Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...

Jim McKay (G. Peck) umirovljeni je pomorski kapetan i bogati brodarski magnat koji zbog skore ženidbe s privlačnom Patricijom 'Pat' Terrill (C. Baker) napušta Baltimore i kreće na Divlji zapad. Njegova zaručnica Pat je temperamentna kći utjecajnog zemljoposjednika i stočara Henryja Terrilla (C. Bickford), umirovljenog bojnika i vlasnika golemog ranča Ladder. Nakon što među lokalnim kaubojima i mještanima izazove podsmijeh zbog svog gospodskog držanja i 'gradskog' šešira neprimjerenih životu na zapadu, Jim će otkriti da taj kraj potresa žestok sukob oko izvora vode kojom se napaja sva stoka u okolini. Izvor se nalazi na velikom imanju Big Muddy učiteljice i Patine najbolje prijateljice Julie Maragon (J. Simmons), a oko njega se prelamaju različiti interesi. Pored bojnika Terrilla, tu su njemu suprotstavljen i podjednako moćan rančer i stočar Rufus Hannassey (B. Ives), njegova četvorica sinova predvođena kukavicom Buckom (C. Connors), te predradnik Steve Leech (C. Heston).

A reporter and a promiscuous young woman try to solve a series of child killings in a remote southern Italian town rife with superstition and a distrust of outsiders.

Brandon Ma (Brandon Lee) is a regular working Joe who holds down two jobs, so he can support his girlfriend May and his dream of owning a motorcycle. Brandon's best friend is Michael, an ambitious and murderous dope peddler. Michael covets May and so he comes up with a plan that will win her for him, and solves a problem he's been having. It seems that an undercover cop named Sharky has been using his police connections to dominate the local cocaine trade, so Michael has him killed and uses Brandon as the fall guy. Brandon goes to jail, though he thinks that he will be released soon thanks to the efforts of his good buddy Michael. Eight years later Brandon finally gets out of jail and vows revenge.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

Dok u provincijskom američkom gradiću markantni svećenik vjernicima okupljenima u mjesnoj crkvi drži nadahnutu propovijed. Usred mise pojavi se muškarac koji izvuče pušku i prema velečasnom ispali nekoliko hitaca. Ispostavi se da je svećenik zapravo varalica i kriminalac John "Thunderbolt" Doherty (C. Eastwood), kojeg progone nekadašnji kompanjoni. U bijegu mu pomogne mladi kradljivac automobila Lightfoot (J. Bridges), pa se privremeno udruže u bijegu pred Thunderboltovim progniteljima. Sazna da je Thunderbolt s pokojnim suradnikom i dvojicom koja ga progone, Redom Learyjem (G. Kennedy) i Eddiejem Goodyjem (G. Lewis), opljačkao banku u Montani, poslije čega je pokojni suradnik sakrio plijen od pola milijuna dolara. Red i Eddie su uvjereni da ih je Thunderbolt onda prevario.

Johnny Kovak joins the Teamsters trade-union in a local chapter in the 1930s and works his way up in the organization. As he climbs higher and higher his methods become more ruthless and finally senator Madison starts a campaign to find the truth about the alleged connections with the Mob.

In order to escape a greedy Pokémon hunter, Celebi must use the last of its energy to travel through time to the present day. Celebi brings along Sammy, a boy who had been trying to protect it. Along with Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of the gang, Sammy and Celebi must encounter an enemy far more advanced than the hunter, with the fate of the forest hanging in the balance.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

A look at what goes on backstage during the last broadcast of America's most celebrated radio show, where singing cowboys Dusty and Lefty, a country music siren, and a host of others hold court.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

When her husband is framed and imprisoned for serial murders, a doting wife must perform a copycat murder, to prove her husband's innocence.

A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.

Ambrose McKinley, slijepi vojni veteran, postaje dio naizgled mirne zajednice gdje se nada da će moći izgraditi normalan život. Nažalost, njegove planove poremeti tajanstveni manijak koji na zastrašujuć način ubije Ambrosove susjede. Vrijeme je za još jednu bitku!

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

Recently orphaned, a young boy is taken in by his godmother who is shocked to realize that she can see the boy's imaginary friend: a flamboyant, French magician named Bogus.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.

When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it