baby and name it Kingini.

Someone from another planet crashed on Earth and evil is chasing him, and then love appears, and it defeats evil through an amulet.

Otto is Friesland's answer to Rambo and stands between two worlds, two women and two animals. While he's trying to cure a dog with bite inhibition and a cat with suicidal tendencies, the dream of his sleepless nights crosses his path: Gaby. Otto falls instantly in love, but Gaby thinks only of Amboss, a real guy with muscles of steel and a brain of rubber. Well, Otto on the other hand is not exactly well built and attractive. But he's determined to get the lady's attention, even if it means taking part in body-building competitions...

In 1889 pioneers race ahead of the law to claim free land in Oklahoma, forming wide-open towns. In one such, citizens elect Milt Dawson to challenge the self-appointed rule of gambler Ace Holmes, only to have him shot in the back. But leading the next batch of settlers is Milt's quick-on-the-draw son John, who gets help from friendly outlaws.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.